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Godfather box set warning

General Thade (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 2nd October 2001, 22:56

l just got my R1 GODFATHER dvd boxset. The 5 discs came sealed in the usual packaging. There was a leaflet describing the extras beneath the seal, this leafletwhich was GLUED to the actual box!!!! l have been sitting for ages just to remove it!

What a crappy idea, almost ripping my boxset!!!

RE: Godfather box set warning

Horribly_Mauled (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd October 2001, 07:01

yeah, theres a similar thing with the Simpsons boxsets... took me ages to rub all the glue off...

RE: Godfather box set warning

lard (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd October 2001, 14:00

Get some IPA (iso propyl alcohol). It dissolves those pesky adhesives they use that dont peel off. Do a test patch somewhere unimportant first though.

RE: Godfather box set warning

MickG (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 4th October 2001, 14:28

General, Tell us - do the 5 Godfather disks come in there own Amaray Cases or is it a similar Box set like the X Files is setup ??

RE: Godfather box set warning

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 4th October 2001, 15:18

IPA - Not india pale ale then? :D

Try regular washing up liquid. Works for me.

(watch out for next week`s "top tips" - Sadomasochists! Tired of paying over the odds down Marlybone? Travel on Virgin trains - its cheap and inflicts a similar amount of suffering...).

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