Info and forum posts by 'the shepster'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 7th April 2001, 19:19, Last used: Saturday, 7th April 2001, 19:19

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Own a samsung 709
grundig 1420 dvd/tv combi
computer with lite-on dvd player

This user has posted a total of 13 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Charlies Angels - Bad movie

i agree, i bought the movie for the girls
but the question is.....whose the best out of the three!!!!


is it possible to buy a VCR that displays in true RGB
my Sony W/S TV only plays well in RGB
anyone else noticed their Sony TV`s are a crap display when
watching analogue.

RE: Mega Widescreen

thanks Mark
i appreciate that
i agree, i think they could encode different aspect options on the disc
or at least a 16X9 version!

the only discs i`ve seen with encoded P+S are the film four movies,
East is East, Shes all That and Snatch are the only ones i`ve got on R2

RE: Mega Widescreen

James Cameron is on record as saying he prefers open matte
versions of his films!!!!!!
i just think widescreen is fine on a 30ft screen
but my 32" widescreen has a bit of a problem, thats all

i would like to think with all the technology
they could release a special edition 16x9 for us DVD owners

RE: Anyone have a Sonel `Mac Master`?

bought mine abut 2 months ago
i also bought the exta power supply (cost an extra £6)
it works excellent
the copies are as good as my samsung without macrovision
well worth the money

Mega Widescreen

am i the only person who doesn`t like mega widescreen

There is no TV in England that is 2.35:1
Yes,yes, i know original theatrical blah blah blah

but most movies are shot with extra space above and below the height that is seen at the cinema
Gladiator is a good example!!!
i have the video and the DVD
i see more on the VIDEO,
some of Russells head is missing on the DVD
i calculated that they could have fitted the width of the DVD image and the height of the Video image to make a perfect 16:9 production
same for American beautyand Practical Magic
so why mega widescreen!

RE: Green Mile 10 shawshank redemption 9

No cometition
Shawshank wins by a (green) mile
Shawshank is the best film i`ve seen in ages
just watched the green mile, not a patch n it i`m afraid

Shawshank has got everything you want in a movie and them some!

Grundig 1450 TV/DVD

Anyone wanting a combi should buy this!
excellent picture and nicam sound, every DVD works so far!!
although its only 14in TV it has a clever zoom facility!
if the DVD is anamorphic it uses the extra lines so theres no loss of picture and cuts of the edges to fit it on screen
great idea, i wish my samsung 709 did the same

Hack needed for LITEON LTD122 DVD ROM

can anyone help!!!!

i need a region hack and a macrovision disabler for the above DVD ROM
i have got a TV-out thats why i want a macrovison disabler also

RE: Please, please, please help me....I just cant hack my Samsung-511...!!

ive bought the sonel mac master
£24.99 from sonel on the internet
it works perfectly, no probs whatsoever
its a modified scart lead!!!
but you will need an extra plug socket cos it needs a 12v adaptor

RE: Hack for Gundig TVDVD-1450 Still needed

me too, i`ve tried everywhere!!!

its got a matsui front screen with the mastercare helpline
but none of the matsui hacks work

if you want to get rid of macrovision try the sonel mac master
it works a treat!


thanks mate but the matsui hack doesnt work.
the remote is totally different to a matsui.
it has two menu buttons and the mute is in
the middle of the remote.


does anyone know of a hack for the grundig 1450 14in tv/dvd combi
i`ve tried all the matsui and grundig hacks but none work.