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These gremlins remind me of my school!!

Boomshanka (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 24th February 2005, 13:00

These gremlins remind me of my school... Thats because they are very very naughty.. I used to get "punished" at school by the head master and he said its my own fault as im a very naughty boy.. Im not allowed to tell you what he did because he said its our little secret, and made me lock the thought up in my head and blow away the key!! after my "punishment" he would give me the spanking of my life... "Take that you naughty little Gremlin .." he would say.. "you deserve it! Now send in the history teacher"

RE: These gremlins remind me of my school!!

Blamethepetfish (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 24th February 2005, 13:16

Only school I can recall is drinking school.
Or my school of pet fish I swam in.

Never blame the Gremlin, Blamethepetfish,

Rasputin the pet fish says hi !

RE: These gremlins remind me of my school!!

the eggman (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 24th February 2005, 20:22

im a very naughty boy

Is your name Brian

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