Page 1 of Are you darksiiiiiiiiiiiided???

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Are you darksiiiiiiiiiiiided???

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Friday, 30th December 2005, 20:58

This is from Fox`s Trading Spouses which is basically another version of Wife Swap.



RE: Are you darksiiiiiiiiiiiided???

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 30th December 2005, 21:59

what a set of f***ing freaks :/

general nobody @ known as Chris Ogden

RE: Are you darksiiiiiiiiiiiided???

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 30th December 2005, 22:11

I aquired the 2-parter the other week - marvelous! It would have got on *my* nerves to be living with a bunch of crystal-clutching New Agers for a fortnight, but *bloody hell what a nutter*!! I felt so sorry for the teenage girl who was overlooked and bossed-about. The husband was a pussy for not telling his wife to calm the f*** down and stop terrifying the littlest girl at the end.


RE: Are you darksiiiiiiiiiiiided???

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 30th December 2005, 22:32

FFS and they had the cheek to deport Cat Stevens for his religious beliefs :D

Yup good old bible thumping, clean living christians.
FFS by the look of that phat f***in troll I think she must have eaten the family she was living with.

Thank you Rupert for such enlightening and wholesome programming.
Just the kind of shows the us "Darksiiiiiiiiiders" need .

Mind you, the same sphincter owns

"Fair and impartial"

News .

Fair and impartial , aye right and Gerry Adams is a mason :o

Choagy FFCUK the SPL :)

RE: Are you darksiiiiiiiiiiiided???

WD423 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 30th December 2005, 22:47

And she still took the money.


RE: Are you darksiiiiiiiiiiiided???

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 30th December 2005, 22:51

And she still took the money.

which tells you everything you need to know.

general nobody @ known as Chris Ogden


RE: Are you darksiiiiiiiiiiiided???

Robert Terwilliger (Elite) posted this on Friday, 30th December 2005, 23:14

This is everything that I hate about bible bashing god botherers and their belief that everyone who isnt like them is gonna burn in hell, they just cannot accept that some people just dont believe in god and the bible is just a storybook... nothing more nothing less

but it makes great telly eh :D

"If I had time....and a hammer, I`d track down every bootleg copy and smash it........"
- George Lucas

My DVD collection

RE: Are you darksiiiiiiiiiiiided???

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 30th December 2005, 23:33

"Fair and impartial"

"Fair and Balanced"TM


RE: Are you darksiiiiiiiiiiiided???

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 31st December 2005, 07:53

She wasn`t a God botherer she was a God warrior.

We moan about Fox but Murdoch owns the company, and we all pay in to his vision via Sky and his variety of newspapers.



RE: Are you darksiiiiiiiiiiiided???

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 31st December 2005, 10:50

Oh please! She is obviously either (a) having a hoot of a time for the cameras or (b) severely mentally ill (paranoia?).
I am going for the latter.

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