Info and forum posts by 'FantaC'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 3rd November 2000, 23:15, Last used: Friday, 3rd November 2000, 23:15

Access Level: Competent

About this user: You can e-mail me for more information on a specific subject, any DVD related subjects welcomed.


This user has posted a total of 86 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.07 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Phillips DVD 711

Hi There,

This could be one of two problems......!

You have your dvd player hooked up through your video, in that case R1 discs will not play in colour in most cases! You would generally get macrovision problems also using this method...!

NOTE:- you cant use the phono type video cable either!!!!!!

You will have to link it directly into you tv using a scart lead NOT phono cables

If that is not the case and your dvd player is going through your tv then your tv cant handle the NTSC signal....! You will need to try it on another tv!

Hope this helps

FantaC c¦(;-o)+<

RE: compaq DVD 117

Hi There, again

You can use a couple of little utilities called: -


to find out specific info......


FantaC c¦(;-o)+<

This item was edited on Wednesday, 6th February 2002, 22:43

RE: compaq DVD 117

Hi There,

Can you give a little more info about the drive, cababilities ie speed etc and also the firmware number.


FantaC c¦(;-o)+<

RE: LG DVD-ROM drive DRD - 8160B

Hey There,

I think this is what you are looking for........ Use this link, it gives a list of the drives that can be worked on and an in-depth method on how to achieve the hack.


FantaC c¦(;-o)+<

RE: calling clever people.....please help!!!

Hi There,

YES the universal remote hack does work for this player. However the hack does NOT disable macrovision. There are a couple of ways to get around that though.

The first being a little gadget that fits onto the scart socket either on the dvd player or at the video end, there have been several posts describing the gadget but at this moment I can`t think of the name! I`m sure if you search for Macrovision, something will turn up. The other way is to have a video that doesn`t maintain the scrambled video image. There are several SHARP video models that are not affected by macrovision.


FantaC c¦(;-o)+<

Hitachi 505E Lip Sync Errors

Hi There,

Has anyone been getting problems with DVD`s & Video CD`s having lip sync errors?


FantaC c¦(;-o)+<

RE: Hitachi 505e VCD Help

Pleeeeease, someone must know something...........!

FantaC c¦(;-o)+<

Hitachi 505e VCD Help

Hi There,

Right here goes........! I decided to see how easy it was to back up one of my DVD`s to VCD. I chose `Enemy At The Gates` and ripped the DVD to the hard disk of my computer onto a seperate partition that I use for audio CD`s etc. It ripped OK, my computer then spent a day converting the files into MPG files with the following standard VCD properties: -

Frame size: - 352 x 288
Picture type: - PAL
Frame rate: - 25fps

After completion I ran the MPG files from my computer and they worked liked a treat. I then used Easy CD Creator 4 to create the VCD DAT files from the MPG files. Easy CD Creator creates VCD 2.0 discs which is I believe, the latest format for VCD. Everything seemed to go great, I even created a fancy menu system.

NOTE: - By the way, if anyone wanted to know what PBC is for, it is something to do with VCD menu systems. If it is OFF the menu will be skipped and play the film automatically, if it is ON then the menu systems will be used. I still don`t know what PBC stands for, if anyone knows please let me know!

I then wacked the disc into my Hitachi 505e and it seemed to work fine, the menu was great and the quality was nearly as good as the DVD. Until..... about half an hour into the film the disc started to lose lip sync, about five seconds worth.

After all that spiel, can anyone come up with a reason for the loss of lip sync. What I can do, is turn off the player and restart the VCD then forward to the part where it started and it will be alright for a while then lose the lip sync again at a different part.

Any help is welcomed.


FantaC c¦(;-o)+<

P.S. I have tried the disc on my computer and it works fine!

RE: Hitachi DV-P505e any info please?

Hi There,

There is an option which is supposed to improve the picture but it hasn`t been confirmed by anyone and I can`t say it improves the picture on my Hitachi 505e. It is only said to enhance the DVD picture quality, but, in theory should work for a VCD as well. It is something to do with the dithering option, this is related to sound dithering which in the Hitachi`s case can cause some strange effects to do with the picture and certain DVD`s.

Hope this helps, whether it will or not is another matter............!

FantaC c¦(;-o)+<

RE: Is HITACHI DV P505 REALLY Remote Hackable?? Help needed.

Hello There,

You have got half way there, but not quite far enough! You can NOT hack the 505 directly by the handset alone. You must update the firmware on the player itself first. To do this you must acquire the ROM file, burn it to a CD-R/CD-RW disc, place it in your player and wait for about a minute before the ROM update has completed. Then you can use the remote to access the new features. The best site for this is the dedicated Hitachi site(when it is updated or even working..........! Only Joking Dukey
: -

Do you have access to a CD-R or a CD-RW? If not, I am such a nice bloke that if you send your home address to me via e-mail I will pop it in the post for you. Anything to help a fellow Hitachi owner.


FantaC c¦(;-o)+<


Hi There,

So it worked, but what were you doing wrong.....!



Hi There,

I take it you have upgraded the firmware on your player....! Of course you have! If you haven`t you`ll have to download the firmware from dukey`s site: -

,burn it to a CD-R and then insert it into the drive of your 505. The firmware will then be upgraded.

If you haven`t upgraded your firmware, you can still get into the loopholes menu but the region and macro option won`t be available.....!

When changing the region and macro, it doesn`t matter if you have a disc in or not. If there is a disc in make sure you press STOP twice, or if you want to do it without a disc inserted then all you have to do next is the following: -

(1) Press SETUP on the remote;
(2) Press LAST on the remote;
(3) Press SKIP REV on the remote;
(4) Press SKIP FWD on the remote;
(5) A list will then appear with REGION ID and MACRO being 2 and 3 in the list respectively.
(6) Change the region and `Backup` your DVD`s to your hearts content!

You can also get into the test screen as well, it is exactly the same as above apart from SKIP REV and SKIP FWD being the other way around.


This item was edited on Tuesday, 17th July 2001, 02:31

Hitachi Help

Hi There,

Just wondering how to get the code for the Hitachi DVD players to work with the One4All All-in-One 6 universal remote! I have entered the code from the All4One web site and all it seems to do is turn my Hitachi 505e on and off!

The support staff don`t seem to be of any help, and also it is one thing that a lot of people forget to include on these forums. Types of universal remotes and the corresponding codes.

Perhaps, it is a good idea to have something on the subject...!

Any help Dukey!


This item was edited on Friday, 8th June 2001, 21:32

RE: Apple G4 Powerbook - DVD multi-region conversion

Hey there Verthy....!

I can tell you now, your our of your league here. You might very well know all there is to know about `Philips` players(although I am still getting on with my macro hack...) but, as well as being an electronics engineer I am a damn good Computer Analyst. I know most things to do with a computer that most people could never imagine.


P.S. Anyway, if your not going to add to this thread with any useful info then you had better stick to your bloody Philips DVD players, Ehh! I have got rid of my stupid Philips player and opted for the Hitachi(A much better alround player)

This item was edited on Sunday, 13th May 2001, 01:38

RE: IBM A21P - Region free

Hey, come on. I posted a reply for you and you aren`t going to get back to me......!


RE: Apple G4 Powerbook - DVD multi-region conversion

Hey, come on. I posted a reply for you and you aren`t going to get back to me......!


RE: Hitachi 505 - problems using IronDukes Firmware

Hey There,

I think there`s going to be a contradiction here. When I got my Hitachi 505E and downloaded the Dukey`s firmware, the filename was massive(about 20 - 25 characters long). I thought it was a little strange to have it that long, never-the-less, I burnt the CD and it didn`t work. So, I decided to use my noodle, I renamed the file to BANK30.ROM and lo and behold it worked like a treat.

Anyway, I have e-mailed you the exact file from the CD that I created.



P.S. I used EasyCD Creator 4!

RE: Hitachi 505E Problem....! A new little problem.


This item was edited on Thursday, 10th May 2001, 14:44


Hi There,

I am in consultation at the moment with a MAC user, you can click this link to find out more: -

It`s upto you which thread you use, I`ll find your replies.



This item was edited on Thursday, 10th May 2001, 14:36


Hi There,

I have actually found out that there isn`t an RPC-1 firmware available as yet....! Sorry!

But to keep upto date on all that type of news, this is the web site to view. Good luck.



RE: Hitachi 505E Problem....! A new little problem.

Cheers Dukey!



Well, I tried your suggestion. It still flicks between PAUSE and PLAY, and ends up on the video recording! Maybe I`m just being picky, but, I am Mr. Perfect! I WILL find a way to beat it and I`ll keep you updated(That`s if you want to be.....!)


This item was edited on Thursday, 10th May 2001, 14:41

RE: Apple G4 Powerbook - DVD multi-region conversion

Hi There,

Firstly you will need to gather some information on your DVD drive, use this link to download a utility for gathering information about you DVD drive. Then post it`s findings here and I`ll see if I can help you.

You can change your region using this software, BUT you will need to find out if your drive is RPC-1. If it is you can use this software to change the Macintosh software player.

If your dirve is RPC-2 then don`t do anything until I can find a possible firmware for you, so that it can be changed to RPC-1. You can then use this software for region changes.



This item was edited on Monday, 7th May 2001, 23:19

RE: IBM A21P - Region free

Hi There,

With the information provided, you might have a problem then. Whilst the firmware update is in motion you are not supposed to do anything until the operation has been completed. You could have damaged your DVD player. Let`s dis-regard the possible bad news for the moment and try again with the following link (scroll down to about half way): -

Also, with the Matshita (aka Panasonic) you have to be careful with the firmware you update with. You have to change the region code first of all and then you must know the initial firmware version. And always read the instructions before doing anything!



This item was edited on Friday, 11th May 2001, 16:32


Hi There,

For starters, with it being a laptop it may be harder to hack. If you download the following small utility it will tell you what type of DVD-ROM drive you have i.e. RPC-1 or RPC-2.

If it is RPC-1 then you won`t need an updated firmware, just DVD Genie to trick it. If it is RPC-2 then you will need an updated/hacked firmware and DVD Genie.

When you have found out let me know. Also, tell me what type of software you are using or whether you are using a hardware decoder.



RE: Hitachi 505E Problem....! A new little problem.

Hi again,

The reason being, that the film starts too quickly before the video kicks in. My video needs a little time to do the indexing bit first, Is it beacuse my Sony video is a little slow......? I find that it chops the initial 2 seconds of the film off and is even more annoying when doing the special features as these go straight into interviews etc.

When I use to do the recording using my PC I use to have a black screen for about 10 seconds and then play the film, this made it look a little better. I stopped using my PC for this as it use to jump occasionally which spoilt the whole of the film.

Is there any way of masking the text that appears so as to not transfer onto the video?



RE: My DVD-ROM drive is locked in Region 1...

Hi There,

Glad to be of service, ENJOY!



RE: Hitachi 505E Problem....! A new little problem.

Hello again,

Although that particular problem has been sorted, I do however, have another question. How can you turn off the OSD when using PAUSE, PLAY etc? As the text is recorded to the video when `Backing Up` a DVD.



RE: My DVD-ROM drive is locked in Region 1...

Hi there,

As I`ve said before, `There`s always someone that will get around something`. DVD-ROM`s aren`t an exception, there is an RPC-1 firmware for your machine: -

This is the latest version (2.06) for the Pioneer DVD-114 (IDE 10X/40X);

NOTE: - You must use a pure DOS environment, NOT a DOS shell. If you are running an OS that can`t leave the normal GUI(i.e. NT) then get a boot-up disk. And always READ the readme file.



P.S. You do this at your own risk though! Not that any (to my knowledge) have ever gone wrong!

This item was edited on Monday, 7th May 2001, 00:26

RE: Hitachi 505E Problem....! SOLVED

Nope, I was trying the Royle Family - Series 2. And YES it was NTSC, as I pressed it several times to find out the order. It is MULTI, PAL, PAL60, & NTSC. Mine was definately set to NTSC as the next option was MULTI............! Hmmmmm! Weird ehhhh?

Oh well never mind, it works now. Thanks for your help and advice, and your forum is excellent with a wealth of knowledge.

