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Petition against Logos on Sky

qualar (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 28th December 2001, 14:41

Please sign this petition it only takes about 30 seconds.

RE: Petition against Logos on Sky

Big A (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 28th December 2001, 15:51


Is this actually real or is someone taking the p*ss???


RE: Petition against Logos on Sky

Grumpy Old Git (Competent) posted this on Friday, 28th December 2001, 18:54

Why would you see that as taking the p*ss? - the bloody bugs they are using and the increase in ad volume and the ludicrous ad placement 5 minutes at the end of any programme is the thing that p*sses me off - i just hit the mute button - so they have defeated the object.

I wrote to Sky a long time ago about the station bug and was told it was their because their are soooo many channels it helps the viewer.... funny how it always dissapears during the ad breaks aint it...


RE: Petition against Logos on Sky

Big A (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 28th December 2001, 19:43

Sorry am I missing something here??

You are moaning about that little logo in the top corner of your screen that takes up about an inch square!!!!!!

Adverts are not only on sky you know, what about ITV, channel 4. they have been using this technique for as long as I can remember.

And lets not forget, its those adverts that help pay for the channel. I`m sure you would rather sit through a few minutes of adverts than pay another £109, (or, in the case of sky, another 30 quid a month)

I, along with most people, agree that the prices sky charge for suscription are too expensive but the fact that 1 in every 4 households now have sky surely tells you that they must be doing something right!?!


RE: Petition against Logos on Sky

Grumpy Old Git (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 29th December 2001, 00:55

>>Sorry am I missing something here??
>>You are moaning about that little logo in the top corner of your screen that takes up about an inch square!!!!!!

Yes you are missing a big something BigA - the very fact that sky need to take that inch of my screen and tell me i am watching sky in the first place, I am not stupid - i know what channel i am looking at, - the fact they take it off so it doesnt ruin your enjoyment of the wonderful adverts you seem happy to support and replace it immediately the ads are finished so as not to spoil your enjoyment of them, and of course lets not forget the rather intrusive increase in volume when these wonderful adverts appear.

So one can safely assume you would be quite happy if they moved the sponsored part of an ad they usually run before a programme to a flashing line of text running across the bottom of the screen every ten minutes.. "Dominoes Pizzas...etc etc" - if we dont tell em - they will never know will they...

>>Adverts are not only on sky you know, what about ITV, channel 4. they have been using this technique for as long as I can remember

Of course the terrestial channels have ads - its their ONLY source of income - not so for Sky - The point is BigA is that sky are slowly taking over the real estate of your screen with more logo`s and now add the stupid interactive red button - have you actually counted how many minutes of ads are in amongst those programmes? far more than any of the terrestial channels inflict on us - I will stand corrected but its something like 6mins each and every break.

>>And lets not forget, its those adverts that help pay for the channel. I`m sure you would rather sit through a few minutes of adverts than pay another £109, (or, in the case of sky, another 30 quid a month)

I would dissagree that its the ads that pay for the programmes - or at least that they need so many - its just pure greed - i would hazard a guess that the beeb and the itv companies would love the income they generate from our subscriptions alone - add to that the pay per view sports channels and you have a nice little earner thank you.

Its no secret that they have slowly increased all the above irritants and its getting beyond a joke, add to that a price hike coming in Jan and you have plenty of good reason to be p*ssed off.

I believe their charter allows them to run much more ads per hour than the ITV companies are allowed to and the actual placement of same 4 mins into a prog, another halfway thru and finally one 5 mins at the end really is the pits.

>>I, along with most people, agree that the prices sky charge for suscription are too expensive but the fact that 1 in every 4 households now have sky surely tells you that they must be doing something right!?!

I dont dissagree with your sentiments their, but as for 1 in 4 - if they really had it right it would be a lot higher...

And i have struck a blow and have today got rid of the sky movies part of the package due to the impending price hike - Sky were not happy when i cancelled and went back to just the basic package, I for one would be quite happy to trash the lot if any of the above gets any worse than it already is...


RE: Petition against Logos on Sky

Big A (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 29th December 2001, 11:12


You write a good argument I have to say, and I agree that the intrusion of our tv screens has increasingly worsened even since the technology has got better. But lets not forget the services that Sky do provide.
I believe both Open (now Sky active) and Interactive Football have increased my viewing pleasure no end.
And hey........PlayJam rocks!!!!!!!!!

If i`m honest though, I can`t say I have noticed the rise in volume when adverts start.

It could be worse, In the USA they have it really bad. Imagine this, your favourite program has just started with a "previously on......" followed by the credits that tells you who is starring. Then, just as you expect the episode to actually begin..........they go for 6-7mins worth of adverts!!!!!!!!
Now thats a p*ss take


RE: Petition against Logos on Sky

andyrh68 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 29th December 2001, 12:58

I wrote to Sky a long time ago about the station bug and was told it was their because their are soooo many channels it helps the viewer.... funny how it always dissapears during the ad breaks aint it...

What about the epg display banner?
Do Sky customer service receive any training at all? At least a few lessons in `bulls***ting the customer with a descent excuse` wouldn`t go amiss.
Have any figures been released for this price hike I read of?

RE: Petition against Logos on Sky

Grumpy Old Git (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 29th December 2001, 14:33

BigA, the increase in volume is very noticeable in my setup at home and it really is annoying - to be fair i don`t watch tons of tv anyways - i much prefer to use the DVD player, but of the few i watch "Stragate SG1" is really spoiled for me by the low overall programme volume for which one has to reach for the volume button to hear any decent dialogue then as soon as the Ads appear drastically reduce it so as its possible to have a normal conversation - i have got used to just hitting the mute button now -so they lose out as i dont hear a damn thing :O)

I am really have nothing against ads per se - just Sky and the obvious collusion with their advertisers in trying to ram "No Win No Fee" style adverts down my throat - I`d love to know who is responsible for assuming that the average Sky viewer cannot tell the difference between "Voyager" and an advert extoling the virtues of fenale hygene products....

Andy, the EPG banner has a timer you can fiddle with in the settings option - i believe you can set it for "0" seconds - whether that supresses it completely i`m not sure - i`ll try it later and see (funny though i find that not so intrusive as i know i can press the "back" button in the remote and it`s gone...)

The price hike is around the £2.00 a month mark if i remember - but as it went straight in the bin i cant be sure.

Lol - where little Yoda when we need him! ;O)


RE: Petition against Logos on Sky

Jitendar Canth (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 29th December 2001, 15:22

Logos and extended ad breaks are one thing, but it`s gone so far as to reduce the running length of many programmes just so as to stick more adverts in. For example, the running time of the first 5 seasons of Star Trek Voyager are 44 minutes per episode, with the remaining hour taken up by ads. The Final 2 seasons have episodes of 42 minutes in length with the extra space taken up by ads. This is pretty much standard policy in the US. Pay attention to other programmes as well. Back in the sixties, US TV had programes of 50 minutes with ten minutes of ads. It`s quite a horrifying trend. The TV companies won`t be happy until you are watching back to back ads interrupted by a few minutes of programmes.

RE: Petition against Logos on Sky

Big A (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 29th December 2001, 15:28

- just Sky and the obvious collusion with their advertisers in trying to ram "No Win No Fee" style adverts down my throat -

Don`t get me started on these "Claims direct" style adverts. Not only do they p*ss me off but they make me wonder who the hell hasn`t been in an accident in the last 5 years that wasn`t there fault!!!!????!!!!!

Were fast turning into America where these adverts were being aired a long time ago.

Beware, I think i`m going to sue you :o)


This item was edited on Saturday, 29th December 2001, 15:30

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