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Website to name parents who dont pay for thier kids

Stu UK (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 10th December 2006, 11:36

Via BBC here

Its about time the government got tough on people like this. I know the Child Support Agency was like a chocolate teapot, hopefully this will help matters.

There is no excuse for not providing for your children.

mmm chocolate

RE: Website to name parents who dont pay for thier kids

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 10th December 2006, 12:22

There is no excuse for not providing for your children.

..unless you`re being royally shafted by some slapper you had a tuppenny upright with 7 years ago and she`s come out of the closet with a child you never knew you had cos she`s short of readies
My eyes, My beautiful eyes....

My Collection

RE: Website to name parents who dont pay for thier kids

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 10th December 2006, 12:53

..unless you`re being royally shafted by some slapper you had a tuppenny upright with 7 years ago and she`s come out of the closet with a child you never knew you had cos she`s short of readies

Which does not absolve anyone of their responsibilities :/

A) The child would have to be proven to be yours.

B) In many cases the CSA is only involved IF the parent is in receipt of benefits.

C) Not all claimants are made by slappers, in fact the statement makes you look a fool mate, and in any case that still does not absolve the parent of their financial responsibilities, responsibilities that are taken over by the state when a parent is reluctant to pay for the upkeep of their child.

Choagy FFCUK The SPL :(

RE: Website to name parents who dont pay for thier kids

Stu UK (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 10th December 2006, 12:57

..unless you`re being royally shafted by some slapper you had a tuppenny upright with 7 years ago and she`s come out of the closet with a child you never knew you had cos she`s short of readies
Does it matter how the child is conceived? wether its a "tuppenny upright with 7 years ago" or during a relationship why should I as a tax payer pay for your child?

mmm chocolate

RE: Website to name parents who dont pay for thier kids

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 10th December 2006, 13:03

Fair points, and I didn`t mean to p*** anyone off, but look at it this way.

You have said `upright` with said woman, Then you lose contact with her for whatever reason. She doesn`t tell you she`s baking buns, and you settle into a nice cosy life with a new woman a few years later. You marry, have some kids of your own, and start to rack up some bills. Then, out of the blue, this one-night-stand contacts the CSA and you`re screwed, as is your new family. It has happened, and personally, I think that`s wrong.

My eyes, My beautiful eyes....

My Collection

RE: Website to name parents who dont pay for thier kids

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 10th December 2006, 13:10

Stantz :)

You did not offend me mate :)

In all honesty mate I would feel a little bit peeved to say the least if after a gap of several years I was to be suddenly contacted by the C.S.A.
However daft it may appear if the child was proven beyond all doubt to be my child I would pay with barely a moments pause for thought.
That said, me being an auld fat bald and angry sentimental fool who takes responsibilities very seriously may put me in the minority where the C.S.A. are concerned.

Choagy FFCUK The SPl :)

This item was edited on Sunday, 10th December 2006, 13:10

RE: Website to name parents who dont pay for thier kids

1mills (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 10th December 2006, 13:16

Then, out of the blue, this one-night-stand contacts the CSA and you`re screwed, as is your new family. It has happened, and personally, I think that`s wrong.

For me personally wouldn`t matter, if it was my child I`d be more p***ed off that I`m only finding out 7years down the line.

The lad I live with was with a girl for a very short period of time and then she had a kid in the right kind of time line for it to be potentially his.

There`s no father on the scene and he reckons there is probably a good chance it might be his, but she has never said anything to him. The thing is he doesn`t want the child to be his so he hasn`t asked any questions.

I seem to be in the minority but I would want to know anyway, I would at least raise the question (depending on the situation ask to get dna test).

My DVD collection

RE: Website to name parents who dont pay for thier kids

karen70 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 10th December 2006, 13:38

Fair points, and I didn`t mean to p*** anyone off, but look at it this way.

You have said `upright` with said woman, Then you lose contact with her for whatever reason. She doesn`t tell you she`s baking buns, and you settle into a nice cosy life with a new woman a few years later. You marry, have some kids of your own, and start to rack up some bills. Then, out of the blue, this one-night-stand contacts the CSA and you`re screwed, as is your new family. It has happened, and personally, I think that`s wrong.

Actually, as a single parent myself of 3 kids to 3 different guys, I have to point out something...if father is on any benefits ( which means tax credits which you can claim earning up to 55k or similar) mother gets nothing. Just on a personal note....In all the years child support agency has been going I have not received one single penny from them.

RE: Website to name parents who dont pay for thier kids

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 10th December 2006, 16:03

if father is on any benefits ( which means tax credits which you can claim earning up to 55k or similar) mother gets nothing

That is not true. Don`t know where you got that information from but it`s not guidance that I work to at all. Even if the absent father (or mother) is on benefits, you would still get a minimum of a fiver unless there was shared care involved.

As to the latter, why exactly is that? There are a number of reasons why CSA fail to collect money from non resident parents, a lot of them aren`t the fault of the Agency despite the bad press.


News Editor and Reviewer

Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way, turn...

And those who dance will spin and turn,
And those who wait will wait no more,
And those who talk will hear the words,
And those who see will fade and die,
And those who laugh will surely fall,
And those who know will always feel their backs against the thin wall...

RE: Website to name parents who dont pay for thier kids

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 10th December 2006, 16:31

When my parents got divorced (this was 1988 ), whoever was in charge of maintenance payments decided he had to pay the grand total of 2p between us per year! This was because he was on invalidity benefits (work injury). Fortunately my dad wasn`t a complete arsehole and we all had a laugh about it when the letter came! :D

I think this name and shame move is good, but there should also be a website for parents who defy court orders about access out of spite.


This item was edited on Sunday, 10th December 2006, 16:31

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