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Gremlins Forum

Was fun all

dispater (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 13th March 2005, 00:07

Well with the new breed of gremlin dominating the game, there really is no more fun for me. Instead of watching myself work through the ranks to get to the last page with others that have worked as hard, now there are "teenage" gremlins all around and while Bob the 4th had out performed the other 3, he`s still 1/3 of higest scorers. I never intened to be the best, just have fun and play around with it, but now there`s not really a chance to have fun any more as the better fighters are all of one breed and one group and even if invited I wouldn`t go for the boredome of it all.

To the creator/s of the game, it was a real blast while it lasted, thanks for letting me enjoy it for a bit.

TTFN or always, John

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

RE: Was fun all

charli2005 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 13th March 2005, 07:36

i for one will miss fighting bob the fourth.

take care of yourself and any other gremlins you might find along the way.


RE: Was fun all

Ozzywozzy (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 13th March 2005, 11:03


I agree tho, having massive groups suck as the sunday league who will only challenge each other ruins whichever part of the grem league they are in.
With my first gremlin when I got to the last page I ended up just being surrounded by the sunday league for at least a page below me.

In my last week I averaged getting about 2 challenges a day, and that was only by the one or 2 non sunday league just above me.
While I had challenged them alot previously.

RE: Was fun all

daisydog (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 13th March 2005, 11:26

i found this site through sunday league and i challenge anyone,usually people around me on the league table.i think you are being a bit soft and you give up so easy in everything? sureley now you have a challenge which makes the game better!

RE: Was fun all

dispater (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 13th March 2005, 15:04

Not being soft or a defeatist, but I for one will not resort to using multiple accounts to get either my stats up by referrals or challenges.

Now that being said, I know a handful of players on here, either in r/l or having "met" them through challenges, there are quite a few who have Bob 1-4 in their fight lists as I have had their grems in all of mine.

It`s just simple facts and numbers. Bob, my original, at the time had the most fights of any gremlin (I was just able to log on more than other players) and still has like the #3 spot for losses in the all time leauge. When he passed he was the #27 all time grem, much further than I thought he`d ever get, but high enough to really make me enjoy the game that one step further. Bob is now on page 20somthing, or was a couple fo weeks ago, so maybe has passed page 30 at this point.

That alone would not be such a big deal if I could get close to page one with any of my other gremlins, as new means of fighting are discovered, ect... But none of the rest have done so well in comparison. None can get near the same amount of fights even when the fight totals are 2-3x on average what they were in November.

To me, it`s just discouraging to work on a grem for 20-25 days to get him to page one, to find your pensioner, silver haired whatever is surrounded by teenagers who are less than a week old and hence are just waiting for you to die to move up in the rankins and will bury you in OR.

I truly enjoyed the game, and was fun, in the stupid way, of finding out odd little tricks to beat the grem who had beat you 8x in the past ect... But now, unless I have the +500 for refferals and a group that will give me over 20 challenges a day, there is really no point in playing.

So as I originally said, thanks for the game, and thanks to all who accepted challenges and who gave them, was a lot of fun, but to never have a chance to make your gremlin shine any more has removed the fun for me and so hence I will no longer be playing.

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

RE: Was fun all

yabba dabba (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 13th March 2005, 16:49

Sorry to see you go dispater, I know how you feel, not much fun now that theres no chance of ever getting up into the top ten, let alone the top twenty. :(
Was always a pleasure fighting your grems, Was i your last fight?
My previous gremlins - Bite Ya Balls - VOMIT - Mariah Careys Flange - and Mr R Sole send their regards :)
Are you sure you won`t change your mind.

RE: Was fun all

Michael J (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 13th March 2005, 17:44

Hey dispater, I will also be sorry to see you go, I take the point about the amount of fights some gremlins get, late 555 being an example of 40+ per day, where I feel the average is more like 20ish. The fact that some gremlins get an artificial boost by a lot of other supportwho only want to push one to the top is a shame.

There go some challenges!!!!

I can`t remember if we fought but it is a shame to see you go. Enjoyed the story of the flies which made some of the folk in the office laugh as well.

All the best in the cold climes.


RE: Was fun all

partridge (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 13th March 2005, 19:01

Maybe it`s time for us to fight back against sunday league. Sign up here if you`re interested. ;)

RE: Was fun all

dispater (Competent) posted this on Monday, 14th March 2005, 09:34

Thanks for all the positives, you guys are what made this fun. I hope you have good luck in forming a team to take on all new challengers!!!!!!

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

RE: Was fun all

Steamboat Willy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 14th March 2005, 11:47

My little grem Steamboat Willy would like to make it known he`s going to remain neutral in the SL v Reviewer wars. Gonna be fun to watch though.

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