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Star Trek The Next Generation

Jefferson Haliday (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 10th January 2002, 22:54

RE: Star Trek The Next Generation

Spiny Norman (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 13th January 2002, 00:56

yeah... right...

@ the F%$k Off price of £71 for 24 episodes or about £240 for the set!

No thanks - I`ll watch the repeats on Sky.


RE: Star Trek The Next Generation

OnlinePriceGuide (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 15th January 2002, 17:11

As it happens, I`ve been trying to drum interest in a group buying scheme and this was one of the titles that I mentioned to the DVD retailers I was talking to.

Although nothing is set in stone stone, if I can get enough people interested in it, I should be able get each of these for around £65

If anyone is interested either in these titles or in the concept generally, please visit my site and vote in the poll. This should enable me to convince DVD retailers that I have enough support to give it a go at least


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