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Wagon Wheels.....

Jefferson Haliday (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 8th June 2004, 16:11

please settle this argument once and for all have they got smaller or have we got bigger
I think they are smaller now than they use to be! ( you probably have to above thirty to take part in this debate!)

RE: Wagon Wheels.....

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 8th June 2004, 16:14

The same I think.


"There has to be a balance between telling the truth and reassurance"
Home Secretary David Blunkett

RE: Wagon Wheels.....

Paull (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th June 2004, 16:15

They used to be Wagon Wheels now there only good to play draughts with.

RE: Wagon Wheels.....

Robert Terwilliger (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th June 2004, 16:20

I think the same could be said for creme eggs...Im sure they used to be a lot bigger too

Im sure they are smaller...then again it could just be that Im bigger... :/

My DVD Collection

RE: Wagon Wheels.....

LondonLee (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th June 2004, 16:22

They still make me wanna` throwup.

RE: Wagon Wheels.....

Robert Terwilliger (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th June 2004, 16:29

one thing that bugs me is the `chocolate flavour` coating...why not use bloody chocolate?

chocolate flavour those awful cheap Easter eggs my gran used to buy that tasted like s***..

My DVD Collection

RE: Wagon Wheels.....

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th June 2004, 16:49


Wagon Wheels, another biscuit based wonder from that unique biscuit maker Burtons.

Wagon wheels create an instant sense of nostalgia, and yearning for days gone by, in all seasoned biscuit fans, due to the fact that they used to be bigger, much bigger, and thicker. The reduction in size of the Wagon wheel maybe due to our childhood memories recalling a biscuit that was relatively larger compared to us. However, this phenomena does not occur with other large diameter biscuits such as the digestive, so we are left to wonder at the reasons for a mysterious plot to reduce their size. They also used to come in boxes of four with a brown plastic tray thing keeping them in order.

There is much to commend the Wagon Wheel, and even its weaknesses endear it to us, like an old well loved pet dog who whose gone all mental and chases cars, dispite being run over from time to time, I expect. For instance its chocolate flavoured coating, now what`s that all about? It gives Wagon Wheels a strange grey vinyl silk sheen, and forms a tortured mass of ripplely bumps on the surface, almost like its not meant to be there at all and has managed to adhere to the surface despite the odds. As for what it tastes like compared to chocolate, who knows? there isn`t enough of it to make an informed opinion.

Now on the marshmallow center, what do we know of that? Well it is believed to contain the Wagon Wheels small quantity of gelatin, a useful fact if you want to ward off any vegetarians who are making advances to your biscuits. Other than that it would seem that its main role is to provide an interesting structural layer, allowing both biscuit layers a degree of independent horizontal movement once the flimsy chocolate seal has been compromised. As for what it tastes like again, I doubt if any body knows for sure.

And finally the two biscuit layers themselves. Well your guess is as good as mine, as to what is happening there. They seem to be a bit like an ultra thin shortcake biscuit that has gone stale. Maybe.

However, put all of these odd things together, as Burton`s have, and you get the compelling whole that is the Wagon Wheel. Apparently according to the pack this is "A taste for adventure".

Regular guest biscuit reviewer Phil has also reviewed the Wagon Wheel so go check it out if you want a second opinion

All the best,

The 42%er

It`s not easy being different. It`s not easy being cool....but somehow I manage....

RE: Wagon Wheels.....

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th June 2004, 17:43

The "Big Wagon Wheels" phenomenon was before my time, so I don`t really know if it`s a myth or not. The explanation I heard was that they weren`t necessarily bigger, but they were less consistent in size - i.e. sometimes you`d get big ones, sometimes small ones - because the manufacturing process wasn`t very accurate. Nowadays they can make them a uniform size.


RE: Wagon Wheels.....

HD462 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th June 2004, 19:43

Yeah, I think they were bigger. I also think Digestives used to be bigger too, but the annoying thing about Wagon Wheels that really grates on me, is the crumbly chocolate. It`s nigh on impossible to bite into it without chocolate (or whatever it is) crumbling to your lap. :)

Mark. :)

RE: Wagon Wheels.....

Stuart McLean (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 8th June 2004, 21:13

42%-er -- That description / Review of Wagon Wheels had me laughing aloud. So frighteningly accurate!!

I think cardboard may be the `secret added ingredient`. :)

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