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How many DVDs has everyone here got?

sparkster (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 30th October 2001, 11:20

Just thought this would be a good thread to start.

Out of intrest how many DVDs does everybody here have in their collection and when did they start it? Lets see if anyone can show off by owning more than their local video store - be honest.

I bought my first DVDs in December 1999 and now have 111 titles, some of which are 7 disc boxsets (which I counted as 1 title). I`m also waiting for 4 in the post.

RE: How many DVDs has everyone here got?

LBM (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 30th October 2001, 12:13

wow that is really interesting!!! I think I remember doing stuff like that at first school.

I persume you don`t get out much!

RE: How many DVDs has everyone here got?

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 30th October 2001, 12:48

RE: How many DVDs has everyone here got?

mikeyf (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 30th October 2001, 13:28

First DVD bought end of July 2001, I`ve now got 32 plus 3 on order.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 30th October 2001, 13:28

RE: How many DVDs has everyone here got?

Spooky_UK (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 30th October 2001, 15:48

I got given my DVD as a present in August last year... since then I have been highly addicted to buying DVD`s and have managed to get a collection of about 327 (counting boxsets as 1)

The most DVD`s I have bought in 1 month is 54

I have another 79 on order waiting to be released... I am getting a bit broke and think I should slow it down a little!


RE: How many DVDs has everyone here got?

stefmcd (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 30th October 2001, 18:08

out of curiosity Ayers what do you do for a living?

RE: How many DVDs has everyone here got?

sportsmimic (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 30th October 2001, 20:32

Bought my first DVD player in October 1999 (I now have 3) and currently I have 457, with about 60 on pre-order.
I slowed down a bit a while ago, but recently bought a cinema set-up which sounds fantastic, and my urge to buy is stronger than ever. I can never go back to video, so I am now replacing my collection of 2,000.

RE: How many DVDs has everyone here got?

rockysafc (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 30th October 2001, 20:49

I think Ayers and sportsmimic must be a couple of bankrobbers!

RE: How many DVDs has everyone here got?

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 30th October 2001, 20:57

Of course they dont say what kind of films they have bought. Maybe they need to trade with Andrew Bruce, see if they have anything to his taste.

And ayers_uk, who has the time to watch 54 new DVDs in a month? Are you a retired millionaire?

RE: How many DVDs has everyone here got?

Blazingmonga (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 30th October 2001, 21:53

Anybody need any help watching DVDs?

If you send them to me, I would be happy to watch them for you.

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