Page 1 of Is the Philips 711 limited to 25 remote hacks?

Hack Help Forum

Is the Philips 711 limited to 25 remote hacks?

Sammy Valtino (Competent) posted this on Monday, 9th April 2001, 22:08

Some sites say the remote hack is limited to changing the region 25 times, is this true?

RE: Is the Philips 711 limited to 25 remote hacks?

hongkong_uk (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 10th April 2001, 07:20

If you mean the hacks using your original remote then yes it is limited (as I found when my 957 locked in region 1, which was a bit of a problem, as I had only borrowed a region 1 disc and didn`t own any!)

But if you use a One for all remote (model no:URC-7541) you can hack it and forget it! I now have a multiregion player that I don`t have to change regions manually and plays RCE discs! AWESOME!!

I believe the hack can be found at :

I hope this has helped.

P.S. Don`t worry that it says a different model no on the page, as it hacks all Philips player (or most anyway)

Let me know how you get on. ;-)

This item was edited on Tuesday, 10th April 2001, 07:22

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