Page 1 of Please, please, please help me....I just cant hack my Samsung-511...!!

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Please, please, please help me....I just cant hack my Samsung-511...!!

Abatino (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd May 2001, 13:23

I have done the steps which u can find on this site over and over again but i just cant hack it...
I wanna copy my DVD`s on VHS but the screen keeps going dark to light...i dont know what to do anymore...
could anybody please tell me in detail what to do because i might have looked something over....I would REALLY appreciate it...
thank you

RE: Please, please, please help me....I just cant hack my Samsung-511...!!

wonder (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd May 2001, 14:56

send me your e-mail address to
and i will e-mail u a hack

the reason the dvd`s go from dark to light is because the are macrovision protected, whis means the are code encrypted to stop copies and you have to find a way to make your dvd player macrovision friendly

RE: Please, please, please help me....I just cant hack my Samsung-511...!!

3dcandy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd May 2001, 00:54

Samsung 511 when hacked DOES NOT disable Macrovision. I believe that you will need a hardware solution to tape dvd`s either by a mod to the player, or an external hardware Macrovision remover!

Several places appear to offer them....

RE: Please, please, please help me....I just cant hack my Samsung-511...!!

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd May 2001, 13:06

Maplins, for example - TB79L, price £49.99.


RE: Please, please, please help me....I just cant hack my Samsung-511...!!

the shepster (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 28th May 2001, 11:18

ive bought the sonel mac master
£24.99 from sonel on the internet
it works perfectly, no probs whatsoever
its a modified scart lead!!!
but you will need an extra plug socket cos it needs a 12v adaptor

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