Info and forum posts by 'holistic therapist'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 1st March 2005, 09:09, Last used: Friday, 9th September 2005, 15:22

Access Level: Competent

About this user: I am a Reiki Healer and I`m training to do Holistic Therapies ( massage, Indian Head massage, Reflexology and Aromatherapy). I am also trained to do Thermal Auricual Therapy ( aka Hopi Ear Candling). Hopefully by this time next year I will be just about ready to set up my own business. Some of you are already aware that I am Sarah K`s alter ego and Charli 2005`s mum :)

I look forward to fighting everyone.

This user has posted a total of 136 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.02 messages a day, or 0.13 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: mmmm i wonder if michael j quaking in his boots?

wrong forum sorry :(

This item was edited on Friday, 15th July 2005, 05:53

RE: What is wrong with some of you....

I`ve just been done over by hollistic using hit harder, for no real reason, there was no danger that i was going to win...see here

you challenged me and had a higher strength than myself. the fact that you chose to conserve energy and lost some of that strength is certainly not my fault :¦ so i should ignore the rest of the stats and not chose to hit you harder just so you don`t moan.

RE: What is wrong with some of you....

your taking on bruces traits

no i`m not i pressed hit harder by mistake. i meant to press do nothing. you didn`t complain when i fought you the day before.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 13th July 2005, 05:29

RE: Ha -ha - Not dead yet ! - and three challenges to give away today !

thank you a nice long fight even if you did get the points :)

RE: Ha -ha - Not dead yet ! - and three challenges to give away today !

hey i asked for one :(

i`ll take a challenge off you anyway

RE: Ha -ha - Not dead yet ! - and three challenges to give away today !

just a shame phil and rowboat wally 2000 didn`t manage to beat either of you and he still has to look up to not only sarah k but you as well in the all time best league. never mind phil and have a good time in yorkshire. :)

i`ll take a challenge off you anyway :)

This item was edited on Friday, 1st July 2005, 07:51

RE: Ellie Bear2 needs challenges!!!!

do you still want more when/if you are free?

now that`s a silly question to ask her! :D

RE: Hall Of Shame

but yours was a genuine accident and you are excused as you have admitted it

RE: In Bruce`s Footsteps...

Coincidentally, the match that you were so gracious to accept from me did move me up another spot -- past one of unc`s grems -- to #4. Thanks! (sincerely)

that isn`t necessarily true. as league places are only sorted out at midnight every night. at the end of today you might not have passed unc. or are you on about in the all time best league?

This item was edited on Thursday, 23rd June 2005, 07:35

RE: Hall Of Shame

Sorry but people have lives outside here that may mean they can`t get in for a while so to have a go at people for lapsing is unfair.

i agree with I HATE. i also had to let 7 challenges lapse when i went to visit my daughter and grand-daughter. that was due to no internet access at her house (shameful i know!)

in normal circumstances regulars don`t like to lapse challenges so don`t try and shame them when circumstances beyond their control mean that they have had to do so. there may be times in the future when i once again have to let challenges lapse due to the fact my son-in-law is serving in Iraq and my daughter and/or grand-daughter need me. if that uspets someone that my family have come before my gremlin tough!

This item was edited on Thursday, 23rd June 2005, 06:58

RE: In Bruce`s Footsteps...

there is actually no stand approach to gremlins. it`s up to you where you put your xp.

the two gremlins in the top 30 all time league with high strength are

Raven IV (The Rebel) Michael J R.I.P. 25330 1000 13920 5500 696 491 205


the nameless one sarah k R.I.P. 17870 1164 7676 5860 532 317 215

but that is not as high as yours. the rest have low strength.

saying that hopi iv is playing this game with high strength :)

This item was edited on Tuesday, 21st June 2005, 15:43

RE: Challenge me!

the reason neither of you can challenge ozzywozzy is because he posted that message in february and never created another gremlin

RE: Points at time of challenge

so if you decide to try to build up your xp before accepting a challenge from a stronger gremlin. you actually gain no advantage in waiting? :(

RE: what a surprise..... bruce the bonus refused a fight.

I`m sure it`s an honour to receive a challenge from Rowboat Wally*

it`s a greater honour to have a challenge accepted by the great rowboat wally :)

RE: what a surprise..... bruce the bonus refused a fight.

Sorry, but I just had to refuse, he`s refused me too often in the past

think i`m going to follow your example beth and do something hopi has never ever done and refuse his challenge.

Maybe he fancies you, Phil

or maybe he thought by accepting phil`s challenge when he`s reused ours we would all hate phil! WRONG we couldn`t hate the owner of the late deceased cillit bang :)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 15th June 2005, 18:10

RE: i`m back :)

hopi iv is waiting to be born. so if i can time it right she will be around about the time you and beth both have new gremlins. either way both hopi and dan-yr-ogof will accept your challenges any time phil.

Been quite quiet in the forum as of late

are you insinuating i post alot in the forum ? :o

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

Hopi III would like to apologise to all those 7 challengers that had challenges lapse when she died. unfortunately her owner was out for the weekend playing doting Nana and traipsing round Legoland.. deep joy.

thanks to all who have challenged me this time round.

I`ll not make a new hopi until i come back from a weeks holiday which we go on on Saturday. so look out for hopi IV coming soon to a screen near you :)

RE: hardest punches

wasn`t my fault hopi had just had her weetabix. maybe she should eat more just before fighting you :)

RE: hardest punches

ooops so i put the wrong link in it was early morning.

try this one :)


i`m still convinced that michael is somehow send RJS a backhander so that Raven gets all this XP so he can stay at the top of the league :D

RE: hardest punches

a new personal best for me. i`m so proud of my little hopi III



just think of all those xp points we have been missing out and giving away without knowing. i wonder if RJS will give us them all back. ;)

thanks waccoe for bringing to his notice.

RE: hardest punches

such a shining example of good sportmanship to one and all :B

RE: hardest punches

ooops slow loading up so posted twice lol

This item was edited on Friday, 13th May 2005, 20:57

RE: Boo Hissss.

maybe next time mau you will be able to :)

RE: hardest punches


sorry michael lol

RE: hardest punches

there are lots of oils that can help relaxation and will therefore calm down an angry person not so sure about an angry grem :)

RE: hardest punches

Wait a minute here, are you trying to blag another client Therapist?

that`s not the sort of therapy i do phil lol. holistics are massage, aromatherapy, reflexology, indian head massage, reiki and thermal auricular therapy(hopi ear candling)

RE: hardest punches

but why when your strength is over 5000 higher than skidmark`s did you hit harder?