Info and forum posts by 'toz'

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(sorry if wrong forum) technika 104 anybody got serious remote interferance?

(as stated apologies if wrong place first)

the problem i have with the (superb btw) technika 104 from tesco, is a real irritating one, and that is every other controler i have in the house, which remote,sherwood amp,,video,, and norm tv remote... they all interfere with this model

,i.e i can see when say,setting amp up for surround sound the dvd remote signals apearing on the tv, this also happened when i went to mute my tv sound with the sky controller.

now although not a very big problem but as u can apricite a damn annoying one, and i was wondering if anybody else had come across this problem,if so have u managed to fix it at all??

oh and finally is there an actual official website addy for technika. ( daft thing is i swear on first day i read manual i saw one,but cant find it now :) )

thanks for any help

RE: Technika 104 Hack

hiya m8 above, :)

i just got this dvd player, and tried both versions here, and just let me say, i have an rce encoded (the best one i test my multi region hacks on), and its the one above with the "volume" buttons up and down, and not the left and right buttons.

worked first time.

RE: Need a multi region hack for a TEVION HT95

:( still no joy then chaps, agh well.

as to clay the down direction u suggest is the very 1st thing i tried , to be honest when i saw the menu up i couldnt contain my excitement, and strightaway keyed in down, ermm nope then up,nope then left,aghhhh then right.

all in all nothing.

again i really do belive thow that after all this trying i still feel its the 1379 menu we need to attack because absolutly nothing else works.

i also think that nothing will work outside the setup menus, it just feels that way after the hrs upon hrs of clicking :D.

aghhh well keep going guys, i may be able to get the dvd again this weekend so ill be able to have another go.
good luck

RE: Need a multi region hack for a TEVION HT95

woo guys u have been busy :P:P

being as ive no dvd now to keep going i must tell you about the 7hrs+ last night brought me.

the conversations between tom and clay, i can tell u both this much, i get the distinct feeling that nothing at all does anything except the setup/prefrences/1379.

trying anything else at all does absolutly nothing and i do mean nothing.

the real thing i do feel thow is we just need to get to access the region 2 menu.
if u had a screeny u would see that the prefrences menu above is still highlted with the selection icon, were as the box with the region 2 in it is a large grey box that really to me looks like you need to highlight it some way (this is the major stumbling block i feel), and then when its highlighted then and only then will you be able to change the regions.

on the other hacks suggested here at no point do you get a so called refrance number or version number.

well to be honest i wish id still got it so i could finish what i started lol.

so good luck all ill try and get hold of it again this weekend to have a go again.

This item was edited on Friday, 10th October 2003, 01:49

RE: Need a multi region hack for a TEVION HT95

well guys iam glad you apriciate my hard work :D. ill take region 2 italian job as my prize then :D:D (just kidding)

i just want to add to the above posts the "clicking down" does not get us into the region change number.the ronin one above has that worked because that doesnt sound like i got the region menu up at all, because you only get that menu up by pressing 1379 on the prefrances menu and none of the others.
and then absolutely none of the directional up/down keys work.

i have i think tried everything possible but no matter guys i can not get to the region menu to change it, very strange as well as annoying, you can imagine my glee when up popped the region menu :). only then to be thwarted at the last fence.:(

i did go on for another 2 hrs trying to get it to change.

in regards to the phone call,yup it was tevion and i went stright to the point telling them id got the hack myself,and thinking they would show some sympathy by giving me the end, i got the ditinct impression i was actually telling them what to do, especially when they asked about the hack themselves, and then sticking me on hold why they tried themselves. and they basically finished by saying they hadnt been given 1 yet, and they said they might get one in the future.

anyway to finish with

sadly i know longer have the dvd at home to test on, as the father in law as taken it back, but i would really apriciate being kept informed obviously to pass on the end bit hopefully.

i will keep trawling the net in my quest :D :P

This item was edited on Thursday, 9th October 2003, 21:13

RE: Need a multi region hack for a TEVION HT95

well guys update

i just got of the phone with em and it sounded like they were trying the same things as me when i explained to them i had opened the menu code, they to couldnt get it to work.

so really my opion is they dont know one yet and they said as much when i asked them stright out have you got a code there and they said no.

what it did sound like thouw once i had given them my code to open the region menu they were going of leaving me on hold then coming back, and in then end like me giving up.

so it looks like were gonna have to find the last bit ourselvs, although now i must admit iam getting close to giving up ive tried everything to change region 2 but no way.

ill keep u posted guys.

RE: Need a multi region hack for a TEVION HT95

well guys thats me to bed :P ive been at it all night, and its not even my player :D,

ive got it till tomorrow night i think so ill continue my quest tommorow, and hopefully finish off the job ive started.

just say thow, i really cant see how to change the region menu now ive got to open it, ive pressed everything possible :D i think , any way ill be back :D

RE: Need a multi region hack for a TEVION HT95

lol thx m8

me to now have pressed probably every key imaginable, startin to get worried now , surely i can find that last bit :D fingers crossed. i can see me playing me italian job yet :P:P:P:D

RE: Need a multi region hack for a TEVION HT95


guess what guys ill take the italian job dvd as my prize (just kidding)

guys you not gonna belive this

scroll right to preferance page

and viola.......

but aghhhhhh i cant change the region come on guys i got ya this far. :D :D:D:D

RE: Need a multi region hack for a TEVION HT95

yup m8 as ive said the only one ive ever had show a world map is my rce encoded spiderman, i think you it says rce on the back somewere.

as for the info above about the menu down exiting the setup menu, lol iam with you already on that, i noticed to its the only 1 that exits the menu that way.
i do think thow the way were gonna get this is by opening a factory setting menu were the regions will be set there.

but iam still trying :D.

RE: Need a multi region hack for a TEVION HT95

were did you get the phone number to tevion or even a proper website anybody?

ive tried looking but no joy.

RE: Need a multi region hack for a TEVION HT95

m8 u say when you try the disk you get the world map, my guess is your trying an rce disk and thats even harder to play (only 1 player out of the 4 i have does the world map thing)
otherwise i just get little "wrong region" sign in top left corner""

try another original normal region 1 disc.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 8th October 2003, 22:56

RE: Need a multi region hack for a TEVION HT95

yup worked first try for me guys.
dvd was region 1 time machine.
dont forget the annoying on screen little square in right corner.

were getting closer :D:D

oh just want to add something for all...
who ever invented the remote with the rubber numbers really does want something nasty putting in his tea :P :D

This item was edited on Wednesday, 8th October 2003, 22:55

RE: Need a multi region hack for a TEVION HT95

guys iam watching a region 1 dvd as we speak on my ht 95 :D

now dont get to excited, go here
and u see were it says load your dvd reg 1 into the tray and close
while menu is trying to load repeatedly press 1 as many times as u can

this got my region 1 playing

it does however leave some osd by pressing the n/p key gets rid of wrong region notice, but does in the end leave the little square in the top right corner.
and as of yet not got rid of that, but iam continuing in my quest :D


no menus at all work , like play, pause and stuff, infact the only way i got mine to stop was to open the tray.

i will get it :)

this guys also proves to me that its definatly possible.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 8th October 2003, 22:10

RE: Need a multi region hack for a TEVION HT95

just want to add has anybody tried this , cos i cant get to the drive to test, after extensive searching i want somebody just to have a go at this.

the usual 1 going around for tevion the 1 6 7 thing
instead of trying mute can somebody go try 0 instead.

ive done my best to translate from a french site and it looks like somebody had success and what i can make out it looked like they tried 0 instead of the "mute" key as all these ones suggest.

RE: Need a multi region hack for a TEVION HT95

well guys i too are looking for this players crack for the outlaws :D

just want to add iam surprised to see folk dont recomend the cyberhomes dvd player (my player) i know its not a theatre set up aout the box, but ive spent over 500 quid setting my sound system using the cyberhomes as my base player, and it playes absolutly everything and i do mean everything.and now ive seen it at 75 quid in some places, and absolute bargain

anyway hope this cracks found soon father in law ringing up every hr lol.
btw iam searcing to.

should be a prize for the person who gets it :D:D:P

whats best dvd connections/scart,svhs,composite,etc

has anybody got any suggestions about the best settings,the reason i ask is that ive just changed my dvd player, and the old one had a scart lead as the only connection that came with it.
now the new one has only got composite cables, but i have connected it with the scart lead i had spare.ive always been lead to believe that scart was best.
anybody any ideas, any suggestions would help.

RE: alba dvd103 remote hack needed please help

thanks for that, i found that out just after the post but thanks anyway , not had chance to try it yet someones borrowed my region 1`s

but really impressed so far better sound and pic than my proline.
what about the new thing thow that stops some discs playing is it cracked already for that as well.
thanks again

alba dvd103 remote hack needed please help

hi all
just bought alba dvd 103 after my proline 1000 broke
has anybody got the remote hack
i know there is one because i read a dvd mag review before i bought and it said in the small [rint that is was multiregionable but they didnt tell you.
any help please.

proline 1000 whats best way for connection to tv+problem

i am just using the standard scart lead that came with it is this the best way.the pic qualitys a bit wavy on the startup screen although the dvd`s are ok.
also ive noticed this evening a strange buzzing noise when the player is on ,i thought it was my tv at first but then i put the player on standby and when i did that it stopped so obviously its the player ,has any body else had this problem and if so what is it and what do i do about it.
thanks all

RE: hitachi dv 305e anybody cracked it yet

hi yes ive done that , the hack i read on this forum states that when u select your language i.e. english then pres the hack digits it should display a number 2 in the top left hand corner and then you press the multi region number (9) but theres no number 2 in the top left hand corner.
thanks for your help thow
still stuck.

hitachi dv 305e anybody cracked it yet

hi all my first post so hope somebody can help.

i have read the forum about this hack but it does not work as people have said when i get to language select screen to press repeat then the number, the language sets to german as i press the first number(3) of the crack.
the instructions say that it should show a number 2 in the top corner but it does not.any help would be apriciated.

so as i said as anybody managed to do it yet.

This item was edited on Sunday, 14th January 2001, 20:22