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Gremlins Forum

acceptance of xp

knightmare (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd March 2005, 19:44

i do not reject challenges i accept all. ppl who dont accept r wierd. it gives u 3xp if u die first round,so what.
its more than0
if u dontr accept challenges then ull never become a peewee or or even steam boat willyIII who worked hard to reach no.1

pps:if any has spare challenges could u throw em my way

RE: acceptance of xp

GremofDoom (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd March 2005, 20:13

I started refusing fights when the whole xp/wins started being a major factor and i was only getting challenges from people with more than 200 (YES TWO HUNDRED) points higher than me. Thats just the bully factor all over again.. .. But not that it matters.. I refused a few, fought a few and am now just bored.. I have killed my gremlin and am quitting. it was fun while it lasted. Respects.

RE: acceptance of xp

knightmare (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 24th March 2005, 07:45

could any1 tell me if they still play gremlins cos i hate wasting challenges, as well as the free coffee :D

RE: acceptance of xp

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 27th March 2005, 10:14

The activity green bar (Between Dex & Fights) tells you how active they are. ;)

I quite like the Helpdesk people in a benevolent (as opposed to malevolent) way as they do some valuable work in preventing us being inundated by every halfwit who can work a phone.

This item was edited on Sunday, 27th March 2005, 11:24

RE: acceptance of xp

Real Ale Monster (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 27th March 2005, 11:35

Throw a challnege the way of someone who claims to be able to do over 4000 damage in one hit .... I don`t think so

Baldric: What is your name?
Blackadder: Wibble.
Baldric: How old are you?
Blackadder: Wibble.
Baldric: Where were you born?
Blackadder: London. A small town on Mars, close to the capital city of Wibble.

RE: acceptance of xp

sarah k (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 27th March 2005, 12:58

The activity green bar (Between Dex & Fights) tells you how active they are.

doesn`t always read true. i`ve seen several gremlins with full green bar but haven`t fought for a while. must be a glitch in the system at times

RE: acceptance of xp

knightmare (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 27th March 2005, 14:48

ive never been able to hit over 4000 my highest hit is 1021


RE: acceptance of xp

Michael J (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 27th March 2005, 14:49

one thing I found to be helpful isto click on the gremlin to see their fight history and if they are still active then challenge. I also hav efound then green bar misleading.


RE: acceptance of xp

Real Ale Monster (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 27th March 2005, 14:55

ive never been able to hit over 4000 my highest hit is 1021


So you are saying it wasn`t you that made the ridiculous claim of

mine was 4398 Happy Happy Happy which is good cos i opened a can of whoop ass on him

I think you will find it was
Baldric: What is your name?
Blackadder: Wibble.
Baldric: How old are you?
Blackadder: Wibble.
Baldric: Where were you born?
Blackadder: London. A small town on Mars, close to the capital city of Wibble.

RE: acceptance of xp

Real Ale Monster (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 27th March 2005, 15:06

GremofDoom stated

i was only getting challenges from people with more than 200 (YES TWO HUNDRED) points higher than me

Try this one!!!!
Baldric: What is your name?
Blackadder: Wibble.
Baldric: How old are you?
Blackadder: Wibble.
Baldric: Where were you born?
Blackadder: London. A small town on Mars, close to the capital city of Wibble.

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