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Hack Help Forum

Help Please - Hack For Phillips DVD 751

Phil Luckett (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 2nd January 2001, 18:57

Hi, Does anyone know the hack for the above player please.

Many thanks.

RE: Help Please - Hack For Phillips DVD 751

Alan A (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 2nd January 2001, 19:24

Have you tried the hack for the 750 as detailed on this web page

Best regards

RE: Help Please - Hack For Phillips DVD 751

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 2nd January 2001, 20:50

READ THROUGH THE FORUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lazy SOD!

RE: Help Please - Hack For Phillips DVD 751

Phil Luckett (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd January 2001, 19:23

I saw it but I didn`t want to use it especially if someone else had already discovered a working hack for the 751

RE: Help Please - Hack For Phillips DVD 751

Phil Luckett (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd January 2001, 19:26

I have looked and searched but I am looking for a specific hack for 751 - The idea of a help forum is to get help so I suggest if you have a problem with that (which you obviously do) then you go and join some other forum where you can waste your own and other peoples time.

Nothing is "verth" than a complete idiot like you

RE: Help Please - Hack For Phillips DVD 751

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 4th January 2001, 00:53

EXCUSE ME?........

What do you think i do here?.....I offer help to those who need it and I reply to every e-mail i receive.....

What i don`t do encourage needless postings.......All the info is already here, if you take the time to read........

I had to do that six months why cant you?

As for being an idiot?.....If it wasn`t for me you wouldn`t have the hack in the first place.........

My oneforall universal remote hack was first tried on a 751...which is the player that i have......SO YES IT WORKS.....and if you have read through the forum you would have seen this infromation......

And...em.....puns are suppossed to be funny........but dont worry, I`m sure Cannon and Ball are looking for a new script writer...


RE: Help Please - Hack For Phillips DVD 751

Ian Court (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 4th January 2001, 15:43

Phil Luckett: If you`d care to check the region hack pages of this very site, you`d find that there is an index for all of the fully remote hackable players. If you click on any of the Philips links, it will bloody well tell you that the hack works for all Philips DVD players. And lay off Allan Verth. If it wasn`t for him, none of us would have known about this hack in the first place. Is that clear enough for you?

This item was edited on Thursday, 4th January 2001, 15:44

RE: Help Please - Hack For Phillips DVD 751

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 4th January 2001, 17:11

Cheers IAN!......

By the way......I will have some info on the 701 problems that people are having after this weekend......

as for macrovision?.....I`m still up to my eyeballs in Firmware revisions!............BUT I WONT GIVE UP......

RE: Help Please - Hack For Phillips DVD 751

leviathon (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 4th January 2001, 19:51

Errrr, does anyone else feel like they have just entered a typical AOL chat room full of arguing kids...Hello...isnt this a help forum...I did notice a comment about going to another forum...Good idea, there we might find some people a little more mature...grow up people this is the real world.

RE: Help Please - Hack For Phillips DVD 751

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 4th January 2001, 23:26

Hi Leviathon....

em....did you want some help?.....

Philips DVD`s are our if you`ve got any questions fell free to ask......

I dont agree about this being like an AOL chat room.......i haven`t been propositioned by a 60 year old man wanting to cyber in here! (not yet anyway!)

This item was edited on Friday, 5th January 2001, 08:33

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