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Need a cheap holiday, any ideas?

baldbonce (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 16th January 2005, 15:49

Looking at going on a cheap holiday in March, but only ever been on a forgion holiday once i don`t know where to look. 4 adults somewhere hot that`s all i want.
Please help.
Many thanks :)

RE: Need a cheap holiday, any ideas?

Robert Terwilliger (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th January 2005, 19:48

Have a look on teletext....

Book it pack it and f*** off!

all the best,

Peter Kay :D

"If I had time....and a hammer, I`d track down every bootleg copy and smash it........"
- George Lucas

My DVD collection

RE: Need a cheap holiday, any ideas?

Paull (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th January 2005, 21:03

Spain is the closest & cheapest `hot` destination, In March the weather is good, BUT, it can rain in March. The Canaries would be your best bet.

RE: Need a cheap holiday, any ideas?

W@yne (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th January 2005, 22:40

The Costa Brava in Spain is usually quite a few £ cheaper than most other places .
Lloret and Calella are quite popular , nothing special but should fit your needs as they should be warm in march also it is not too far from Barcelona ( go by train ) should you want to visit the famous sites like the Nou camp stadium , fountains or the one legged beggars etc


RE: Need a cheap holiday, any ideas?

baldbonce (Competent) posted this on Monday, 17th January 2005, 13:59

A BIG thank you for all ya help. :)
Many thanks

RE: Need a cheap holiday, any ideas?

NoveltyCondomHead (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th January 2005, 15:21

I`d say Granada in Spain - Fly to Malaga for under £50 and rent a Villa - four of us stayed in a villa with two double rooms and a twin room for less than £12 each a night - it was beautiful with a view of the Alhambra from the window.

Food in Granada is so cheap they give it away - order and glass of wine or a coke and get a plate full of hot tapas that does the job - brilliant.

You`re 50 mins drive from the beach, 45 minutes from the Ski Slopes, the atmosphere is very Spanish (unlike the Costas) and the town is ultracool and smart.

The best place I have been in ages.

Check out this site


PS - The Alhambra is a Moorish Palace that was taken over by the Catholics in 1492 and is one of the most glorious places you will ever seen - it is also the no.1 tourist attraction for the Spanish in Spain. Also in the vacinity is La Calahorra, a renaissance castle with a baroque fascia - crazy plae where you hand over a few coins to the caretaker and she gives you the run of the place and also about 11/2 hrs away is Texas and Mini Hollywood - where they filmed all the Clint Eastwood Spaghetti Westerns.

So flight - cheap, Accom - cheap, transport - I hired a car, but the bus is efficient, Places of Interest for all ages - thumbs up, food - cheap and interesting, shopping - very nice north african stuff in the Albaizin- otherwise department stores and lots of boutique - but Zara is cheap there.

Just go - you`ll love it

RE: Need a cheap holiday, any ideas?

marksparks999 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th January 2005, 16:47

I`d say Granada in Spain

couldnt agree more...

PS - The Alhambra is a Moorish Palace that was taken over by the Catholics in 1492 and is one of the most glorious places you will ever seen - it is also the no.1 tourist attraction for the Spanish in Spain. Also in the vacinity is La Calahorra, a renaissance castle with a baroque fascia - crazy plae where you hand over a few coins to the caretaker and she gives you the run of the place and also about 11/2 hrs away is Texas and Mini Hollywood - where they filmed all the Clint Eastwood Spaghetti Westerns.

have to agree again, Alhambra is one of the best places i have ever been... my wife says we only go on holiday where there are `rocks n stuff` to look at...

I dont know why just because i dragged her to Mexico to see the Aztec ruins, Turkey to see Ephasis (sp.), Spain to see the Alhambra, Tunisia to see the roman monuments (and the place where starwars was filmed).... :/

Come to think of it shes pretty ungrateful about all the nice places i have taken her! >:(

Time for a younger model? :D

`I am going to live forever, or die trying`...

This item was edited on Monday, 17th January 2005, 18:02

RE: Need a cheap holiday, any ideas?

Stu UK (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th January 2005, 17:12

come to sunny Manchester

Have a wonderfull back bedroom with double bunk beds and real dank stains on the walls and matress. Sheets have stains of a dubious nature and I am sure there is a skidder somewhere but this is not to be spoken of as its an added extra....

The weather.... Manchester is renouned for its blistering weather... if you are fair of skin you should ensure that you bring lots of sun block oh bollocks sorry can`t keep it up much longer he he

I found good old Tennerife really good value south of Port Colon was lovely some very nice 4/5 hotels stayed in Adeje Princess.

Hope you find a good break and the postoffice does great rates on euros

RE: Need a cheap holiday, any ideas?

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th January 2005, 18:29

Come to think of it shes pretty ungrateful about all the nice places i have taken her!

Get used to it, they get more ungrateful over time. (Really glad I am 200 miles away from Unicorn after posting that. ;) ).

Ahemmm ......Taken her or taken her too?

Here we go another thread in the gutter (just for you beth1969 & Mixman whose probably back in the bog atm. ;) ).

Time for a younger model?

200 miles away or not, I couldnt possibly comment on that (& keep my nutz).

I enjoy being wrong and clueless on other subjects - My wife usually alerts me to which ones, as there seem to be an awful lot around the house.

This item was edited on Monday, 17th January 2005, 18:32

RE: Need a cheap holiday, any ideas?

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 17th January 2005, 18:42

we went here last year for a short break (3days) and it was brilliant

it was my first time abroad and i`d love to go back again this year :D

general nobody @

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