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The Ultimate Debate… Is There A God????

alfie noakes (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 23rd September 2006, 15:39

It's about time DVDReviewer sorted this one out, I mean, this is a DVD reviews website after all!!!

In the Blue corner we have 'the religos' - God this, God that, peedo priests and ranting Imams.

In the Red corner the 'atheos' "opium of the masses" spouting, heathens (no agnostics please - believe in God, don't believe in God no sitting on the f*cking fence "just in case")

Red Corner… Okay, one of the big arguments for the existence of a creator is "how can a world with this complexity, with sentient thoughtful beings (that's us folks) come about by accident and dumb luck?"

Our complexity and apparent 'design' is not proof of a God.

Isn't it extraordinary that you are sitting here reading this when there are billions of possible situations where you wouldn't exist at all? Look at just a tiny fraction of what it took for you to get here - your parents being born in the same era, their chances of meeting each other, the chances of them becoming involved and 'gettin' it on', the chances of the right single sperm meets the right egg, the chances that the egg is successfully fertilized… etc, etc. Hang on though, think of all the other 'non-you's' that could have existed and made the same conclusion about their miraculous existence that aren't sitting reading this. Hmmm.

Here's a famous quote by the physicist Richard Feynman :

"The most amazing thing happened to me tonight. I was coming here on the way to the lecture and I came in through the parking lot. And you won't believe what happened. I saw a car with the license plate ARW 357. Can you imagine? Of all the millions of license plates in the state, what was the chance that I would see that particular one, tonight? Amazing!"

I know that's a bit of a headf*ck, but, as Bill Bryson simply put it "it is easy to make any banal situation seem extraordinary if you treat it as fateful".

The existence of man is not fateful. It's 5 billion years of evolution. It might have taken 10 million "goes" for life to be kick-started into existence on this planet, and 10 million other goes on 10 billion other planets in 10 trillion other galaxies. It's almost bound to happen somewhere, given enough time and enough universe, we are just lucky it led to us.

There doesn't have to be a reason for us to exist. It just seems to be human nature to crave for reasons.

Over to you Hulk/Bats…

RE: The Ultimate Debate… Is There A God????

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 23rd September 2006, 15:40

The Ultimate Debate… Is There A God????

You betcha.
Next ............

This item was edited on Saturday, 23rd September 2006, 16:42

RE: The Ultimate Debate… Is There A God????

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 23rd September 2006, 15:47

Dead babies. No there is not a god.

Dr 42%er

It`s not easy being different. It`s not easy being cool....but somehow I manage....

RE: The Ultimate Debate… Is There A God????

alfie noakes (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 23rd September 2006, 16:02

You betcha.

You win.

Allelujah, I`m converted!!!

"Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war with the cross of Jeezus..."

RE: The Ultimate Debate… Is There A God????

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 23rd September 2006, 16:04

i`ll wait & see if any proof one way or the other comes along ;)

oh right, i`m not allowed to do that am ? :D

RE: The Ultimate Debate… Is There A God????

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 23rd September 2006, 16:05

We could get into the negative positive debate then, but it would be endless and get nowhere.
You say proof is dead babies. No God.
I say proof is beauty (of any kind).
Neither is proof for and against.
Who said life was going to be easy or pleasant? It isn`t most of the time. Life certainly doesn`t seem to be fair. Still no proof either way.
See what I mean? An endless debate going up our own fundamental basically.
Aaah..but there are puppies :)

PS. My brother died, horribly, as a baby. Sadly, that is life.

This item was edited on Saturday, 23rd September 2006, 17:06

RE: The Ultimate Debate… Is There A God????

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 23rd September 2006, 16:09

The Ultimate Debate… Is There A God????

Yes, and his name is Chuck Norris!

This debate is as silly as "What is the meaning of life?" - the question doesn`t have any definitive answer so there is no point in debating it as there will never be any resolution. There is no proof either way, and while common sense might tell you that the concept of a God is ridiculous, there is no way nor reason to convince those who do "have faith". A huge portion of the world`s population are religious is one form or another... do you really intend to convert them all? And why would you? Religion brings enlightenment and happiness to billions of people, whose right is it to take that away from them?

Some people believe, others don`t.

As for me... I`m Ignostic.

This item was edited on Saturday, 23rd September 2006, 17:16

RE: The Ultimate Debate… Is There A God????

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 23rd September 2006, 16:13

What I was trying to say, actually. Put it better than I.
I would mention that I was an out-and-out atheist once. Probably much worse than youse lot. :)
Am I holding my end up?

This item was edited on Saturday, 23rd September 2006, 17:15

RE: The Ultimate Debate… Is There A God????

alfie noakes (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 23rd September 2006, 16:18

Okay, it`s impossible to prove or dissprove the existence of God, but it`s also impossible to prove or dissprove the existence of any notion that I make up on the spot.

Where did the idea of God come from in the first place? Really, it`s because someone (some man) said that God exists.

I don`t like the religious trickery that says that God doesn`t need to prove his existence - it`s up to you to have faith! God doesn`t need to do good things for humanity - he`s given man self-determination to set his own path! How convenient.

Oh and by the way, you`d better spend your life worshipping and reverring (sp?) him, cos otherwise you`ll get punished / won`t receive your rewards in the afterlife grrrrr.

RE: The Ultimate Debate… Is There A God????

biddenden_sue (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 23rd September 2006, 16:19

I hate discussing religion cos I don`t like falling out with people.

However, seeing as you asked...

YES there is a God. Yes, Jesus walked on this Earth (otherwise why do we count our years after his birth?)

And if anyone had actually bothered to study the Bible, they would notice that it clearly tells us that Satan currently rules over the Earth, and that is why we are suffering from such chaos and misery as we are.

That`s it. said me bit, I`ll let you lot argue it out now.

Some say I`m from Biddenden. Some say my name`s Sue. Some say I`m really Marge on a mission.


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