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Music - Help!!!!

numskull (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 16th November 2004, 18:11

OK - sad or not this does concern "Monarch Of The Glen" and the music used at the end of the second episode of this series, so I aplogise in advance!

Does anyone know the name of the peice of music used in background as the Lexy bint got on the steamtrain (???) to leave the series? It`s been used in a number of other progs over a couple of years and I

A/. can`t get it out of my head and
B/. it`s driving me bonkers not knowing what the hell it is :)

So, any help appreciated peaple


RE: Music - Help!!!!

BigmanInc (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 16th November 2004, 22:00

the Lexy bint

What are you talking about?! :o Dawn Steele is well sexy :D I would 8)

...some kind of superstar*

RE: Music - Help!!!!

mistah-wedding-deejay (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 16th November 2004, 22:02

might know it got an mp3?

RE: Music - Help!!!!

numskull (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 17th November 2004, 18:31

If only :( What do you think it is???

RE: Music - Help!!!!

numskull (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 17th November 2004, 18:35

What are you talking about?! Dawn Steele is well sexy I would

Oh Dear - "well sexy"??? You must be the same age as my son!! I`m sure "she would" as well!!

Don`t suppose you know what the music is?

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