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Barking dog needs a bullet in the head

wutang2k (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 6th June 2004, 16:05

Hi guys

bought the house done the garden suns out! and twelve months ago new neighbours moved in three doors up and throughout the winter their dog was locked out from what i could gather! big german sheperd... barking morn noon and night, thought i was being a nag going round in the winter months so i didnt hopeing it would queten down in the summer,.,. i was wrong since the suns been here and i like the windows open and the backdoor as anyone would all i can hear is this damn dog..

i have aprouched them with no luck.. the reply i got last time was "how can i stop the dog barking?" what can i do?

RE: Barking dog needs a bullet in the head

buff2k (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 6th June 2004, 16:09

Barking dog needs a bullet in the head

No its the owners who need the bullet in the head. It happens `round where I live and it does my head in >:(
how can i stop the dog barking?" what can i do?

Give it to someone who wont just shut it out in the garden thats probably half the reason its always barking. It does my head in people who have pets and cant control them, mind you the same could be said for chavs and their offspring.

RE: Barking dog needs a bullet in the head

wutang2k (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 6th June 2004, 16:11

thanks for the sympathy but i need a solution... >:(

RE: Barking dog needs a bullet in the head

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 6th June 2004, 16:13

I can sympathise with this thread. We`re getting driven nuts by a bloke opposite who breeds gun-dogs (in a shed at the side of his property). Not only does this one f*cking cocker spaniel yelp and bark for hours on end, but there are suggestions the stench from the drains might be somebody shoveling cocker-cack down the street grid at night. My neighbour`s been on to the local environmental health but they won`t do a thing.

There`s always the danger things like this might escalate into brick-throwing, so I keep a low profile.

J Mark Oates

Ash nazg durbatuluk
Ash Nazg gimbatul
Ash nazg thrakatuluk
Agh burzum-ishi krimpatul

RE: Barking dog needs a bullet in the head

David Beckett (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 6th June 2004, 16:14

If it is a council house, the council can warn and ultimately evict noisy tenants but don`t know how this would apply to private residences - public order offence?

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RE: Barking dog needs a bullet in the head

wutang2k (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 6th June 2004, 16:28

there must be something i can do other than kick his head in.. or poison the dog..

RE: Barking dog needs a bullet in the head

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 6th June 2004, 16:54

My sister had a problem with her Springer barking in the evening when she put her out before bed time. The solution was an anti bark collar. Basically its a device that squirts citrus smelling stuff when the dog barks. The dog doesnt like the smell and very quickly learns to associate barking with the smell.

She doesnt have any problems now.


RE: Barking dog needs a bullet in the head

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 6th June 2004, 17:07

We also have a house across the road that has a dog that constantly barks too. I don`t know what I`d do if I lived next door to them.

Although, I have a similar problem with cats that s*** all over my f***ing garden. But, if I shoot them, I`m the one who`s in trouble. >:(

Then again, why grumble. Surely it`s fun to have cat s*** all over my garden...must be me just being a nasty twat! I`m so unreasonable at times!

"Stan is my best friend at church"

RE: Barking dog needs a bullet in the head

stuartdurrant (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 6th June 2004, 17:51


The legal starting point is environmental health at the council. I had this problem a few weeks ago and they were very good. They will treat this as a legal nuisance and should approach the neighbour on your behalf

RE: Barking dog needs a bullet in the head

partridge (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 6th June 2004, 19:34

i have aprouched them with no luck.. the reply i got last time was "how can i stop the dog barking?" what can i do?

What`s their problem with keeping the dog inside the house, particularly at night?
As buff2k has pointed out, the incessant barking (especially at night) is most likely due to it being constantly locked out.

Don`t they care that their dog`s distressed? This as well as it`s lack of sleep during nightime can`t be doing it`s health much good. You might want to explain this to the owners although I have my doubts whether they give a s*** anyway.

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