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British GP Dropped !!!!!!!!!!!

dkuk2000 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 30th September 2004, 17:03

Just heard on five news that the British Grand Prix has been dropped from next seasons schedule :o
Full story here

(A.C.C Founder)

This item was edited on Thursday, 30th September 2004, 18:20

RE: British GP Dropped !!!!!!!!!!!

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 30th September 2004, 17:15

Its not surprising, Silverstone sucks ass. Ive been a few times. Most recently the mudbath debacle a few years ago.

Its a shame to see it go, but they have rested on their `We`re british, ergo we deserve a grand prix` laurels for too long.

Heres hoping this gives them a kick up the arse and come back with a world beater.

What im listening to (if youre interested)

RE: British GP Dropped !!!!!!!!!!!

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 30th September 2004, 17:29

Its not surprising, Silverstone sucks ass. Ive been a few times. Most recently the mudbath debacle a few years ago

Bernie Ecclestone has wanted to drop the British GP for a number of years now and for his own selfish reasons.
Regarding the mudbath. The British GP was moved and the resultant fiasco effectively sealed its fate. Neither Bernie Ecclestone nor Max Moseley took responsibility for the change of date and each stated that "The decision to move the date had not been their decision". If that was the case then if the two most powerful men in F1 had no say in the date change then just who the christ changed the date.

Bernie Ecclestone has essentially stated that if the BRDC pay him £9,000,000 then they can host a GP. Bribery , extortion and corruption are just a few words to describe how F1 appears to be ran.
One man having such power in any sport is a disgrace.
I only hope the upcoming A1 World Cup Racing grows and becomes a real threat to F1 as the way F1 is being ran is nothing short of obscene.

Choagy FFCUK the SPL :(

This item was edited on Thursday, 30th September 2004, 18:30

RE: British GP Dropped !!!!!!!!!!!

Wedge G (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 30th September 2004, 20:59

I`m an avid F1 fan and got to Silverstone for the 2000 mudbath and thouroughly enjoyed the event.

I don`t think the date change has affected the race in the slightest but I do think that F1 should have a british grand prix. I mean come on, HALF of the field are British based teams - surely that should count for something?

Obviously it all comes down to money/Bernie (one and the same!) and when there are all these other tracks trying to get on the calendar I can see why there needs to be a "registration fee" sort of thing. Unlike a lot of the circuits, Silverstone receives no backing from the Governement so I can see why they are struggling.

Personally, I would like to see the British Grand Prix moved to Donnington or Thruxton. I remember the rain drenched "European" grand prix held at Donnington back in 94 (?) and it was a great track. And thruxton is very fast and quite challenging.

Remember, any new circiut wanting to make it on the calendar now must have a 1km long straight (Shanghai, Bahrain, Kuala Lumpur) to encourage overtaking, and I think that Donnington may just scrape in with that.

The final F1 calendar isn`t out `til 15/10/04, so fingers crossed something can be sorted. If not, F1 is going to become a forgotten sport, and i can see rival series coming along and stealing its thunder (MotoGP is arguably bigger and better than WorldSuperbikes)

RE: British GP Dropped !!!!!!!!!!!

Paull (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st October 2004, 07:44

With Chinese blood money weighing down there pockets, not to mention the blood money from the ciggies etc, why would they bother about British fans. Germany has two races (& we all know how Germany got the next `world cup` football). Rot in hell all the greedy tosspots in charge of F1.

RE: British GP Dropped !!!!!!!!!!!

NoveltyCondomHead (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st October 2004, 08:15

Have you actually seen those two new tracks - they are amazing! the sport is moving on and we`re stuck in the 50`s, sitting on our laurels, regailing ourselves with stories of Jackie Stewart, James Hunt and Nigel Mansell. Those days are over! read OVER!

This is the richest sport in the business and it sets a bad example when our Racing Organisations and the public really don`t care about it that much. Silverstone hasn`t been developing as a site since it`s inception - a couple of times it`s been forced to modify, but they`re just lazy.

it`s just like everything else in this country - we think it`s fine until it fails - see Our Train System for details.

Let`s be the best and use some of that lottery cash to actually make a difference.

as ever......

RE: British GP Dropped !!!!!!!!!!!

Paull (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st October 2004, 11:30

"This is the richest sport in the business and it sets a bad example when our Racing Organisations and the public really don`t care about it that much."

Perhaps the tospots who run this `richest sport` would like to dig into there pockets & help out the country that gave them the sport that is now weighing down there bank accounts. IT WORKS TWO WAYS.

RE: British GP Dropped !!!!!!!!!!!

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st October 2004, 12:47

Can you all please stop using the word `racing`.
In connection with F1,it is a misnomer.


RE: British GP Dropped !!!!!!!!!!!

Wedge G (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st October 2004, 19:46

Can you all please stop using the word `racing`.
In connection with F1,it is a misnomer.

I thought a race was an event held where multiple competitors had to cover a fixed distance in the fastest possible time?

This item was edited on Friday, 1st October 2004, 20:47

RE: British GP Dropped !!!!!!!!!!!

Reckless (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 2nd October 2004, 19:58

I`ve been a fan for 15+ years and this news is about as bad as it gets :(

The new tracks whilst visually very impressive are not great racing circuits. The most interesting races are always on the older circuits. Creating modern, massively safe tracks for the press-a-button brigade driver of today creates boring racing.

Ban all forms of assistance, bring back slicks, drop carbon bracks, throw away lots and lots of wing, re-instance some of the classic tracks and you`d have some much more enjoyable entertainment. As it is, none of this will happen so F1 can sod off for 2005!

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