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I just refused Gremlins lower in the table than me!

chewie (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 4th January 2005, 13:54

I just refused Gremlins lower in the table than me!
Want to know why?

They have Dex and Stamina over 1000, but Strength around the 200 mark. They wouldn`t knock me out, but they`d get about 18 XP points and a win on points, and I`d get 2 XP points if I was lucky. So now I`m ignoring challenges from these vastly out of proportion gremlins.

As they say, two can play at that game :D

This is not a sour post, but rather a taunt :p

My DVD Collection
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: I just refused Gremlins lower in the table than me!

Prufrock2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 4th January 2005, 18:11

4/1/2005 King Bungdalucious Killbobo chewie silver haired 706 917 918 361 195 1 165 Refused

That would be me! Don`t be such a coward!

The game gives you the option to spend your XP points as you wish. I`ve chosen dex and stamina over strength, as you get more points if the fight goes to 20 rounds. Better to go 20 rounds and get more XP than knock out your opponent as fast as possible. With my stats like this, I won`t be below you for long anyway. ;)

Incidentally, my strength isn`t even at 200. I think it`s at around the 175 mark. Spud`s is at the 200 mark, with dex and stam stats way over the 1000 mark a piece.

Owner is
Strength: 175
Stamina: 1076
Dexterity: 1076
Likes Winning
Dislikes Losing
Age: getting on
Won: 168
Drawn: 1
Lost: 50

Up until three days ago, I`d only lost 32 fights. I`m losing more now, but mainly to the gremlins ranked in 2nd and 3rd place, and to Spud, whose stats are better than mine. Most other gremlins cannot beat me. 8)

Spud`s stats:

Owner is
grandmaster stat
Strength: 202
Stamina: 1086
Dexterity: 1083
Likes nothing
Dislikes nothing
Age: getting on
Won: 145
Drawn: 3
Lost: 63
Challenges Waiting: 3

Note the low amount of losses - and we`re both accepting challenges from gremlins at the top of the table, with stats across the board higher than ours.

Fiddler gained 1 experience points for this match, whilst PruToo gained 22.

You`re wrong about us winning the match on points all the time, too. The gremlins are all just above you in the league, yet I didn`t beat all of them. I later beat Psychobabble in a rematch:

Lost 4/1/2005 Psychobabble johndavis 727 977 976 360 212 2 146 View
Won 4/1/2005 Scabees SaintM 605 943 1049 420 215 1 204 View
Lost 4/1/2005 PNsSux GremofDoom 741 1091 1056 453 220 2 231 View
Lost 4/1/2005 your_mum VurtHed 434 996 997 299 217 3 79 View
Lost 4/1/2005 MattyP Julesuk 526 1109 1141 383 243 3 137 View

This item was edited on Tuesday, 4th January 2005, 18:26

RE: I just refused Gremlins lower in the table than me!

chewie (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 4th January 2005, 18:38

But every time I refuse your challenge, I also deny you about 20 XP points... so I`m pretty comfortable with my decision :D

My DVD Collection
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: I just refused Gremlins lower in the table than me!

Prufrock2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 4th January 2005, 18:42

PNsSux gained 10 experience points for this match, whilst PruToo gained 6.

your_mum gained 15 experience points for this match, whilst PruToo gained 11.

MattyP gained 0 experience points for this match, whilst PruToo gained 0. MattyP would earn more experience by challenging opponents nearer its own level.

PruToo gained 11 experience points for this match, whilst Psychobabble gained 9.

Which 20 XP points would that be? As you can see, the gremlins that beat me (all directly above you in the league) got more points than me (all but Psychobabble). Pscyhobabble won because he knocked me out, as did MattyP and PNsSux.

I`ll stick to my original conclusion - you`re a coward. :p No worries, though - you`ll be dead soon. ;)

This item was edited on Tuesday, 4th January 2005, 18:50

RE: I just refused Gremlins lower in the table than me!

dispater (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 4th January 2005, 18:49

But instead of playng the game you`re taking the puss way out and just wasting others challenges.

I made #7 in rank, #32 overall, by NEVER refusing a fight. Many of those that made 1-10 and 1-31 overall got xp from me, as it should be they were just luckier or made their gremlins better than I did.

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

RE: I just refused Gremlins lower in the table than me!

Prufrock2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 4th January 2005, 18:54

Totally agree, Dispater. Refusing challenges from those below you is nothing short of bad sportsmanship and cowardice. Even though I`ve proved that gremlins in Chewie`s range have beaten me today, he still thinks I`ll grab loads of XP from the fight. So what if I do? He gets points too!

2 (+1) MattyP Julesuk a pensioner 3660 526 1144 1171 383 243 3 137
3 (+1) PNsSux GremofDoom a pensioner 3608 741 1091 1056 453 220 2 231
4 (+2) Psychobabble johndavis getting on 3409 728 996 995 358 210 2 146
5 (0) Scabees SaintM a pensioner 3356 605 970 1115 417 212 1 204
6 (+1) your_mum VurtHed a pensioner 3235 434 1031 1032 298 216 3 79
7 (+2) King Bungdalucious Killbobo chewie silver haired 3115 706 900 900 356 193 1 162

I`ve fought all of the above apart from Chewie today. The only reason I didn`t fight Chewie is because he wussed out on me. I even fought Psychobabble twice - (he won one, I won the other). I knew I didn`t stand a chance against MattyP, but still accepted his challenge.

14 (+11) spud grandmaster stat getting on 2896 202 1086 1083 211 145 3 63
15 (+12) PruToo Prufrock2 getting on 2837 174 1066 1066 218 167 1 50

Lost 4/1/2005 Dribbly 2 flobble 371 944 986 261 175 1 85 View

Just to emphasize the point, Dribby 2 is actually ranked below Chewie in the league (think he`s at 12th), yet Dribbly 2 didn`t wuss out. He went on to knock me out, yet his stats aren`t as good as Chewie`s.

Look at the points:

Dribbly 2 gained 16 experience points for this match, whilst PruToo gained 10.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 4th January 2005, 19:16

RE: I just refused Gremlins lower in the table than me!

chewie (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 4th January 2005, 19:38

You do realize that you have to be within 50 XP points (if even that!) on Dex and/or Stamina to be within a chance of winning (since Strength means f***-all with stats like yours). Rank has nothing to do with it (it`s only updated once a day). So if you have 1000 Dex and Stamina, it doesn`t matter what your strength is. Of course, you knew this... :p

I`d never refused a challenge until I started to get ridiculous challenges, and you had 100+ more XP points in both Stamina and Dex. You call be a coward all you want, but you won`t be getting your easy XP points out of me. And if you survive long enough until the new fight engine is activated, you`ll learn the meaning of wrath ;)

My superior strength, age and higher winnings secure that you won`t overtake me before he pops his clogs though :D

My DVD Collection
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: I just refused Gremlins lower in the table than me!

Prufrock2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 4th January 2005, 20:11

I am well aware of how the stats work. When you refused my challenge today, my stats looked like this:

Strength: 164
Stamina: 949
Dexterity: 954

Your stats looked roughly like this when you refused my challenge:

Strength: 706
Stamina: 930
Dexterity: 930

You were well within the 50 point range at the time and had a huge strength advantage over me.

I fought Dribbly 2 when my stats were as above. His stats at the time were:

Strength: 371
Stamina: 944
Dexterity: 986

You had as much chance of beating me as Dribbly 2 did. As it is, Dribbly 2 beat me. You, however, wussed out. :p

Did you refuse a challenge from Spud, too? I ask because in your initial post, you said the gremlin had strength of around 200, with dex and stam at over 1000. Spud started the day with those stats, whereas I didn`t.

Let`s look at your higher winnings comment. Well, considering you`ve been around since at least before 18th December (the original Pru used to fight you, and she passed on on the 28th!), it`s hardly surprising that you`ve had more wins. You`ve also had a lot more losses.

Chewie`s total fights: 356 wins: 193 draws: 1 losses: 162
PruToo`s total fights: 218 wins: 167 draws: 1 losses: 50

Statistically, my winning average is considerably better than yours. When my gremlin is as old as yours, I will have won more fights than your gremlin ever did, and lost far fewer. Your gremlin is superior? That`s hilarious. My gremlin`s taken a lot less time to get this high than yours. Your superior strength counts for nothing at the end of the day. If your strength is such a key factor, why won`t you fight me? After all, your gremlin has superior strength!!

When my gremlin finally dies, it will rank a lot higher in the hall of fame than yours, proving that my gremlin was better than yours. You can refuse to fight me all you like; at the end of the day, my gremlin will still outrank you when we`re both dead and gone.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 4th January 2005, 20:25

RE: I just refused Gremlins lower in the table than me!

chewie (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 4th January 2005, 20:25


You make me laugh Prufock. This is just a game, no need for the long distorted replies.
I say distorted because:

your stats were approximately as follows:

Strength: 706
Stamina: 930
Dexterity: 930

That is my stats as of now, I`ve gained 100 XP points since I refused you, and your stats were over 1000XP in both Dex and Stamina when I refused.

Lighten up a bit ;)

My DVD Collection
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: I just refused Gremlins lower in the table than me!

Prufrock2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 4th January 2005, 20:32

My stats weren`t over the 1000 mark when you refused me. Spud`s, on the other hand, were. I started the day with stats well below 1000 on dex and stamina. I lost to Psychobabble today, even though his stats were still in the 900s and mine had gone over the 1000 mark.

You tell me to lighten up, yet you`re the one refusing challenges from gremlins below you in the league; gremlins you consider to be inferior to your own gremlin. Wuss. :p

I`ve gained 260 XP points so far today.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 4th January 2005, 20:35


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