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We have a Chicken in the ranks

Andiroo (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 26th September 2005, 19:03


26/9/2005 Mr Flibble visfix a baby 114 107 114 18 3 15 Refused

OK, so its most lickly you`d have lost - but not garenteed. I would not be where I am now if I`d refused all the chalanges that were above me, some of which were more than 5 places I am above you.

Save a cow, eat a vegiterian.

RE: We have a Chicken in the ranks

visfix (Competent) posted this on Monday, 26th September 2005, 20:16

If you are given the option to refuse a fight, surely that is my choice? I have not had one challenge accepted yet, but everyone who is 5+ places above me, and a lot stronger etc is quite willing to give me a pasting for some easy points.

Picking on a weaker guy for easy points, and you`ve got the nerve to use the word chicken?

RE: We have a Chicken in the ranks

wac77 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 27th September 2005, 00:32

You Are right it IS your choice but NOT a very smart one!!
Refusals tend to get you 0 challenges from the refused grem in the future!! Plus many others will see you run from a fight and will not bother with you either.
Hence costing you alot more than a few beat downs Which is what happens when you are at the bottom of the ranks!.

The rerason you have had very few accepted fights is you are challengeing ONLY those below you and most of those owners create a grem have a fight or two and never do it again (look at their win/lose record before you challenge, if they only had 1,2,or 3 fights chances are they abandoned the grem and you are wasting a challenge)

You are complaining about a challenge from a grem 5 spots up from you. You are given 10 challenges a day so you figure most owners challenge the next 5 up and the next 5 down, from their current rank. So you saying we are picking on you is a crock of S#!^&! Expect challenges from any grem within 10 ranks of you up or down. Any challenges from a grem 10+ ranks higher IS picking, anyone within 10 ranks is just looking 4 a fight so stop whining about getting your butt kicked and take it like a man!

You refused me and your STR was higher than mine my dex and sta are higher BUT 1 or 2 good hits from you and you could have won. BUT you were a whimp and lost any chance at the 3 xp or more if you could have if you had done some damage.


RE: We have a Chicken in the ranks

wulfs (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 27th September 2005, 00:46

I am only 2 spots ahead of you and you refused me too! (I don`t even think I was ahead of you at the time of the challenge either)
Whats with that?
Why play if your just gonna run away from every fight?

RE: We have a Chicken in the ranks

Keg beer sucks (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 27th September 2005, 09:42

I`ve not challenged VisFix much but have always been accepted, even when way higher in the tables

Fat Bottomed Girls are fine for Queen to sing about.
Fat Arsed Yanks are a pain.

RE: We have a Chicken in the ranks

Keg beer sucks (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 27th September 2005, 10:13

OH and to the person going on about challenging Grems below you as if it`s a bad thing.

DO you only challenge those above you?

If you do you won`t move up the table much due to the stupid point scoring system in place at present, one we were told was going to be sorted a couple of weeks ago.

I freely admit that the majority of my challenges are to Grems below me, because I know I have more chance of winning, in those challenges I tend to use tactics to cut my strength advantage and boost BOTH Gremlins XP awards.

Those above me I challenge are picked because I know they are owners who don`t simply go down the HIT HARDER route but actually try different tactics.

Some of the Grems below me that I challenge have no chance at all but I still challenge them as they are long standing owners (at present players like Moth, DetSub & PhilPhrenzy can expect regular challenges from me because of a past history of many close fights) who I want to help move up the table, 3 XP is better than none, my 18 will do me fine, and I dont` expect them to challenge me back, as I have had good battles with them in the past when we were more level.
Fat Bottomed Girls are fine for Queen to sing about.
Fat Arsed Yanks are a pain.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 27th September 2005, 11:22

RE: We have a Chicken in the ranks

visfix (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 27th September 2005, 17:31

I remember when this used to be a `fun` thing to do. My last proper grem got to be No.2, and I had fun getting there, winning AND losing!

I can and have played the game within the rules, however, I will not have one persons view of the rules forced upon me.

wac77 and Andiroo, you need to stop taking it so seriously, it is only a game!

Oh, and btw, you don`t have to worry about refusing any of my challenges, I will kill my gremlin, and retire gracefully, as I am obviously a bad sport.

Good luck to the rest of you, and remember, it is a bit of FUN!

RE: We have a Chicken in the ranks

Andiroo (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 27th September 2005, 18:13

I try and pick on Grems both above mine and below. You could say I should not
chalange any above mine as its most likely to lose. Not a good way to get up the leage table. So each grem owner is now in a dilema - chalange grems above you and you get pasted or chalange grems below you and be accused of picking on a weeker grem.
Visfix - its the refusal that niggles me, I realy don`t care if my grem wins or loses, gains 3 points or 30. As for seriously, I`ve yet ot take anything seriously.

The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that
cannot posibly go wrong, is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong
goes wrong it turns out to be impossible to get at or repair.

RE: We have a Chicken in the ranks

Keg beer sucks (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 28th September 2005, 17:38

Having said all that MTIGER is definately a chicken.

Refusing fights from grems BELOW him in the table.

Fat Bottomed Girls are fine for Queen to sing about.
Fat Arsed Yanks are a pain.

RE: We have a Chicken in the ranks

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th September 2005, 08:20

MTIGER has refused almost all my challenges. Basically, if you want to be the best, you have to be prepared for everything. I accept challenges from everyone above me or below and have never ever refused anyone. If I lose its a learning experience, if I win, woohoo!!! You get more experience points for inflicting a good deal of damage to gremlins above you, sometimes even more points for losing, than winning against someone very low down, and so it is worthwhile.
:p:p:p D-I-C-A-N-I-O :p:p:p

This item was edited on Thursday, 29th September 2005, 09:27

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