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Damn my feeble brain! Can anyone help this excitable little boy??

Dance Like A Monkey (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 21st August 2004, 21:11

I have been all excited for the last few days thinking about buying myself a motorcycle having just passed my CBT. But it`s only this afternoon that I have began to worry about where I will actually be keeping it.

If you look at the picture below, the red dot is where I was going to keep it (that`s my back garden). There is a path that leads out onto the road that goes around the back of my neighbours house (follow the arrow).

Now the path is approximately 850mm wide all the way round, except for one point where there is a drain pipe (which can`t be moved) where it briefly goes down to 810mm wide.

Can anyone out there work out what the widest the bike can be to get all the way around without having to dismantle it every morning? And are there any 125cc bikes that would get around there?

There is another option, which is to put the bike in the driveway at the front of the house. If I was to put the bike there using an anchor, disc-lock and chain, what is the likelihood of the bike still being there in the morning?

As always any help is most appreciated.

RE: Damn my feeble brain! Can anyone help this excitable little boy??

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 21st August 2004, 21:18

All I can suggest is looking at bike reviews and the bike equivalent of Top Gear or Parker`s for measurements. Failing that buy ones of those bikes that double as helicopters.

Good Luck!


RE: Damn my feeble brain! Can anyone help this excitable little boy??

Dance Like A Monkey (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 21st August 2004, 21:28

I beleive that there are bikes that are only 800mm or so wide. But when it gets to the corner, my little brain can`t manage to work out whether a 800mm bike will get around it, or whether just the front will get around and the back will jam in. :/

RE: Damn my feeble brain! Can anyone help this excitable little boy??

badboybez (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 21st August 2004, 21:28

Wheeling a 125cc motorcycle shouldn`t be a problem in tight spaces as they are quite light compared to bigger machines. Very easy to lift up the back end around a tight corner. I (on my 1100cc) once went over on a patch of diesel and it took two to pick it up!!

Ground anchors are only as good as the lock you buy. Its always good to put the chain to something unremoveable and definately keep it off the floor as it is easier for the chain to be smashed up. Don`t forget to also put your steering lock on.

Other measures like an immobiliser and /or alarm should help and it could reduce your insurance premium.

At the end of the day its the area in which you live that will determine if the scumbags will nick it! >:(


In Madness You Dwell

RE: Damn my feeble brain! Can anyone help this excitable little boy??

Dance Like A Monkey (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 21st August 2004, 22:19

Darn! I posted the same question on a motorbike forum. There was a guy on that who had a similair sized path and he said that he struggled to get a small scooter around it (in the end he had to lift it over) and thought it would be very unlikely that I could get a bike around my path.

So the only option is to park it out front. I live in a new housing estate, but it is near a dodgy(ish) area so I wouldn`t feel safe about it being out there. Unless there was some way of making it unmoveable.

Oh no, could my biking dream be over before it began! :(

RE: Damn my feeble brain! Can anyone help this excitable little boy??

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 21st August 2004, 23:14

Buy a fake privet to cover it with, thus disguising it from wannabe thieves.


RE: Damn my feeble brain! Can anyone help this excitable little boy??

Nemesis (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 22nd August 2004, 09:13

DLAM, are there any garages to rent locally?


RE: Damn my feeble brain! Can anyone help this excitable little boy??

superunknown (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 22nd August 2004, 09:22

Ground anchor and an almax chain have kept my Harley secure on the road outside my house for the last year

RE: Damn my feeble brain! Can anyone help this excitable little boy??

Dance Like A Monkey (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 22nd August 2004, 10:26

And that is going to be waaaaay more desirable than my little Honda 125!

Do you live in a particulary low crime area, or do you think the chain and anchor are stopping anyone even trying to take it?

DLAM, are there any garages to rent locally?

Oops, sorry I missed your post. No unfortunately not. My mother`s house is only about 2 miles away so I could store it there for any long periods when I am away, but that would be a bit impractical to use every day.

This item was edited on Sunday, 22nd August 2004, 14:39

RE: Damn my feeble brain! Can anyone help this excitable little boy??

superunknown (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 23rd August 2004, 20:28

This is a low crime area but not no crime.

Use the chain when I go out and find a sturdy lamp post to lock the frame to (always but alway lock through the frame not the wheel). At the end of the day its insured and you have to take it out and enjoy it

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