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Hitachi 505E Problem....!

FantaC (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 26th April 2001, 14:18

Hi one and all,

before you ask, YES I do have the firmware for REGION FREE and MACRO FREE. I have been trying to get my DVD player to run through my video so that I don`t have to keep on swapping leads around(as I only have one SCART socket in the back of my TV). It does seems to working reasonably nicely apart from a horizontal banding going down the screen and a slight jump-iness(Is that a word?) to the images as well. I tried to record from a DVD to video for testing purposes(Promise..!) and the waving lines became more apparent, more jump-iness and it was GREEN.

I know what you`re going to say, "It`s probably the SCART lead". But as you can probably guess, I have tried several with the last lead being £25 gold plated effort(Still no luck!).

Can anyone help?
Can it be the firmware?
Is it the DVD Player?
Is it me?(I doubt it......!)

Anyway, thanks in advance to those that offer support for my needs!

FantaC c¦(;-o)+<

P.S. My video(Sony) and TV(JVC) are both brand new.

RE: Hitachi 505E Problem....!

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 26th April 2001, 17:45

Fantac are you using the multiregion macro firmware from my site?

if so did you bother to turn off the macro in the loophole menu?

RE: Hitachi 505E Problem....!

FantaC (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 26th April 2001, 22:15

Yep! and Yep!

This item was edited on Thursday, 26th April 2001, 22:16

RE: Hitachi 505E Problem....!

Nigz (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 29th April 2001, 14:45

I have the same problem (plays through Video, but cannot record ; image appears green with bits of pink and VERY stripey !!!)

One point I have noticed is that when I access the Macrovision option in the loopholes menu, when you move the cursor to OFF, the narrative at the bottom of the screen states that it disables Automute (and that is the next option down the screen !!)

Any help would be appreciated. Being able to back up my DVD to VHS would save my collection from my 3 year old daughter !!

RE: Hitachi 505E Problem....!

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 29th April 2001, 17:30

That is just the text for automute.

The guy who hacked the firmware couldnt be bothered fixing the text pointer thats all!

It should work other people say it does.

Did you restore defaults?

RE: Hitachi 505E Problem....!

Nigz (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 29th April 2001, 19:46

How do you restore defaults ??

RE: Hitachi 505E Problem....!

FantaC (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 29th April 2001, 23:53

Nigz has explained the problem I am having exactly, down to every last detail. It seems to me that if your going to do a job like that you might as well get everything correct, including making sure that the text matches the fields......! This saves people like me explaining these type of things on these forums, other people might not be as astute.



P.S. Is it possible it is the type of video we have even though MACRO has been turned off?

This item was edited on Sunday, 29th April 2001, 23:56

RE: Hitachi 505E Problem....!

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Monday, 30th April 2001, 08:14

you can restore defaults in the menu.

what VCR`s have you got?

also who him (the guy who did the hack)is a very busy man.

just ask clayts

RE: Hitachi 505E Problem....!

FantaC (Competent) posted this on Monday, 30th April 2001, 13:06


What will restoring the defaults do which could affect this problem?

I have actually got 2 VCR`s, the first a Sony SLV-E275 and the other a brand new Sanyo VHR-M290.


P.S. I can understand that people who hack things are generally very busy, but, how much time would it take to fix the text pointer(I can`t imagine it would take that long) I am an electronics engineer and could probably do it myself with the right equipment....!

RE: Hitachi 505E Problem....!

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Monday, 30th April 2001, 15:33

When the firmware is flashed I dont think the new software is set fully until you have restored the defaults.

it says this in the instructions on my page.

also whohim is hacking lots of firmwares for lots of ESS players so he is busy if you can fix the text then go for it!

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