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The Official Reviewer Caption Competition! #2 plus last week`s winner...

Jitendar Canth (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 20th May 2004, 17:51

First the winner. After hours of debate, discussion and much tearing of hair, we decided to go for pizza.

Incidentally, the winning caption is...

[Bill Murray] "When he said he was going to go first that`s not what I thought he meant!"

Congratulations to Exile who wins a...

Blankety Blank Cheque Book and Pen! :D

Runner up was...

[Dan] I`m sorry, I didn`t mean to eat the last Marshmallow, man!.

from Riggs.

Jitendar Canth

"Back off man, I`m a scientist!"

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer

Note: no actual cheque book or pen will be forthcoming, all rights to said cheque book and pen are held by Terry Wogan, the Estate of Les Dawson, and Lily Savage. Use of said image, and mention of the trademark phrase "Blankety Blank Cheque Book and Pen" requires the payment of royalties to the aforementioned parties. We reserve the right to reclaim said prize, no cash equivalent is available. By accepting this prize you are bound by a contract to relinquish exclusive rights to your name, likeness and bank account details to Reviewer Limited. By reading this Note, you also enter into the same contract. Thank you for reading.

This item was edited on Thursday, 20th May 2004, 19:09

RE: The Official Reviewer Caption Competition! #2 plus last week`s winner...

Jitendar Canth (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 20th May 2004, 17:53

And now for this week`s picture. Get those creative juices flowing for this from True Lies...

Url to to link to the image in your posts.

Jitendar Canth

"Back off man, I`m a scientist!"

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer

This item was edited on Thursday, 20th May 2004, 19:03

RE: The Official Reviewer Caption Competition! #2 plus last week`s winner...

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th May 2004, 18:03

What do you mean the CIA are here?!?! Somebody call my goddamn agent!!!

Aw, people can come up with statistics to prove anything, Kent.
Forty percent of all people know that.

RE: The Official Reviewer Caption Competition! #2 plus last week`s winner...

Ryno_Dod (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th May 2004, 18:36

"Does my bomb look big in this"

This item was edited on Thursday, 20th May 2004, 20:09

RE: The Official Reviewer Caption Competition! #2 plus last week`s winner...

Exile (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 20th May 2004, 19:04

What do you mean? How do they know we faked the pictures? Get me Morgan on the `phone now!

RE: The Official Reviewer Caption Competition! #2 plus last week`s winner...

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 20th May 2004, 19:10

"I don`t care if I`m disobeying orders...I`m not shagging that Lynndie England until she puts a bag over her head!"

My collection

RE: The Official Reviewer Caption Competition! #2 plus last week`s winner...

HomerSimpson (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 20th May 2004, 19:17

"I understand the green party`s commitment to the enviroment.......but i just don`t think your the party for me"

This item was edited on Thursday, 20th May 2004, 20:17

RE: The Official Reviewer Caption Competition! #2 plus last week`s winner...

Chode (Elite) posted this on Friday, 21st May 2004, 07:21

Who told you to put vinegar on the chips?

Bog off Foggy

RE: The Official Reviewer Caption Competition! #2 plus last week`s winner...

playthefilm (Elite) posted this on Friday, 21st May 2004, 07:23

You`re in the wrong film, Forest.

RE: The Official Reviewer Caption Competition! #2 plus last week`s winner...

Chode (Elite) posted this on Friday, 21st May 2004, 07:53

Sorry Boss, they said they got loads of nuclear warheads an we could keep it.

Bog off Foggy

This item was edited on Friday, 21st May 2004, 09:07

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