Page 1 of 1-4-1-4 for a copy? Anyone still use CB Radio?

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1-4-1-4 for a copy? Anyone still use CB Radio?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 25th June 2013, 22:55

Curiosity got the better of me, I started remembering the CB kit I have in the loft (which used to be my older brother's, he had a HUGE ariel the size of the house on the back wall) which I had fun with as a teenager.

It broke near the end, wouldn't transmit, something I can easily fix now I'm sure.

So I googled...

As of 8 December 2006, C.B. Radio now joins PMR446, LPD433 and SRD860 under the category of licence-free personal communications. As a result, reports have been made of a significant increase in C.B. activity across the country.

Anyone know anything about C.B. radios still? Anyone still use them?


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This item was edited on Tuesday, 25th June 2013, 23:55

RE: 1-4-1-4 for a copy? Anyone still use CB Radio?

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 26th June 2013, 01:00

I Googled it as well and it looks like it's probably you and a couple of truckers.


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I used to be with it, but then they changed what `it` was.
Now, what I`m with isn`t it, and what`s `it` seems weird and scary

RE: 1-4-1-4 for a copy? Anyone still use CB Radio?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 26th June 2013, 08:20

If only I had a thing for fat beer bellied sweaty men. Actually how does anyone have a thing for them? How have they not been made extinct?

Own up, who is it?


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RE: 1-4-1-4 for a copy? Anyone still use CB Radio?

fluff_n_stuff (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 26th June 2013, 10:23

Sorry...It`s me, I just cannot resist a fat, beer bellied sweaty man...especially if they`ve been stuck in a truck for a couple of days ;)

RE: 1-4-1-4 for a copy? Anyone still use CB Radio?

badboybez (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 26th June 2013, 14:29

Used to have a Midland2001 (I think) with di-pole - that broke and resorted to a mag-mount stuck on my bedroom radiator - that displeased my Mum as it scratched all the paint off!
My first car was a Datsun 120Y and so mobile CB it was then :) Oh happy days.


RE: 1-4-1-4 for a copy? Anyone still use CB Radio?

Adam1968gb (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 26th June 2013, 20:20

I had a maxcom 4e,then a cybernet beta 3000 and a half wave out the back. Qsk, Qsk on the side.

RE: 1-4-1-4 for a copy? Anyone still use CB Radio?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 26th June 2013, 20:40

I'm so over my head in this discussion, heh.

So, is there a legal limit on wattage and ariel size now it's all been deregulated?


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RE: 1-4-1-4 for a copy? Anyone still use CB Radio?

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 29th June 2013, 11:30

Takes me back. In the day my most prized possessions were an Antron 99, a Cobra 148 GTL DX and a Superstar 360 with a Sadelta Echo Master Plus.


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