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DVDs you regret buying

David Clegg (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 20th October 2000, 13:38

OK so we`ve got the top 5 DVD thread going, but what about those DVDs that you now regret buying?! There must be some turkeys out there in the not-quite-so-perfect land of DVD

1. Goodfellas - Not for the film (which is in my top 10), but for the flipper status. Should have researched in more detail rather than seeing Goodfellas was out on DVD and buying it straight away. I spent years as a LaserDisc owner trying to convince myself & others that turning films over half way through didn`t spoil your enjoyment, when I upgraded to DVD I thought it was all behind me...

2. Glengarry Glen Ross. Again another in my top 10 favourite films, but it is pan and scan only and not widescreen (I should have read the packaging - I`m good at forgetting to do that). We shouldn`t go around buying non-widescreen DVDs, it will only encourage them...

3. Bringing out the Dead - For the awful cheesey so-called "making-of" documentary that is nothing more than the principal members of the cast going on about how everyone else involved is just so wonderful. Plus this is the first Scorsese film I`ve ever knocked off half way through cause I couldn`t be arsed watching it all in one go. Someone please tell me it gets better after repeated viewing.

Some close-calls of movies I nearly bought straight away on DVD without renting or borrowing them first just in case...

American Pie - 5 funny moments tops.
There`s Something About Mary - ditto
Independence Day - good technical example of DVD quality but that`s about it

RE: DVDs you regret buying

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 20th October 2000, 16:23

Excellent topic, David, and one where "we`re all gonna have a lotta fun" (Copywright V Reeves).
Actually mine wasn`t a purchase it was a freebie. When I had to, inevitably, send my Encore player back, Encore Direct kindly returned it fixed and with a freebie DVD. Oooh, what`s this little beauty....A Close Shave - Wallace & Gromitt. Mmmm, nice. Still, it`ll be nice to show the parents when they come up to Nott`m at Christmas, I s`pose. P`raps they`ll get why I`m so mad about DVD !!!

RE: DVDs you regret buying

RJS (undefined) posted this on Sunday, 22nd October 2000, 14:25

I think the only DVD I really regret buying was the original Region 1 release of Seven, complete with letterbox transfer and turn-the-disc-over-half-way-through-the-movie feature.

RE: DVDs you regret buying

clayts (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 22nd October 2000, 15:25

Robert, was it Pro-Logic as well ? The cheapo R2 one on the Entertainment in Video label certainly is

RE: DVDs you regret buying

madmax (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 22nd October 2000, 19:55

My Top 5 s***ters are...

1) Austin Powers Man of mystery R1, The mystery is why i bought it

2) Meet Joe Black R1, Should have been send it back

3) Knock Off R1, Iv`e tried to knock it off .. butt still plays

4) Blair Witch Project R1, Why, Why Why did i buy this crap

5) Practical Magic R1, Bought this cos i like Sandra Bullock, I`m just a love sick puppy. What a load of trash

I`m sure i will be conned out of more hard earned cash, I.E. Gone in 60 Secs, Like my money. Do we never learn ...... LOL

RE: DVDs you regret buying

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 23rd October 2000, 00:10

Clayts - Wallace and Gromit??? I`ve got that on preorder from Streets and it`s not supposed to be out until 4th Dec.

RE: DVDs you regret buying

clayts (Elite) posted this on Monday, 23rd October 2000, 19:22

Mark, it`s only the one episode not all three.

Are you saying I`ve got a rarity on my hands. Hang on a minute....(goes away and comes back)....

Hell, yeah it`s a promotional copy !


Thanks Mark, you`ve made my day.

FOR SALE : Ultrarare promotional DVD copy of A Close Shave : bidding starts at £10

RE: DVDs you regret buying

madmax (Competent) posted this on Monday, 23rd October 2000, 20:13

Sorry Clayts.. It`s not that rare , i got it last year free with a DVD player


RE: DVDs you regret buying

clayts (Elite) posted this on Monday, 23rd October 2000, 23:14

aw bums.....

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