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Is there an old firmware versions for the 711 that gets rid of macrovision?

Sammy Valtino (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 26th April 2001, 17:13

I saw this on a post in this forum and wondered if it was true? If so does anyone know where i can get it from?

RE: Is there an old firmware versions for the 711 that gets rid of macrovision?

geordieboy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 26th April 2001, 20:38

you`ll be lucky to get an answer here, I`m sick of trying!

RE: Is there an old firmware versions for the 711 that gets rid of macrovision?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 26th April 2001, 20:55

You may get more joy over at the Region Hacks Menu, maybe ? Most visitors visit all the forums, though, so don`t hold your breath...

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