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Contents insurance required - advice please

sparkster (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 15th February 2006, 20:03

Last week moved into a shared house and have my own, large bedroom.

Currently I have no contents insurance and would like to take some out.

I`ve looked at websites for all the majors companies (MoreThan, Norwich Union, Churchill, etc) but none seem to be able to meet my needs on their standard online forms.

Basically I need the contents of my room insured against fire damage and theft to the value of £8,000. There are three other bedrooms in the house, four other people, but they will not be paying towards this policy and therefore I would like thier possessions and (if possible) rooms, etc discounted.

Is there anyone in the insurance business or the know who can give me any advice?

Many thanks in advance.

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RE: Contents insurance required - advice please

Mikeonfreeserve (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 15th February 2006, 20:26

Yes, get one the decent bolt ons like legal expenses insurance which can be a god send if you are unlucky enough to need to take anyone to court or a tribunal.

And get new for old cover.

RE: Contents insurance required - advice please

admars (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 15th February 2006, 20:36

I remember when I lived in rented accomodation sharing with 1 person, various companies would do online quotes, but 2 they wouldn`t, they did if you phoned them up though.

So unfortunately you may have to phone around to get quotes. If you`re living with strangers, rather than mates Mike`s suggestion could b v valid.


RE: Contents insurance required - advice please

random username (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 15th February 2006, 20:45

Could try looking at the sort of companies that advertise student insurance, can`t remember the names of any right now tho!

RE: Contents insurance required - advice please

Chug a Bug (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 15th February 2006, 20:49

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This item was edited on Wednesday, 15th February 2006, 20:49

RE: Contents insurance required - advice please

redtom (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 16th February 2006, 00:09

If anyone knows of similar insurance companies in Ireland, now`s the time to tell me....

"Someday we`ll look back on this and it will all be funny"

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