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Gremlins Forum

In Bruce`s Footsteps...

BeepBeep (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 21st June 2005, 10:45

:o :o


:B :$ :o :B :$ :o

Well, I appreciate everyone giving the heads up on Bruce the Bonus and his antics in refusing matches -- but well, I have found someone to join his club -- in fact, I have a nomination for President of Bruce`s Refusal Club...

SpitChokenGag -- the second generation of SpitChokenPuke -- came into the gremlin world with one goal in mind -- to become as strong as humanly possible. Of course, now that Spit is reaching old age and has surpassed the 4500 mark for strength, not too many others challenge him -- he does pack one heck of a wallop! BUT -- seeing as how this wallop occurs -- and wanting to maximize my XP, Spit has (almost exclusively) been making his challenges to those above him in the standings (usually the top ten) -- and I have been REFUSED by pansy gremlin NUFFIN despite the fact that HE is three places ahead of Spit in the standings...

12 (+4) Nuffie Jobs Worth getting on 10778 140 5095 4003 337 154 183

15 (0) SpitChokenGag BeepBeep silver haired 10599 4899 3150 500 352 205 147

Nearly 200 points AHEAD of me in the standings and I get the big R!

Just thought you all should know... ;)

Spitting, Choking, and Gagging until the end!

RE: In Bruce`s Footsteps...

sarah k (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 21st June 2005, 12:38

but you are nearly 35 times stronger than him.

i`m not defending his actions of refusing you as people who know me know i hate gremlins who refuse.

RE: In Bruce`s Footsteps...

BeepBeep (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 21st June 2005, 13:30

Yes, I am -- but I`m also quite a bit stronger than any of the gremlins on here -- I can only challenge UP or the fight is over in one or two rounds. Others in my family are taking the standard "build stamina and dexterity" approach -- I decided on the path less travelled. The higher ranked grems actually have a pretty fair record against Spit -- and no one has refused a challenge until now -- guess I`ll just have to use the standard approach on my next grem -- like everyone else!

RE: In Bruce`s Footsteps...

holistic therapist (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 21st June 2005, 14:40

there is actually no stand approach to gremlins. it`s up to you where you put your xp.

the two gremlins in the top 30 all time league with high strength are

Raven IV (The Rebel) Michael J R.I.P. 25330 1000 13920 5500 696 491 205


the nameless one sarah k R.I.P. 17870 1164 7676 5860 532 317 215

but that is not as high as yours. the rest have low strength.

saying that hopi iv is playing this game with high strength :)

This item was edited on Tuesday, 21st June 2005, 15:43

RE: In Bruce`s Footsteps...

Keg beer sucks (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd June 2005, 20:26

My strength is 10x Nuffie and I have never been refused.

I never refuse a challenge but would assume the reason someone with such a stats difference as the original poster is only in it for the quick win.

I challenge Nuffie & Nuffie challenges me back .... we both know that, despite my strength advantage, we will have a close fight.

If a challenge like the one Nuffie refused came in I would accept it .... I would NOT return the challenge.

Fat Bottomed Girls are fine for Queen to sing about.
Fat Arsed Yanks are a pain.

RE: In Bruce`s Footsteps...

BeepBeep (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 23rd June 2005, 03:25

Those who return the challenge are few and far between, "I Hate", and one knows that when he goes for strength over the standard dex/stam combo that nearly everyone else uses. It just REALLY seems silly to me that with strength being one of the three attributes that someone can use to try and succeed at this game, that when someone starts using it successfully, others start refusing their challenges. Pathetic Weakling has also joined the refusal club -- as sarah k pointed out, I am nearly 35 times stronger than these grems (pretty easy when they have added nothing or very little to their strength all along) -- but they also ALL have more total points than I and are definitely above me in the standings. My hat is off to all those of you who ACCEPT my challenges -- I typically only get 10 fights per day because of my disease (aka strength) -- and heck, I`ve lost four times in the last two days. Best of luck to those who stand in the ring and allow those who sing a different tune to enjoy this game too -- the true champions are those who BEAT all those below them in the standings -- not the ones who run from those they`re scared of!! Again, silly to me when there is NOTHING to lose when accepting a challenge.

And another point about not returning the challenge -- it can work both ways as well -- those who refused will not receive anymore challenges -- from me or the other members of my family playing the GAME.

As to "I Hate"`s comment...
"but would assume the reason someone with such a stats difference as the original poster is only in it for the quick win."

I have to say -- no, quite the contrary -- I challenge ONLY those who have enough stamina to withstand a few hits -- and hopefully even can take me at least to the 18th round or even beat me in 20. I was in pursuit of the `strongest ever` crown -- but my strategy failed here at the end -- I will adjust and see if I can`t top it someday.

I don`t have my stats from the last two days when I challenged, but here`s the comparison from what I am today to what they were when they refused...

Today SpitChokenGag 5659 3150 500 381 227 154 (11579 total)

22/6/2005 pathetic weaklin 55 5002 5862 359 172 187 Refused (12639 total)
21/6/2005 Nuffie 140 6050 4476 383 181 202 Refused (12476 total)

And incidently, I had NEVER challenged Nuffie while they were beneath me in the standings -- Nuffie refused the first and only challenge I made -- pathetic is almost the same story -- I issued the first challenge to that grem the day before and won -- they then refused the next day.

That`s okay -- I`ll just build my next grem like everyone elses` -- and I`ll enjoy watching 20 rounds of 6, 7, and 8 damage punches -- and I`ll hope that I get challenged more than the next guy so I can make it to the top ten! NOT! The strategy will change a bit -- but Spit and his descendents will always be sluggers!!


RE: In Bruce`s Footsteps...

sarah k (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 23rd June 2005, 05:22

ok i accepted your challenge.

but when you have Strength: 5683 against my Strength: 218 why click "hit harder" even with the rest of my stats being decent, and your dexterity being 500 against mine of 480. there is no way on this earth i could get anywhere near your strength.

as I Hate stated yesterday i also regularly fight Nuffie and he not only accepts but also challenges me back. I know we both have similar strength. Why scream and shout he has refused you and then quietly post that "pathetic weakling" also refused you. once again a gremlin that you had over 100 times more strength than.

Those who return the challenge are few and far between, "I Hate", and one knows that when he goes for strength over the standard dex/stam combo that nearly everyone else uses.

if you know this why are you surprised that you aren`t getting many challenges?

I also dispute your fact that those with high strength do not get many fights.

this is from the all time league
98 (-9) Gelo3 Tazzles R.I.P. 12422 6000 2752 400 530 327 203

150 (-6) Steamboat willy IV The Original Fake R.I.P. 11223 5848 2175 300 465 290 175

106 (-7) UncUgly 4 UncUgly R.I.P. 12265 5785 3200 100 424 318 106

123 (-7) uNCuGLY 5 UncUgly R.I.P. 11940 5700 3000 100 474 314 160

This item was edited on Thursday, 23rd June 2005, 06:32

RE: In Bruce`s Footsteps...

BeepBeep (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 23rd June 2005, 06:07

but when you have Strength: 5683 against my Strength: 218 why click "hit harder" even with the rest of my stats being decent, and your dexterity being 500 against mine of 4800. there is no way on this earth i could get anywhere near your strength.

um, because I barely beat you in the 18th round (you closed with a minus 248 ) -- without the 50 extra points that my "hit harder" gave me, my three hits could have had 248 less damage points and you would have won the last two rounds and thus the fight.

if you know this why are you surprised that you aren`t getting many challenges?

This isn`t about me GETTING challenges -- it`s just a statement of my lack of understanding of the sportsmanship involved in refusing the challenge of someone lower than you in the standings. I know why I get few/no challenges -- it didn`t start this bad until after I passed 5K strength and no one wants to challenge someone that may knock them out quickly. If anyone would care to look at a few of my matches, I also use `conserve energy` to lower my strength for the lower tier of the ten challenges I make -- that makes for a longer fight and more points for me.

My point, sarah, is simply that both Nuffie and Pathetic Weakling could have easily gone 18 rounds with their extreme advantage in dexterity -- you got 28 points from my challenge and it didn`t cost you anything -- it was my challenge. If 248 damage points had been shaved off my 3 punches, you`d have received 34 points for the match and 10 points for the win -- so 28 with a loss or 44 with a win -- both of them got ZERO -- and I wasted two challenges on grems with higher overall stats (by a pretty good margin) than myself.

My reference to "not getting too many fights" was not intended to say that NO ONE with high strength gets fights -- I have 383 myself -- but most of those came in my 20+ match days before I became dominant. If not for family feeling sorry for me, I`d be getting 10 or less (with the refusals) a day.

Coincidentally, the match that you were so gracious to accept from me did move me up another spot -- past one of unc`s grems -- to #4. Thanks! (sincerely)

I just think that it is humorous that people go off on guys like Bruce who refuse challenges from those above them in the standings -- everyone has certainly been rattling his cage -- then I speak out about TWO grems who are superior overall to my own, and the tables are turned into ME being the one who is unreasonable. I`m playing the game just like everyone else -- just using a different strategy that the vast majority of players -- and for me, I don`t want to sit on top until I can say that I, at least, will accept the challenges of those below me.


This item was edited on Thursday, 23rd June 2005, 07:10

RE: In Bruce`s Footsteps...

holistic therapist (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 23rd June 2005, 06:31

Coincidentally, the match that you were so gracious to accept from me did move me up another spot -- past one of unc`s grems -- to #4. Thanks! (sincerely)

that isn`t necessarily true. as league places are only sorted out at midnight every night. at the end of today you might not have passed unc. or are you on about in the all time best league?

This item was edited on Thursday, 23rd June 2005, 07:35

RE: In Bruce`s Footsteps...

Lamplighter (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 23rd June 2005, 10:40

I think Spit was talking purely about his relative ranking for strength -- all time. He had 4 grems (all RIP) in front of him for strength -- now he has enough points to move past another one of the four and into fourth most strength all-time.

This item was edited on Thursday, 23rd June 2005, 12:03

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