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The LORDS says NO to Compulsary ID cards

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 7th March 2006, 23:44

Well thank goodness someone sees sense, and stops Blair from making us carry compulsary barcodes on our forehead, sorry thats later , its just ID cards now.

There is no need for these cards, as if you are taken down a cell by a policeman, they WILL know who you are within 24 hours.

We are NOT at war, as far as I know. ID cards were compulsary during WW2, so unless we are in WW3, forget it.

As for fighting terror, well we had the IRA for 30 years in Mainland UK and we did not need ID cards then or now.

ID cards will be forged on the black market or persons killed to get their card, so any card system is totally useless and are just there to control us.

Blair and that frightening git in the Whitehouse, is using the so called `war on terror` to bring in a police state, We must fight this now, or you will end up like the Old Red Russian States, not be able to move anywhere, do anything, without endless policing.

What say you ?

RE: The LORDS says NO to Compulsary ID cards

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 8th March 2006, 13:45

In principle I agree with what you are saying. I don`t carry any ID, other than my bank cards. I don`t really like the idea of being made to identify myself to a copper whenever they feel like asking.

Would the benefits outweigh the drawbacks, though? I`d like to think we live in a country where we don`t need ID cards.


RE: The LORDS says NO to Compulsary ID cards

random username (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 8th March 2006, 15:23

I don`t believe the benefits will, no, and I`m glad the Lords oppose them.

For starters, if we have ID cards that are supposedly infallible, people will become over reliant on them, and not double check identity. They can also be used to discriminate against groups in society, who may end up being subjected to constant id checks. Thirdly, they will be backed up by vast amounts of data in one central database, which the government will then sell access to.

Info here

This item was edited on Wednesday, 8th March 2006, 15:24

RE: The LORDS says NO to Compulsary ID cards

Stu UK (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 8th March 2006, 15:35

OMG the terrorists will be party tonite lol

mmm chocolate

RE: The LORDS says NO to Compulsary ID cards

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 8th March 2006, 19:31

I`ve already got 2 id cards in my wallet. My Maestro and driving license. From that you can find out pretty much anything you want about me..

Either that or just read my posts, i tend to ramble when i`ve had a few

It`ll never heal if you don`t stop picking...

My Collection

RE: The LORDS says NO to Compulsary ID cards

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 30th March 2006, 04:39

Again, we have a compromise, moving towards fingerprinting the whole nation, lossing our civil rights, and making us all nearer to 1984. It is time to Join NO2ID......

News quotes today, Wednesday, 29 March 2006, 23:13 GMT 00:13 UK

Deal paves the way for ID cards

Labour`s manifesto promised ID cards would be voluntary
The way has been cleared for the introduction of identity cards after weeks of parliamentary wrangling ended.
The Commons has approved a compromise drawn up by the government, after the Lords repeatedly blocked the measure.

Anyone who renews a passport will have their details put on a national ID database - but now they will not have to have an ID card until 2010.

The Lords backed the deal by 287 votes to 60. MPs later approved it in the Commons by a margin of 301 to 84.

Peers had five times rejected plans to force passport applicants to get cards. `Delighted`

Home Secretary Charles Clarke hailed the deal as a "sensible and acceptable compromise".

It did "add a little bit of uncertainty to the government`s plans for implementing the scheme," he said.

"But we believe that uncertainty to be manageable."

He told the Commons the "pricing strategy" for the documents would be determined after Royal Assent.

Nobody who does not want an ID card need have one before the next election

Shadow home secretary David Davis

The deal also "preserved the integrity" of the national ID database, Mr Clarke added, since passport applicants would still have their details entered on it.

Shadow home secretary David Davis said the deal was "a major climb-down by the government" that made the legislation "just acceptable".

"Nobody who does not want an ID card need have one before the next election - and that in itself is worth having," he said before promising a Conservative government would repeal the legislation.

Liberal Democrat constitutional affairs spokesman Simon Hughes called the plans a "ridiculous incursion of the state on the individual".

He said: "If we all renew our passports now we won`t be subject to this ridiculous new system for probably at least another 10 years."

But protest group NO2ID said it was not a compromise.

This is a self-destructive policy to dwarf the Poll Tax

NO2ID national coordinator Phil Booth

"The problem has always been the database, not the card," said national coordinator Phil Booth.

"Millions are already vehemently opposed, the Home Office will have to round them up and force them to be fingerprinted, which will bring home to the public the true nature of the scheme.

"This is a self-destructive policy to dwarf the Poll Tax."

RE: The LORDS says NO to Compulsary ID cards

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 30th March 2006, 05:33

So.... time for everyone to start voting Conservative then? :/

"This is a self-destructive policy to dwarf the Poll Tax."

Yay! Riots!


RE: The LORDS says NO to Compulsary ID cards

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 30th March 2006, 07:26

At least the house of lords did something useful for a change instead of sitting on their arses doing bugger all, all the house of lords is really is a retirement home for politicians.


RE: The LORDS says NO to Compulsary ID cards

timechaser (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 30th March 2006, 07:40

One thing I dont understand - ID cards would be issued to people applying for a passport. I am an Indian citizen, and dont intend to apply for a passport here. I earn well, and pay a load of taxes, yet I dont get an ID card. IF - thats a big one - IF they were to have been introduced, I wouldnt have one. This would automatically make me a second rate citizen although the taxes I paid last year were more than twice the national average earnings. And this is besides the fact that if I lose my job I will not be supported by the government and will have to make my way back to India.

I seriously wonder why I am paying taxes - to support the jackasses producing kids by the dozen so that they can claim more money from the government. At least you guys have some sort of fallback - apart from access to NHS, I get jacks***.

Thank god the ID cards were booted out.


"I am worst at what I do the best, for this gift I feel blessed. I found it hard... it was hard to find. Oh well, Whatever! NEVERMIND"

RE: The LORDS says NO to Compulsary ID cards

random username (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 30th March 2006, 12:23

Guess I wont be getting a new passport then, glad I renewed mine early in october.

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