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Old People

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Friday, 26th March 2004, 00:34

Let`s set the scene first.

Newcastle`s UEFA cup match, pay per view so we have my grandad and grandma round to watch it. Half time, from talking about foreign footballers we get onto the oh-so touchy subject of immigrants - legal or illegal it doesn`t matter!

Anyway, I cannot believe how downright racist some old people are. My other grandad is exactly the same. I enjoy a good argument so played along with it, while making valid points, but I felt quite angry when my grandad utters such nonsense as "Just you wait 20 years, they are already taking over the world now, you won`t be able to work as they will have all of the jobs"

There is just no reasoning with the man. He declared that "Germany won the war, as they got to rebuild Germany into a better place than it was before".

He said that he would always vote Conservatives as he has always been better off under them - ie higher interest rates means more money in savings. He doesn`t understand that they were losing out on the mortgage as well at the time.

Anyone else got a grandparent (or even a parent) with such old fashioned views?

RE: Old People

Jay Windley (Competent) posted this on Friday, 26th March 2004, 01:08

Your grandparents didnt have the same social programming you had, bless `em.

Just you wait 20 years, they are already taking over the world now, you won`t be able to work as they will have all of the jobs

Actually the 20 years may be a bit pessimistic. Others point to 54 years before we honkies are a minority in Britain.
In America, with all the fake fear of terrorism, Bush is leaving open the Mexican border allowing immigrants to come in and steal the jobs right under the noses of American.
Mexicans dont have to pay tax for two years so can buy up all the petrol stations, hotels etc. undercutting Americans who try to compete.
It isnt surprising to me that this Labour govt is copying their example.
We are about to go Global. This means expect to be paid in line with third world slave wages.

There is just no reasoning with the man. He declared that "Germany won the war, as they got to rebuild Germany into a better place than it was before".

Actually pensioners in Germany are a lot better off than your grandparents. Germany got the Marshall plan while we got sod all and are still today paying back the Yanks for the rusty old warships Churchill bought from them.
Illuminati Churchill and the American illuminati really knew how to bleed us suckers dry.
Tell them to shop down Lidls. German food is cheaper than our Jewish owned supermarkets. No, I am not a nazi.

He said that he would always vote Conservatives as he has always been better off under them - ie higher interest rates means more money in savings. He doesn`t understand that they were losing out on the mortgage as well at the time

If they had paid off their mortgage now (probably as they`re old), it makes some sense as the savings they have, would yield higher interest under a Tory govt.
The Tories are more protective to savers (the rich) as a general rule.

They`re quite smart your grandparents, if a little self-indulgent. Sure they`d vote BNP if there was a candidate in their area. ;)

RE: Old People

alfie noakes (Elite) posted this on Friday, 26th March 2004, 01:17

The Daily Mail has a lot to answer for ;)

RE: Old People

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Friday, 26th March 2004, 01:19

So you agree with them???!!

They basically admitted that foreigners should only be allowed into the country for visits for tourism purposes. Other than that, they shouldn`t be allowed to live here.

When I questioned his own origin and ancestors, he started blaming the trade unions for pushing wages too high so the foreigners got the jobs as they were cheaper.

He reads the Daily Mail by the way, if that is of any relevance (the fact that he reads it, not the newspaper itself)

RE: Old People

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Friday, 26th March 2004, 01:20

Lol Alfie, hadn`t seen your post there :)

RE: Old People

Jay Windley (Competent) posted this on Friday, 26th March 2004, 01:59

So you agree with them???!!

Well, sort of. I`ve seen an example of mass immigration when I lived a stones-throw (or should that be gun-shot) from Brixton. Send em all back home if thats what the country will be like in 20 years. I learnt a lot about car-theft/guns just talking to the `educated` ones.

They basically admitted that foreigners should only be allowed into the country for visits for tourism purposes. Other than that, they shouldn`t be allowed to live here.

No they shouldn`t. I dont like more houses built on our green and pleasant land, just to house foreigners.
Hastings, where I recently lived, used to be a nice quiet fishing town. It looks more like Brighton these days. Crime and anti-social behaviour has rocketted and much of it is perpetrated by those of `eastern European appearance".
The politically-correct yuppies try to keep the worst from us, but we gun-owners are just one minority that is being scape-goated by this invading scum.
Incidentally, theyre allowed here to help the govt get our guns off us, I`m sure of it. Oh...and to help with the black economy, of course. Prostitution, drugs, child-trafficking. All the things that Blair needs to reduce society to s***, ready for a NWO.
We`re over-populated. The state of our transport system should tell you that.
My parents and grandparents were told they would be looked after from cradle to grave by the welfare state. Not just told, but promised.
I see asylum seekers getting theirs, while the `carers` get £0.00 to live on. I am currently in the predicament of having 9 points out of a needed 15 to be considered ill enough not to work.
Blunkett said he`d get rid off 75% of all those on long-term sick benefit. He got rid of me, who cant walk far enough to get to the Job Centre (300 yards). Cant sit or stand for more than 10 minutes without back-pain, so that we can pay for `them`.
My parents need constant looking after now they are elderly. Both with arthritis, my father can hardly walk. Both parents move round their house by grabbing on to things.
So do I when things get particularly bad. We sort of help each other muddle along.
Because they dont need feeding by mouth (ie. ga-ga), the state says sod you.
I dont feel we can afford them here if those who worked and paid taxes throughout their lives and `never` claimed social security, should get kicked in the teeth now theyre in need of some help.
Sorry to make this thread personal but my parents and I come first. We have liberal do-gooding scum running our country and they are racists who put white people last.
I`ve seen `the darker ones` being moved to the front of the benefit ques. Makes me f*cking vomit! They get a smile and a nod, while the white scum get the Spanish inquisition and a bent Govt doctor sent round to investigate if we`re faking it.
If you ever get ill, it had better be serious. You will be bankrupt under this govt.
Alternatively, stick a tea-towel on your head, black yourself up, chant Islamic hymns while pledging your allegiance to Osama Bin Laden and claim how you want to destroy the west and you`ll get rewarded with a free house for each of your seven wives.

When I questioned his own origin and ancestors, he started blaming the trade unions for pushing wages too high so the foreigners got the jobs as they were cheaper.

This was true in the 1970`s. However had we not had trade unions we`d be earning pennies now. The poorer are worse off under these `so-called` socialists.

He reads the Daily Mail by the way, if that is of any relevance (the fact that he reads it, not the newspaper itself)

Only paper that dishes the dirt, big time on Blair. Cant be all bad. Although it did support Hitler up till 1939!

Mr Grumpy - Rights for Whites

This item was edited on Friday, 26th March 2004, 03:30

RE: Old People

Saqib (Elite) posted this on Friday, 26th March 2004, 04:18

jay - my my aren`t we a little racist ourselves.

maybe the reason you have so many asylum seekers is due to the fact that you (i.e. the west) have set up oppressive regimes in the rest of the world? israel for one. iraq another. hell most of the places where the `white man` used to be have people who are oppressed since `the white man` left, leaving people in power with a not so clean track record, but at least give you a better deal for your money (Saudi arabia anyone?)

pull your fingers out the rest of the world and then you have the right to criticize. until then, shut up. in other words, `go back to your own country`...oh wait, WHERE is that exactly? since historically, Britain used to full of non-whites before the whites arrived. so did America. maybe YOU white people are the ones who need to leave here, and let us non-whites make this country great again.

and btw what defines an immigrant - your whole arguement seems to stem from the color - what about people who have been born and bred here? take me for example - i earn in the highest tax band, i travel 1000miles/month for work - just from that you can guess how much money i contribute to the govt and (white) layabouts who dont do a damn thing for their money (professionally unemployed). i personally am happier my money goes towards immigrants than being used in an illegal imperialistic and racist war.

all in all, the only words i have for you are the words of macy gray - "stupid ass punk ass bitch."

This item was edited on Friday, 26th March 2004, 08:24

RE: Old People

Phil R (Competent) posted this on Friday, 26th March 2004, 08:12

I think one of the traditional reasons pensioners were seen as voting conversative as they were seen as less inflationary (rather than higher interest rates). It`s inflation that really destroys pension value and the tax & spend policies of labour were seen as more inflationary.

As for immigration - I have a feeling that it`ll be immigration that saves the country in the future. With more old people in retirement and less young people paying taxes immigration is surely a viable option to alleviate this problem?

RE: Old People

Oor Wullie (Elite) posted this on Friday, 26th March 2004, 08:31

I found out that there is one rule for us and another for Immigrants. Last Tuesday my wife was verbally abused by a 20 year old Asian shopkeeper. He waited till all other white`s had left the shop then started bawling at her.

When she told me this I went to have it out with him. He must have expected me because he was gone and his dad was serving. He ran to the door, stopped me getting in and told me I was barred from his shop for life. I left it at that.

My wife decided that if she had verbally abused the shopkeeper he would have reported him, so she decided to call the police. They came to the house. Took statements from both of us and said they would visit the shop, and tell us the outcome. And what was the outcome? Nothing. We have never heard a word since.

None of the two of us shall ever go into his shop again, so he loser. Apart from what we spend on the odd groceries he will lose £252 a year on the newspapers and magazines we used to buy from him.


RE: Old People

Jay Windley (Competent) posted this on Friday, 26th March 2004, 09:02

"jay - my my aren`t we a little racist ourselves.

No Saqib. Actually, I`m a true anti-racist. I believe I should be treated the same as ethnic minorities and whats more, everything I wrote was the truth as seen from my perspective. I`m also old enough to remember when we had free speech before foreigners insisted we had that right taken away too.
Black crime is underplayed in our Jewish owned media, just like it is in America so I think its Whites who are the victims of racism in our own country.
Stephen Lawrence`s death was a savage, disgusting act that was rightly heavily reported in our press. Had the victim been white and his attackers black, you wouldnt know who I was talking about.
As for your British history lesson, the Celts and ancient Britains were non-whites?
Are you sure about that?
Apart from that I generally agree with your summing up of the world. Cant wait for us to have the right to be as outspoken without the fear of being jailed.
Notice I dont level the charge of racism at your door.

This item was edited on Friday, 26th March 2004, 09:12

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