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Im getting married on 20th May.....AARRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!

Andy_R (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd May 2006, 20:10

Im getting hitched 2 weeks on Saturday!!?! Slowly but surely Im starting to get nervous. Does anyone have any tips on how to get through the day?? :/

RE: Im getting married on 20th May.....AARRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!

andy.c (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd May 2006, 20:19

Hardened Liquor usually does the job.

RE: Im getting married on 20th May.....AARRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd May 2006, 20:30

Seriously, chill. I was crapping myself leading up to the wedding, but it went by like a breeze. As long as you`ve got at least 2 ushers, you can stop fretting the second you`re at the venue with your suit on. The rest is up to her...

It`ll never heal if you don`t stop picking...

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RE: Im getting married on 20th May.....AARRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!

Ivan Dobsky (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd May 2006, 21:58

Not sure how I did it, but personally I was nervous until the night before my `big day`. Suddenly any nervousness I had just disappeared (and I`d not even drunk very much, either!) and I enjoyed the day so much.
That is the key thing to remember - try to enjoy the day, no matter how you`re feeling inside (butterflies like ballerinas, to paraphrase a song). It is (or ought to be) a once-in-a-lifetime event, and the time just flies by if you`re not careful.

RE: Im getting married on 20th May.....AARRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!

gordyffc (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd May 2006, 22:24

I`m pretty sure all the nerves will be gone when it comes round and to be honest the day will fly in.

Like Ivan says this will be one of, if not the biggest and happiest days of your life, it certainly was for me and has only been matched by the birth of my wee girl.

Hope everything goes well on the day for you both and Best Wishes for your future together.


RE: Im getting married on 20th May.....AARRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd May 2006, 22:41

All the best to you both.

RE: Im getting married on 20th May.....AARRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd May 2006, 22:51

all the best buddy :)

personally, i just didn`t think about mine until i was stood in front of the registrar, then just said what had to be said then went & got p***ed out of my head ;)

that was nearly 10 years ago, so i must have done something right (apart from turning up ;) )

But no, really, all the best, you`ll be fine. the anticipation is far far worse than the event & the day, once you realise that it gets easy.

general nobody @ known as Chris Ogden

RE: Im getting married on 20th May.....AARRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!

fluff_n_stuff (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 4th May 2006, 09:09

Good luck...hope everything goes well! :)

If you don`t believe in oral sex, keep your mouth shut!

RE: Im getting married on 20th May.....AARRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 4th May 2006, 11:01

Beats me why people get nervous,and I`ve been married twice.
Absolutely no need.
Give yourself a shake,pull yourself together and keep things in perspective.
It`s a day to be enjoyed,for god`s sake.

RE: Im getting married on 20th May.....AARRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!

KaTz (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 4th May 2006, 11:23

yep congrats.
its the bride that`ll have more butterflying than u.
just like someone said - u`ve just gotta turn up. lol :D
have a great day


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