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What part of no don`t you understand

nick 745 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 16th September 2005, 11:43

At work just had a phone company call me up on cold call, which is illegal. The man had trouble understanding english full stop and get telling me if I run through the company details we get a cooling off period etc, when didn`t even want the product. Said no straight away and I`m not a rude person so didn`t hang up but kept saying no and he still carried on and on.

RE: What part of no don`t you understand

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Friday, 16th September 2005, 11:48

I just let them go through all the schpiel (sp), then ask if they have finished. When they say "yes", I just hang up. Must annoy them to go through all the set written speech only to get a dead line when finished.

RE: What part of no don`t you understand

whoot (Elite) posted this on Friday, 16th September 2005, 11:50

buy a very high pitched whistle.. keep it next to the phone.
next time they start yabbering on blaze it down the line to them..
I`m not 100 percent sure, but I don`t think they like that.

RE: What part of no don`t you understand

Remoh1 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 16th September 2005, 11:54

What part of no don`t you understand

as my son said to my wife when she asked that "The middle part"

If you want to come after me you`ll find me in Newport Pagnell but be warned I know karate, Judo, Kung-fu and several other dangerous words

RE: What part of no don`t you understand

bladewrecker (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 16th September 2005, 11:58

in the U.K we have the telephone preference service that you can sign up to and stop telesales calls , maybe you have something similar ?

RE: What part of no don`t you understand

Tom P (Competent) posted this on Friday, 16th September 2005, 13:10

As I am the telecoms manager for the place I work, and we spend about £10k a month on calls, I am constantly getting people trying to get our voice traffic - maybe 4 calls a week. My current game is to tell them that I am really interested in changing, then say I have another call comming in, and put them on hold. Then time how long it takes them to hang up, the record so far is just over 20 mins! Cos I have a 2 line phone its not a problem, I can carry on working, knowing that the blinking red light is some sales guy not earning a commission!

RE: What part of no don`t you understand

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 16th September 2005, 18:23

We get them at work now, we`re not allowed to register with TPS as it would take us off directory enquiries (so HO claims)

My current method is to try to stop them by saying "Sorry, can i just stop you there?" (I have a deep and commanding voice, so I`m told) As soon as they stop talking, i say `Thank you` and put the phone down.

Been nowhere
Done Nothing
Stole the T-shirt

My Collection

RE: What part of no don`t you understand

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 17th September 2005, 07:15

I`m registered on TPS, and still get them. I ask them how they got my number, when it`s exdirectory etc - they just use random number dialers, and obviously don`t check TPS. They usually back off when I tell them I`m on TPS.

RE: What part of no don`t you understand

chewie (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 17th September 2005, 09:40

As soon as a find out it`s a telesales call, I just don`t speak. It`s funny listening to someone at the end of a phone who thinks there is noone there :D

My DVD Collection

RE: What part of no don`t you understand

jc808 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 17th September 2005, 09:54

`Hi, let me just stop you there.
The person who manages the phone line service contracts is Tony.

Just putting you through to `Tone now...


This is my way.

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