Page 1 of need region hack for APEX AD1100WB

Hack Help Forum

need region hack for APEX AD1100WB

DLT (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 13th December 2002, 17:58

Can anyone tell me a region hack for the above player? If not I will throw the cheap and nasty thing away!!

RE: need region hack for APEX AD1100WB

David Robinson (Competent) posted this on Friday, 13th December 2002, 20:29

there is no hack for this player, you can however patch the firmware by visiting and downloading the all in one firmware upgrade which will make the player multiregion remove macrovision and allow you to play vcd/svcd discs, be warned however if the flash process goes wrong for any reason you could be left with a dead 8lb doorstop...

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