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theiving postmen should they get higher sentences?

chuck norris (Competent) posted this on Monday, 20th September 2004, 10:34

Waiting for 8 dvd rentals to be delivered since tuesday/wed plus another parcel has`nt arrived.Strange but my letters are arriving, i hate light fingered postman they
create so much hassle.And if their caught they only go to prison for about a year i think if pinching post carried a higher sentence it would deter them from pinching everyones parcels.

RE: thieving postmen should they get higher sentences?

Oor Wullie (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th September 2004, 11:48

In the past 10 to 15 years, three posties were caught thieving the mail in our town. One did his time in jail. The other two were just sacked. One of the sacked ones is now the manager of a leisure hall in this area. Yet there are women in jail because they could not afford to pay their TV licence. >:(


RE: thieving postmen should they get higher sentences?

badboybez (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th September 2004, 12:09

Should get 1 year for each piece of mail nicked.
Should then get their hands lobbed off!

Bit harsh but I`ve had so much stuff go missing. If my Star Wars Boxset goes the same way I WILL KILL SOMEONE :D


In Madness You Dwell

RE: thieving postmen should they get higher sentences?

IronMonkey (Competent) posted this on Monday, 20th September 2004, 12:50

I have had a lot of rentals go missing. It is a bit obvious what a package contains nowadays. Posties obviously get tempted if items are not really insured in any way and they can tell what it is.

The people that deliver items in vans, I would`nt be surprised if the van occassionally stops by their home where they unload one or two items before continuing their route.

Who wouldn`t be tempted if they were delivering a brand new £50 box set that was not recorded in any way. The customer gets a replacement, the seller gets insurance and in the end Royal Mail lose out. The majority of the employees at Royal Mail do not care about Royal Mail as a whole.

I keep getting my next door neighbours mail cos the postie can`t be @ssed to go one step further. My mail is nearly always halfway through the door.

RE: thieving postmen should they get higher sentences?

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th September 2004, 13:07

Who wouldn`t be tempted if they were delivering a brand new £50 box set that was not recorded in any way.

Err.........ME Surly I am not alone in this? Please?

All the best,

The 42%er.

It`s not easy being different. It`s not easy being cool....but somehow I manage....

RE: thieving postmen should they get higher sentences?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Monday, 20th September 2004, 13:18

I wouldn`t be tempted either.

Bad enough people who justify stealing goods off large companies, but those who think it is okay to steal off an individual (who after all owns the goods being sent to them) is way lower.

And although I don`t think postmen should get higher sentences, I think getting off scott free isn`t on either.

Now if we could legally send letterbombs through the post, we`d have none of this shenanigans. :)


"There has to be a balance between telling the truth and reassurance"
Home Secretary David Blunkett

RE: thieving postmen should they get higher sentences?

porno for pirates (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th September 2004, 13:38

Now if we could legally send letterbombs through the post, we`d have none of this shenanigans. Happy

Nice idea! :) It probably wouldn`t be all that expensive for the police to send out a load of small tracking devices hidden within Amaray DVD cases, though. I hear the Daily Mail has a veritable Darrow mountain that could be used as decoys to entrap thieving posties.

RE: thieving postmen should they get higher sentences?

BigmanInc (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th September 2004, 14:22

I have always a bit apathetic about this, as our postie is good as gold.
I was next to a couple of posties on the tube on the way to the football on saturday, and was horrified at the way they were talking about nicking stuff! It seems it is standard procedure, they were saying that one guy was lucky he had been tipped off that they were watching him, so he managed to stash most of the stuff he had pinched before they searched his house! It seems that they accept `a couple of hundred hours` community service` as it was his first go. ` and i doubt he will be able to get his job back either` said the other one. No Sh*t.

It seems that flogging nicked stuff at car boot sales is the preferred method of disposal. Theiving B[at]ts@rds. >:(

...some kind of superstar*

This item was edited on Monday, 20th September 2004, 15:24

RE: thieving postmen should they get higher sentences?

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 20th September 2004, 17:36

Higher sentences? Hell yeah!

Handling mail is handling people`s private property. I think every RM worker should be forced to submit a full disclosure before getting the job. It`s amazing how many thieves they let in, so there must be some bastards with priors.

But that doesn`t stop the chancers who always get away with it, who just fancy a new DVD without paying for it, so... i dunno.

I mean, posties get mail too. Why they do it beggars belief.

I`ve never had any mail go missing, but I honestly find it appalling that some of you order something, and worry about whether you`ll get it or not. Appalling! >:(

RE: thieving postmen should they get higher sentences?

IronMonkey (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 21st September 2004, 20:24

It is a little unfair that we blame the posties when it is the management that created this big mess. Their implementation of the 2 deliveries a day to 1 has been nothing short of pathetic.

Posties used to complete a round in 2-4 hours. Some are now finding they have to complete a round in 8 hours (That`s right they have to do a full shift now).

Years of finishing work early and getting full pay has made the posties what they are. Who`s to blame? The management for letting their employees have it so easy for so long. The management are now cutting costs and making workers work harder to correct their mess.

Spent millions renaming themselves to Consignia only to realise nobody knew what the
f*ck congsignia was, so they had to name it back to Royal Mail which costed more millions.

Royal Mail will not face stern competition until 2006, so they still have over a year to f*ck up all our deliveries.

I read a story where some posties couldn`t be @ssed to finish of their route so they reposted half their load. No wonder my last first class letter took over a week.

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