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Penalty for rejection of lower rank grem?

Bloodfire (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 28th November 2004, 02:59

Killer G`s aim is to reach 1st place, but i have a feeling that may people above me may reject my offer to challenge beacuse they feel Killer G will squash their gremlin. Shouldn`t there be some kind of penalty for rejecting a lower ranked gremlin so at least all gremlins have a chance of reaching the top.


"Waldo wouldn`t be so hard to find if there weren`t so many people around!" - Homer Simpson

RE: Penalty for rejection of lower rank grem?

Garcon (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 28th November 2004, 10:33

Buffy just accepted your challenge despite there being no chance of her winning due to your high stamina and dexterity. Why did she do this? Why did she decide to give you an easy win?

Because there is next to no chance that you will pass her on the all-time list of gremlins.

Killer G is a pensioner. You have a couple of days left. You would need to win 70 fights more than Buffy to pass here in those few days. Even if you pass Buffy, take a look at Flagerosters. He is only silver haired last I looked, and you`d need to score about 90 more wins than he does (I think). And he`s probably going to die after Killer G, so he`ll be racking up the wins when you`re dead. So Killer G will not end up in 1st place of either of the tables.

Sorry to break it to you like this.

Oh, and I don`t think there can realistically be a penalty for refusing to fight a lower ranked gremlin. All people would do is wait for the challenge to expire.

RE: Penalty for rejection of lower rank grem?

TinnionA (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 28th November 2004, 10:45

Perhaps if Dexterity and stamina weren`t so much higher than strength people would be inclined to challenge you.

RE: Penalty for rejection of lower rank grem?

Duffbeer (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 28th November 2004, 10:48

How about an incentive for uneven matches?
(apologies if you spotted this idea at the foot of the "Silly challenges" thread - but I`d be interested in comments..)

How about awarding XP for "battle masterclasses"?

If gremlins are unevenly matched (more than 150 points difference in the overall total stats?) show a different message at the start of the fight "Highstatgrem gives Lowstatgrem a masterclass in battling":

The lower stat gremlin gets one XP for each round it lasted, regardless of the round outcomes, plus any "normal" XP in a round if it wins or draws.

The higher stat gremlin earns XP for a drawn round (just for that round).
If the higher stat gremlin loses a round, it earns points as normal from that point on.

This gives both gremlins a reason to accept challenges - higher stat gremlins will boost their total of wins and have a (small) chance of XP.
Lower stat grems will lose the battle, but will earn some XP every time, even for short KO battles.

Great addition to the site by the way! Thanks to all involved.

RE: Penalty for rejection of lower rank grem?

Bloodfire (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 28th November 2004, 11:45

So Killer G will not end up in 1st place of either of the tables.

I think that you are taking this game a bit too seriously. im just having a laugh as i go along. Its a good game and im sure many people are hooked on it like me. I just wrote the above comment so more people would challenge my gremlin. Im just hoping Killer G makes it in the top 10 of alltime best gremlins.


"Waldo wouldn`t be so hard to find if there weren`t so many people around!" - Homer Simpson

RE: Penalty for rejection of lower rank grem?

Bloodfire (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 28th November 2004, 11:49

Perhaps if Dexterity and stamina weren`t so much higher than strength people would be inclined to challenge you

Its a tactic that i started with and it obviously works. If somethings working why change it? I`ve also noticed that many gremlins have taken up the same tactic.


"Waldo wouldn`t be so hard to find if there weren`t so many people around!" - Homer Simpson

RE: Penalty for rejection of lower rank grem?

Master Chief (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 28th November 2004, 13:24

I just think that one of the things you need to consider when spending exp is what effect it will have on the number of fights you will get. Stacking stamina and dexterity a hundred above everybody else is bound to get people refusing to fight you; they won`t get anything out of the fight. I believe that King Lionel actually stopped spending his exp for a couple of days at one point so people would start fighting him again.

This item was edited on Sunday, 28th November 2004, 13:25

RE: Penalty for rejection of lower rank grem?

Garcon (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 28th November 2004, 13:35

You know, I probably am taking this too seriously. :p

Sorry for the tone of my last message. I just read it through, and it wasn`t very nice, was it? I just meant to address what I saw as the main points of your post:

1) You aim to be number 1.
2) People are refusing your challenges.
3) There should be a penalty for refusing challenges of lower ranked gremlins.


1) We all aim to be number 1. Obviously we can`t all achieve it. I know Buffy won`t get there.

2) I believe this was mentioned on another thread. If people don`t think they will get anything out of a fight, of course they won`t accept.

3) I believe I covered this in my first reply.

Oh,and by the way, I challenged you because I did feel a little guilty about the tone of the post earlier as well. I hope you liked all that exp. ;)

RE: Penalty for rejection of lower rank grem?

Lionel Cosgrove (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 28th November 2004, 15:33

I believe that King Lionel actually stopped spending his exp for a couple of days at one point so people would start fighting him again.

Spot on, and he kept increasing his lead at the top of the table using this tactic. He stored over 200XP at one stage and it worked a treat as at that time he was in a small group of 4 or 5 who had far better stats than the lower ranked grems.

He lost some of the fights to grems outside this top group but that only made them come back for more. Little did they know at the time that they were putty in the King`s hands.
Hollow victories all of `em. :p :D

p.s. Thanks for referring to him as King Lionel instead of just Lionel. He would have really appreciated that as it appears that some of the other gremlins were jealous of him being King. 8)

RE: Penalty for rejection of lower rank grem?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 28th November 2004, 18:10

Basically its your fault for leaving your strength so low.

I suppose thats one of the problems with setting your stats out how you have to be honest, as RJS said in the other thread. If I have no chance of beating you whats point in fighting you?

Oh my God, Bear is driving! How can that be?

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