Page 1 of hitachi dv 305e anybody cracked it yet

Hack Help Forum

hitachi dv 305e anybody cracked it yet

toz (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 14th January 2001, 20:14

hi all my first post so hope somebody can help.

i have read the forum about this hack but it does not work as people have said when i get to language select screen to press repeat then the number, the language sets to german as i press the first number(3) of the crack.
the instructions say that it should show a number 2 in the top corner but it does not.any help would be apriciated.

so as i said as anybody managed to do it yet.

This item was edited on Sunday, 14th January 2001, 20:22

RE: hitachi dv 305e anybody cracked it yet

FM (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 14th January 2001, 20:49

You should select language first and only then press REPEAT and digits...

RE: hitachi dv 305e anybody cracked it yet

toz (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 15th January 2001, 01:14

hi yes ive done that , the hack i read on this forum states that when u select your language i.e. english then pres the hack digits it should display a number 2 in the top left hand corner and then you press the multi region number (9) but theres no number 2 in the top left hand corner.
thanks for your help thow
still stuck.

RE: hitachi dv 305e anybody cracked it yet

Steve - (Competent) posted this on Monday, 15th January 2001, 18:06

there is the option of the chip if you were not aware of this ...


RE: hitachi dv 305e anybody cracked it yet

John Fillingham (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 15th January 2001, 20:59

Steve, I have bought the chip from dvdchips and I have to say that it is not a practical solution as the chip is so small and the pins are are so difficult to solder that I would say it is to difficult for even the most adept DIY guy to achive a result damage to the Hitachi is a more realistic result.

RE: hitachi dv 305e anybody cracked it yet

Steve - (Competent) posted this on Monday, 15th January 2001, 21:55

Well many people would disagree with you ... soldering four wires from a modchip to the motherboard is within the ability of most DIY soldering iron users ... however if you have bought a chip and are unable to complete the installation simply return the chip with a note (including your order number ) and I will refund your card .... this is the reason we place all of our installation instructions online .. so that you can take a look at them before your order the chip .. nothing is hidden it`s all there for you to see before you make that purchase ..


RE: hitachi dv 305e anybody cracked it yet

Borris (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 16th January 2001, 00:06

Ive also got the 305e, why would we want to invalidate the Hitachi warranty if it may be possible to still remote hack the unit?

Anyone know how to check the firmware version? and where to download the older versions?

RE: hitachi dv 305e anybody cracked it yet

dela (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 16th January 2001, 00:30

Open the machine and it is a label on the far right side on top of a small chip. (Six screws I think, philips head should do it)

It`ll say v4.0xxx or something similar with a date (backwards)

If it`s v4.03 (like mine) a oneforall6 or 5 remote may do the job for you.

See the post `Hitachi DV305e success! elsewhere on this forum. Me and two other long sufferers have got it nailed with this remote hack.


RE: hitachi dv 305e anybody cracked it yet

Warren Butler (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 16th January 2001, 16:31

The software hack for the DVP305 only works on models with a firmware date after August 2000. The hack is the same as for the Samsung 709 and can be found at

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