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Gremlins Forum

Is your gremlin brave enough?

Tazzles (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 12th June 2005, 10:41

Is your gremlin tough, do you think he`s hard? Can he knock any gremlin into next week or will he run rings around you.

Well prove your self against GELO4

He will take on the good, the bad and the Ugly

This item was edited on Sunday, 12th June 2005, 11:44

RE: Is your gremlin brave enough?

Real Ale Monster (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 12th June 2005, 11:00

Shouldn`t that be "the good, the bad and the UncUgly" ;)

Baldric: What is your name?
Blackadder: Wibble.
Baldric: How old are you?
Blackadder: Wibble.
Baldric: Where were you born?
Blackadder: London. A small town on Mars, close to the capital city of Wibble.

RE: Is your gremlin brave enough?

Tazzles (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 12th June 2005, 11:08

Well if UU wants to bring it, i`m ready ;)

RE: Is your gremlin brave enough?

UncUgly (Competent) posted this on Monday, 13th June 2005, 08:46

Never one to shirk from responsibility - (damn I love a good shirk on a monday morning)

challenge issued !


RE: Is your gremlin brave enough?

bradman (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 16th June 2005, 12:45

well if you a brave enough why not try me :B

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