Info and forum posts by 'Garcon'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 3rd November 2004, 22:08, Last used: Wednesday, 23rd May 2007, 21:36

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 19 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: What happened,does nobody post here anymore ?.

What do you mean you managed to get a few of your mates playing again? You`re only playing again because I suggested it! :D

RE: New fight code will get an update very quickly methinks

At the moment it appears that you get a number of bonus points just for being lower in the league. Maybe a system where you get more points for each hit would work better?

So if they are slightly better than you have a x 1.5 modifier. If you land 3 hits and lose, thats 4.5 xp, so round it up to 5 xp.

Might stop the 2 xp - 15 xp challenges.

RE: Sorry!

To be honest I don`t think you can. That whole thing about Stagross killing Angel was just made up. Angel was a pensioner, and I was responding to challenges just before midnight. He died at midnight, after his fight with Stagross but before he could accept any more challenges. The only reason I posted the comment to begin with was I thought it would put a smile on a few faces. :D

Sorry for any confusion...

RE: Sorry!


P.S. I noticed that Spike has just turned into a young adult, while Minigun hasn`t... Bearing in mind they were born the same day, would this suggest a slightly shorter life for Spike?

Probably. Oh well, never mind, cross that bridge when we come to it, etc.

RE: Sorry!

Okay, how much did it cost for Spiked to take the fall?

10 pints of Blackthorn. And he didn`t throw it on purpose, the drinks were a `gift` between rounds 11 and 12.

RE: Sorry!

(good comeback BTW)

Just been on the receiving end of something similar.

Round 9 Spike has 142 health to Bareknuckle Chav`s 14
Round 16 Bareknuckle Chav wins.


RE: How to Fight?

Hi and welcome to Gremlins!

All you need to do now is sit back and wait. The challenges you issued will be sent to the owners of the relevent gremlins, who will then choose either to accept or refuse your challenge. If they accept, then the next time you check your gremlin you will be able to watch the fight by going to `Your Fights`. Of course, your gremlin can be challenged by others. These will also be under `Your Fights`, and you have the choice to accept or refuse.

A word of warning: Be careful who you challenge. Near the bottom of the table are a lot of inactive gremlins whose owners have neglected them. Try to pick gremlins who have been active in the last couple of days.

Have fun!!

RE: Sorry!

Maybe Spiked Minigun is making a comeback against Elite, but nothing beats Spikes comeback in his last fight against Spiked Minigun.

In round 12, Spike has 18 health to Spiked Miniguns 115.
By round 15, Spike has won by a knockout.

Spike`s ready and waiting for a rematch by the way.... :D

EDIT: Shouldn`t have said that, Spike didn`t land a single hit in the rematch... :o
He`ll lick his wounds and come back fighting tomorrow....

This item was edited on Sunday, 2nd January 2005, 00:17

RE: Sorry!

Silly me, I thought Spike vs Spiked Minigun would have been a close match. Evidently not.

He`ll get you next time....

RE: Sorry!

Well, Spiked Minigun just beat Spike, and has an invitation for a rematch waiting.

Oh, and Jazz, we`ll be waiting for when Santa Claws finally realises Christmas has gone for another year...


To all those who had a challenge waiting against Angel (I believe there are three of you):

Sorry, Angel passed away just now after a fight with Stagross. In fact, he just beat ten kinds of snot out of Stagross.

Unfortunately, one of the few hits that Stagross managed to land caused complications, and Angel dropped dead before he could even spend his hard earned experience.

Angels successor would vow to avenge him, but Spike doesn`t actually care one way or another.

Change to the league table

Under the old system, we could see how far behind the gremlin in front of us we were just by looking at the wins column on the league table. We could even get an up to date look at how we are doing on the challenges screen.

With the new system I need to find my calculator every time I want to see how big the gap is between Angel and the gremlins around him. Any chance of having a score column somewhere?

RE: :o(

Toa Vakama is the winner as Angel has passed out!

All good things must come to an end.... ;)

RE: :o(

Don`t worry about it, your not the only one getting beaten by Angel while having better stats. I figure it`s only a matter of time until Angel gets beat down by someone even smaller than him.... :/

RE: :o(

I have no idea how Angel landed a 225 point blow. He was in the middle of a winning streak at the time. I have to agree that luck plays a part. Sometimes I`ll win 9 matches a day, sometimes I`ll be lucky to get 1.

Oh, and I`m more of a Buffy fan, but after Buffy (my first gremlin) died I thought I would keep a theme going with the names.

RE: Penalty for rejection of lower rank grem?

You know, I probably am taking this too seriously. :p

Sorry for the tone of my last message. I just read it through, and it wasn`t very nice, was it? I just meant to address what I saw as the main points of your post:

1) You aim to be number 1.
2) People are refusing your challenges.
3) There should be a penalty for refusing challenges of lower ranked gremlins.


1) We all aim to be number 1. Obviously we can`t all achieve it. I know Buffy won`t get there.

2) I believe this was mentioned on another thread. If people don`t think they will get anything out of a fight, of course they won`t accept.

3) I believe I covered this in my first reply.

Oh,and by the way, I challenged you because I did feel a little guilty about the tone of the post earlier as well. I hope you liked all that exp. ;)

RE: Penalty for rejection of lower rank grem?

Buffy just accepted your challenge despite there being no chance of her winning due to your high stamina and dexterity. Why did she do this? Why did she decide to give you an easy win?

Because there is next to no chance that you will pass her on the all-time list of gremlins.

Killer G is a pensioner. You have a couple of days left. You would need to win 70 fights more than Buffy to pass here in those few days. Even if you pass Buffy, take a look at Flagerosters. He is only silver haired last I looked, and you`d need to score about 90 more wins than he does (I think). And he`s probably going to die after Killer G, so he`ll be racking up the wins when you`re dead. So Killer G will not end up in 1st place of either of the tables.

Sorry to break it to you like this.

Oh, and I don`t think there can realistically be a penalty for refusing to fight a lower ranked gremlin. All people would do is wait for the challenge to expire.

RE: Fight that made me go "Argh!"

What I`m having trouble with is the fact that a bloody nose inflicts that much damage. That would nearly kill Buffy when she`s fully fit. That`s got to be equivalent to all your blood rushing out of your nose in a few seconds....

Hope I haven`t put anybody off their breakfast :p :)

RE: Fight that made me go "Argh!"

Buffy heads for oogle, but oogle dodges and returns fire giving a bloody nose (Damage 551)

I think this one may count as a lucky hit as well...