Info and forum posts by 'Jay Windley'

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Joined on: Thursday, 29th January 2004, 01:57, Last used: Thursday, 29th January 2004, 01:57

Access Level: Competent

About this user: Compacks 5000 (Faulty)

This user has posted a total of 129 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.02 messages a day, or 0.12 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Old People

We" began in the Caucasus? No, actually, we all began in Africa, from the same ancestors.

You guys shouldnt push down Darwinian Jewish conspiracy theories to those who know better. The human race, in its current form, has been here no more than 15,000 years.
As for penis-envying RJS`s comments. You can stick that down your throat if you like. But be warned.
If you like a black foreskin, you are 20 times more likely to receive a sexually transmitted disease, than if it were white. Govt statistics they`d rather you didnt hear about.

Thats just typical of the Daily Mail attitude that if you have no husband you are a non-person who needs the state to support you because you are incapable of doing it yourself.

I think you`re kidding yourself if you think mothers are out workingall day while their wages pay for a nanny, who keeps them disciplined? Little ghetto horrors from my experience.

The more you speak Jay, the more you prove yourself to be an anti-semitic, racist, sexist, classist bigot. Why do all your conspiarcy theories blame the Jews?

Jews run the world. They shape all that happens and your faulty knowledge is therefore derived from their deception of history.
I dont hate Jews at all, just the Zionist ones that are part of the big lie. There are Zionist Christians I equally despise. Dont confuse truth with racism.
The truth is not easy to distinguish by the politically correct lackey, so they (you) turn on the messenger.
It`s the Jews that propagate the myth of Africa while worshipping Babylon.
You dont even know what the earliest written texts say on the subject because of the propaganda. :(

RE: Old People

oh yeah i would *love* to live next door to you after the statements you just made referring to `darker ones` and the like. sure.

I can recall being told by our teachers in primary school to call them brown, then coloured, then finally black. Now the word black is out of favour. Perhaps they should make up their minds.

you forget the point of the media coverage - the fact that the police couldn`t be bothered going through the necessary paperwork and protocol - allowing the accused to dump clothes that would have provided forensic evidence etc etc.

Arent all police incompetent and racist? Everytime they stop a black youth, red-handed with the stolen goods, its a plant and `becoz I iz black".

and i disagree with your assertion that white murders don`t get coverage. heard of Kriss Donald?

Our press has already admitted the fact that they do not report black-on-white crime. After coming out (The Daily Mail / BBC Radio 4), they went back to their old racist ways. I have to admit having to type `Kriss Donald` into a search engine. Thats a recent case and I bet there will be no statue erected to commemorate him. His name will be forgotten pretty soon.

I cant help thinking this American joke has some basis in fact.

This item was edited on Friday, 26th March 2004, 13:23

RE: Old People

Martin Wolf? Is he Jewish? I dont think much of the Jewish version of reality.
The Bank of England is currently going through a court case concerning its involvement with BCCI (CIA drug laundering outfit). They`re so bent that not one reporter is sitting to report it. Another thing to sweep under the carpet.
Its just the rich banks and their friends exploiting cheap labour, which will finally catch up with us one day in this global economy.

We are an island of 60m acres, populated by 60m people.

We are 54 million + an estimated 6 million recent economic migrants. The resident population has stayed steady. How long does it take you to drive to work in the morning?
Over populated we are then.
80% of all back children dont have a father around. Given the fact that by 2060, 50% of the population will be black, how are we going to support them?

"It is time that economic use was made of some of that expensive land."

This is why the govt is trying to dessimate our agricultural base, to bring cheap food in from abroad.
Leave it green and pleasent. Go ruin someone elses country if you must.

So Jay, your conspiracy theory interest stems from reading the Daily Mail? How did we not guess earlier!

You would have guessed wrong then.
My mum reads it occassionally. If you think the Daily Mail would print what I write here, you havent understood a thing.
All our press is controlled.

Celtic origins (Welsh from India). Didn`t they have red beards or something like that. No one was describing the Brits as Scandinavian or Aryan. Its a long way from saying they were Indian or black in appearence.
Caucasians (whites) get their name from the Caucasus Mountains, divided into Ciscaucasia in the north and Transcaucasia in the south, one of the most complex ethnic areas in the world. White men can come from dark parts. Babylon is where we whites were first created. (See David Icke videos)

RE: Old People

"jay - my my aren`t we a little racist ourselves.

No Saqib. Actually, I`m a true anti-racist. I believe I should be treated the same as ethnic minorities and whats more, everything I wrote was the truth as seen from my perspective. I`m also old enough to remember when we had free speech before foreigners insisted we had that right taken away too.
Black crime is underplayed in our Jewish owned media, just like it is in America so I think its Whites who are the victims of racism in our own country.
Stephen Lawrence`s death was a savage, disgusting act that was rightly heavily reported in our press. Had the victim been white and his attackers black, you wouldnt know who I was talking about.
As for your British history lesson, the Celts and ancient Britains were non-whites?
Are you sure about that?
Apart from that I generally agree with your summing up of the world. Cant wait for us to have the right to be as outspoken without the fear of being jailed.
Notice I dont level the charge of racism at your door.

This item was edited on Friday, 26th March 2004, 09:12

RE: Old People

So you agree with them???!!

Well, sort of. I`ve seen an example of mass immigration when I lived a stones-throw (or should that be gun-shot) from Brixton. Send em all back home if thats what the country will be like in 20 years. I learnt a lot about car-theft/guns just talking to the `educated` ones.

They basically admitted that foreigners should only be allowed into the country for visits for tourism purposes. Other than that, they shouldn`t be allowed to live here.

No they shouldn`t. I dont like more houses built on our green and pleasant land, just to house foreigners.
Hastings, where I recently lived, used to be a nice quiet fishing town. It looks more like Brighton these days. Crime and anti-social behaviour has rocketted and much of it is perpetrated by those of `eastern European appearance".
The politically-correct yuppies try to keep the worst from us, but we gun-owners are just one minority that is being scape-goated by this invading scum.
Incidentally, theyre allowed here to help the govt get our guns off us, I`m sure of it. Oh...and to help with the black economy, of course. Prostitution, drugs, child-trafficking. All the things that Blair needs to reduce society to s***, ready for a NWO.
We`re over-populated. The state of our transport system should tell you that.
My parents and grandparents were told they would be looked after from cradle to grave by the welfare state. Not just told, but promised.
I see asylum seekers getting theirs, while the `carers` get £0.00 to live on. I am currently in the predicament of having 9 points out of a needed 15 to be considered ill enough not to work.
Blunkett said he`d get rid off 75% of all those on long-term sick benefit. He got rid of me, who cant walk far enough to get to the Job Centre (300 yards). Cant sit or stand for more than 10 minutes without back-pain, so that we can pay for `them`.
My parents need constant looking after now they are elderly. Both with arthritis, my father can hardly walk. Both parents move round their house by grabbing on to things.
So do I when things get particularly bad. We sort of help each other muddle along.
Because they dont need feeding by mouth (ie. ga-ga), the state says sod you.
I dont feel we can afford them here if those who worked and paid taxes throughout their lives and `never` claimed social security, should get kicked in the teeth now theyre in need of some help.
Sorry to make this thread personal but my parents and I come first. We have liberal do-gooding scum running our country and they are racists who put white people last.
I`ve seen `the darker ones` being moved to the front of the benefit ques. Makes me f*cking vomit! They get a smile and a nod, while the white scum get the Spanish inquisition and a bent Govt doctor sent round to investigate if we`re faking it.
If you ever get ill, it had better be serious. You will be bankrupt under this govt.
Alternatively, stick a tea-towel on your head, black yourself up, chant Islamic hymns while pledging your allegiance to Osama Bin Laden and claim how you want to destroy the west and you`ll get rewarded with a free house for each of your seven wives.

When I questioned his own origin and ancestors, he started blaming the trade unions for pushing wages too high so the foreigners got the jobs as they were cheaper.

This was true in the 1970`s. However had we not had trade unions we`d be earning pennies now. The poorer are worse off under these `so-called` socialists.

He reads the Daily Mail by the way, if that is of any relevance (the fact that he reads it, not the newspaper itself)

Only paper that dishes the dirt, big time on Blair. Cant be all bad. Although it did support Hitler up till 1939!

Mr Grumpy - Rights for Whites

This item was edited on Friday, 26th March 2004, 03:30

RE: The Passion of The Christ, will you be going to see it?

Ebony_ranch (actually yellow_ranch):

Incidentally, I`ve complained to the Mods about `Jay Windley` and his anti-semitism, and tiresome conspiracy theories, etc. With any luck he`ll be prevented from accessing the forums any more.

What a brave man you are. And I thought rigorous debate was the away to get at the truth. Guess you opted for the cowards way out.

RE: Old People

Your grandparents didnt have the same social programming you had, bless `em.

Just you wait 20 years, they are already taking over the world now, you won`t be able to work as they will have all of the jobs

Actually the 20 years may be a bit pessimistic. Others point to 54 years before we honkies are a minority in Britain.
In America, with all the fake fear of terrorism, Bush is leaving open the Mexican border allowing immigrants to come in and steal the jobs right under the noses of American.
Mexicans dont have to pay tax for two years so can buy up all the petrol stations, hotels etc. undercutting Americans who try to compete.
It isnt surprising to me that this Labour govt is copying their example.
We are about to go Global. This means expect to be paid in line with third world slave wages.

There is just no reasoning with the man. He declared that "Germany won the war, as they got to rebuild Germany into a better place than it was before".

Actually pensioners in Germany are a lot better off than your grandparents. Germany got the Marshall plan while we got sod all and are still today paying back the Yanks for the rusty old warships Churchill bought from them.
Illuminati Churchill and the American illuminati really knew how to bleed us suckers dry.
Tell them to shop down Lidls. German food is cheaper than our Jewish owned supermarkets. No, I am not a nazi.

He said that he would always vote Conservatives as he has always been better off under them - ie higher interest rates means more money in savings. He doesn`t understand that they were losing out on the mortgage as well at the time

If they had paid off their mortgage now (probably as they`re old), it makes some sense as the savings they have, would yield higher interest under a Tory govt.
The Tories are more protective to savers (the rich) as a general rule.

They`re quite smart your grandparents, if a little self-indulgent. Sure they`d vote BNP if there was a candidate in their area. ;)

RE: Dreamland (Area 51) - What really goes on there ?

Just slightly off subject - is there anybody here who reads "NEXUS"?

No. Just looked for the first time.
Interesting what you get when you click on the Rockefeller link ROCKEFELLER INTERNATIONALISM
Anything that these Globalist are involved with is completely bogus. Much like their phoney conservation credentials. Oil isnt running out. It`s a ruse to push up oil prices. Their bridges and dams dont work. They`re trying to destroy our planet and bring in a NWO.
If you ever get to gate-crash one of the Rothschild/Rockefeller events (unlikely) you will hear what these illuminati really think.
In a nutshell, they call non-illuminati, i.e. us "canon fodder". I have the tapes.

I must resist responding to these types of threads. ;)

RE: Dreamland (Area 51) - What really goes on there ?

J.W, you read more like a contributor than a subscriber

I`ve seen a UFO in 1972 (approx). It was also seen by thousands in S.E. England necessitating a govt cover-up on the the regional BBC programme `Nationwide`.
Hence my interest.
I am an electronics engineer, but even a dustman could have worked out the fraud perpetrated by the misinformationists. More lies to dumb us down and stop the sheep worrying. :(

RE: Dreamland (Area 51) - What really goes on there ?

What a poor excuse for making up things which are impossible and then declaring them as being possible just beyond our understanding.

Impossible now! Scientists dont think its impossible or they wouldnt be continually working on pushing back the frontiers of scientific understanding.
Aren`t they discovering new sub-atomic particles all the time? I`ve lost track of the new ones. Sure dumbfounds me, all these books being continually reprinted. :(.

Or maybe its [Paticleisation] just a load of bulls*** designed to sell a book.

The Disclosure Project is a non-profit organisation. All monies are ploughed back into interviewing the highest military/scientific whistle-blowers and putting on media events.
Dr Greer`s other company, isnt however. Personally cant wait for the shares to float. :) "(sings) I`m in the money..."

To the best of my knowledge, and maybe I am wrong because lets face it, hiding particle accelerators is really easy what with them being so large and all, but maybe the US secret scientists have discovered a totally new set of particles that behave exactly as the ones the leading physics thinkers on the planet have both discovered, and/or hypothesised, but do a whole load of amazing s*** that only these secret scientists know about, or maybe once again its a whole load of bulls***.

As they`re likely to be investigating inter-dimensional particles, perhaps their acceleratiors are invisible and would fit into a matchbox. :)
Do you really think they`d tell you about it? The govts have got to have some secrets.

Oh...I`ve just read your ficticious converstion. As most of these people in secret programmes are high-level masons, they know they`d be dead if they opened their mouths. Masons swear a grisly oath to that effect. If that didnt work, the psychopathic CIA killers would do it just for fun.

Perhaps the real reason your contact that used to live in Roswell got out and is saying nowt is due to being told "their bones would be found in the sand" if they told about the "weather baloon" that landed.
Buy the DVD and 4 hour research video in the knowledge that you aint being ripped off, monetary wise.

Hmmm..ponders...perhaps I should review it here. ;)

RE: Dreamland (Area 51) - What really goes on there ?

Keep away from Area 450. I bought a Compacks 5000 after going there.
I wish someone had shot me for entering. Alien technology it is. >:(

RE: Dreamland (Area 51) - What really goes on there ?

I`d love to believe in flying saucers, psychic abilities, telekinesis, and so on, however I have far too much of an understanding of particle physics to spoil the fun.

Our understanding of particle physics is limited by our 21st century paradigm.
For example: At the turn of the 19th century, our most brilliant minds were discussing the worrying and growing problem of horse manure on our streets.
They reckoned that by the turn of the twentieth century, increased traffic would cause roads to be inpassable.
Of course they had not envisaged the internal combustion engine as they were stuck in their 19th century paradigm without the ability to look a head.

Particleisation (the ability to move through space and time) and UFOs are 38 levels above top secret (Source: Brilliant minds on the Disclosure Project DVD such as Thomas E. Bearden). Obviously they know more than is currently taught in our universities.

RE: Jay Windley

I`m not scoffing at the message, mate, just the messenger.

but at least I will be able to have a gravestone that said "I worshipped Jay Windley - Superstar".

I`ve won two sinners over in as many posts. :)
Now I`m permanently backing out of this thread before Beth comes back with her pledge to let me inseminate her, for the future of mankind.
The planet isnt big enough for two super-heroes.
Up...up and away.

RE: Dreamland (Area 51) - What really goes on there ?

Ooh...I have a feeling of deja vu coming on. Must be some assassins in the Matrix coming to get me.
For those of the Robert John Shepherd cynical persuasion, who dont want to see the Jerry Springer show here again at DVDReviewer, ignore this message.

For those who want to see UFOs discussed at the highest level, not by trailer-trash chicken shaggers or out of work New York actors, take your pick of format.

Disclosure Project National Press Conference (9th May 2001)

Spread the word.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 23rd March 2004, 15:34

RE: Dreamland (Area 51) - What really goes on there ?

It`s several empty warehouses with an armed military presence to give the impression there is something there. all the alien stuff is under the Pentagon

Stantz is half right.
Roswell artifacts were examined in the basement of the Pentagon as confirmed by Brigadier General Steven Lovekin in an October 2000 interview for the Disclosure Project.
Some of the warehouses at Area 51 contain Extraterrestrial UFOs, but mostly man-made, reverse-engineered copies. They hover above the ground while in power-off mode just like the ship portrayed in the film Flight Of The Navigator.
I have that audio too, should you wish to hear it.

RE: Jay Windley

Wow! Just found this movie of Kelly Brook, totally naked, smearing cream all over herself and getting a pack of hungry boy scouts to lick it all off.
Mind the pubic hairs.
Download it before it gets deleted. :)

RE: Jay Windley

So Jay, do you shag the sheep or only go for one of your own?

I am English. Go west young man.

RE: Jay Windley

I can`t speak for anyone else, but I certainly don`t bother clicking on any of your links any more, I generally have an open mind, but having tons of s***e rammed down my throat everytime I look on the website has firmly closed it to anything you might have to say.

Nobody is ramming sh*t! Stantz and his brother-in-law have left.
This thread is called "Jay Windley", treat it as a health warning if you wish. Many months of my hard work went into this research. You owe it, not to me, but humanity to look.
It`s 12Mb (47 minutes) and an historical documentary like nothing you would have seen before! TAKE THE RED PILL, Beth.
Stop living a Mills & Boon dream.
I could inundate this place with clever retorts but I know my Krell-like brain would offend the other posters here, by showing them what they take for granted is a mirage.
I continually bite my tongue and resist so that my lessers dont take offence. ;)
For example, there are two threads here, one about the latest Israeli outrage, the other, the Black-box voting scandal in America. I could have gone to town with them but resisted out of all humility to the host. You are getting a glimpse of reality for the first time. Nobody said it would be easy.

Telling us all how inferior we are to your great mind is hardly going to endear any of us to your cause, is it?

I am being honest to the questioner, deary ;) . Political correctness was never my strong point, thank God. Don`t ask me to prove my merit then, it would only offend you more.

Baaa (or is it moo), can`t quite remember whether I`m in a herd of sheep or cattle this week.

You should work for MAFF. Whether bovine or ovine, it`s another conspiracy theory that would scare you sh*tless to look.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 23rd March 2004, 01:51

RE: Jay Windley

Jay, I need advice from you. For a year now, I have been reading about the phenomenon of the Floating Bearded Sausage that shoots lightning bolts out of it`s eyes. Obviously I laughed at this insane jibberish. But tonight, when I went to get a drink out of the fridge... there was a floating bearded sausage looking at me. I immediately ran back to the computer, and here I am, asking you for your help. You seem to know about these kind of things, so what should I do?

Well Chewie, its like this. When I was about 10 years old, I went to see Star Wars (the original).
It had been plugged remorselessly as the greatest film ever made. But even at that young age, I could cut through the bull and realised what a poor, sad swash-buckling piece of sci-fi crud it was. I left the cinema asking for my dosh back (which I didn`t get).
I`d spent much of the film, admittedly, looking around the brain-dead audience, hearing them munching their noisy little sweets, paying little attention to the unravelling dire plot, thinking how inferior they were. (A bit like I do now)
Anyone who takes their name from that film deserves to get "the fridge from hell".
Either call Ghostbusters or get Chewing.

Now if you want to talk about the NJO (Star Wars: the New Jedi Order), where the `Unifying Force` are trying to portray the villains as heroes, I might be interested.
The old powers-at-be are brainwashing our children into excepting what I have warned about, while still in their prams. :(

This item was edited on Tuesday, 23rd March 2004, 01:10

RE: Jay Windley

If you had anything remotely sensible to say, I`d read slower. Do you really enjoy being derided so much?

I would just like to add Dan/Mark/RJS.
You guys scoffed at the 9/11 conspiracy and Black Helicopters, Mind Control / DNA Disruptor towers.
Dont you agree that now I have shown you where to look for the proof, that I WAS RIGHT and YOU WERE WRONG to dimiss it as fantasy?
Admit now how this loon showed you up.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 23rd March 2004, 00:26

RE: Jay Windley

Oh dear. You didnt see the confession of the illuminati. >:(
You lot would not make good Police Officers, but would all rise high up the crooked masonic ladder to become our Police commissioners as your reward.
A signed confession for all future crimes and it`d be left marked unread at the trial.
If you did see it and thought it insignificant, then there really is no hope for you.
The mass programming has dumbed you down so much you have created your own prison planet.reality structures.
You are living the Utopian Matrix system and loving it.

If your old man is so good why did he wait for the doctor to try and cure you ?

P.s. my 89 year old grandmother was asking if she sent him her zimmer frame to rub would she be able to run again ?

I`d suggest my father should "send out a thought" to help her ailments for free (he doesn`t charge) but I fear granny would pick up her zimmer, run across the room and whack you about the head with it for being so cheeky.

If you had anything remotely sensible to say, I`d read slower. Do you really enjoy being derided so much?

I do. 8) I shouldn`t really admit it, but it does give me a great feeling of superiority over the rest of the
The Peer pressure combined with the closed minds and inability to see the bleedin` obvious are your constraints, not mine.
It`s been clear to me for some time that 1 in 20 are born to lead. Thats about the odds here.
Deride away suckers. It`s I that will ultimately be proven right.

RE: Jay Windley

Um Jay? Other than the fact that everything you say is bulls***, is there anything else you don`t believe in?

I dont believe you have researched `the above` even 1% as much as I have.
Keep looking and it`ll bring you out of your denial. Denial is a symptom of the understandable horrors few of us will want to face.

I do hope you downloaded the 1960`s Anti-NWO documentary. Something tells me you didnt or you`d be hailing me as the new phophet. ;)
The plans that I put forward for a New World Order are mostly laid bare in that video and what`s really going to hurt the doubting Thomas` here is that the evidence is obtained from the conspirators own writings.
As I said before, they love to brag.
Interestingly the final few seconds of the film states what one (actually Americans) can do to put a stop to the evil-doers plans.
Each of these steps have been viciously wiped out by this Bush administration, under the phoney Patriot / Homeland (Fatherland) Security Acts.
Perhaps it`s too late for them as Bush and co have seen the video.

FACT: Most Americans still believe they live in free democratic country.

Aren`t they silly sheep to believe what they`re told?
Thing is, the Zionist neo-cons hoodwinking them, own our press too.

RE: Jay Windley

Oh hell. Just been reading this from a conspiracy newsgroup.
It is relevant because I heard the NWO was originally due to be in full working order on 6/6/2004 (2+0+0+4 = 666).
Which goes on to state:

Being the telephone number for the emergency services, `911` has the
same resonance in the US as `999` does in the UK. 999 days from 11
September 2001 takes you to 6 June 2004, a few days before the local
(and EU) elections in the UK, which take place on 10 June 2004.

Please save us Blair, O Great one, from these evil Islamic terrorists (that trained in US army bases along side their troops). Sign us up (without asking the voters) to this one world religion, one world Govt European dictatorship. Take away our freedoms and liberties to keep us safe from the likes of Abu Hamza, the frightening scar-faced, one-eyed, pirate figure (who you let roam around to frighten the sheep). Ah..haa, Jim Lad, me mateys.

Ultimate proof that Skull `n Bonesmen are behind it and what`ll happen if you choke the chicken too much.

Anyone here work at Canary Wharf? Do a sicky.

This item was edited on Monday, 22nd March 2004, 09:02

RE: Jay Windley

Remote Viewing is the ability to see objects/people in time and space and successfully draw them from sketches in ones mind. LSD "can" do the same.

Let me clarify: I do not endorse the taking of hard drugs. Dont do it folks.
The CIA supply them anyway (Research: MENA Connection) so will undoubtedly be doping them for their human guinea-pig experiments.
Soft drugs such as cannabis have also been doped in the past.
Keep away from the schizophrenia-inducing sh*t.
That`s voices in your head, remember?

RE: Jay Windley

RJS (Haven`t you noticed the preponderance of assassins and their victims to possess three initials to their name? It`s so you remember them!)
Firstly, if these are infact genuine government experiments, where is the evidence that anything in them actually worked? If there is any evidence that any of this worked, where is the peer review, that important scientific process?

Haven`t you ever met the average American? Dumber than horse ****.
Peer Review Proof #1
Peer Review Proof #2 (Unclassified Documents)
Peer Review (Russian Style)
Many, many more.... (Use a Web Ferret..."Peer Review" "Mind Control")

And if they really did work why have they been declassified? Surely as a conspiracy theorist you must believe that if these really did work they would not disclose this fact?

George W Bush has recently given the US Govt carte blanche to reclassify declassified documents should any US citizen utilise the information contained within them, in any legal action against Uncle Sam.
An interesting dilemma to anyone thinking of suing would be that the plaintiff faces life in a Forest hard-labour camp, for being a terrorist!
Most fear to even start legal proceedings as the carpet could be pulled out at the last moment, leaving the plaintiff with huge legal costs to bear.
Clinton/Carter (Democrats) did a lot of damage to the CIA etc, by exposing covert evil Govt programmes
Clinton`s era mostly highlight minor programmes like America`s misuse of n****es (n*e*g*r*o*e*s decensored) with syphilis and experimental drugs during the 1960`s.
Not minor to the blacks, of course.
What can be eluded from radio talk shows such as Alex Jones, is that far, far more sinister things are occurring right now and being suppressed by not only the US media but the worlds media. (Globalist shadow-govt conspiracy)

Personally, the sheer fact that the word psychic is mentioned twice in two seperate studies immediately makes everything suspect and highly likely to be a total load of bollox. There is no scientific evidence for psychic abilities whatsoever, anybody who tells you otherwise is selling something, usually a book.

Some years ago, I suffered indescribable pain from my lower intestines. Doctors could not determine the cause. My father (who is a Spiritualist healer) placed his right hand over my stomach and immediately an amazing, hot tingling sensation occurred under the position his hand (which was hovering about 6 inches above the skin).
It worked and within 20 seconds I have had no problem with pain or about believing in such "mumbo-jumbo".
Incidentally, I did not know at that time the sensations I was about to feel were classic symptoms of Healing.
Sorry, but until you realise that the freak shows they put on TV, hosted by Gay Astrologers and wacky tarot card readers, are there to keep you away from the truth, you will still be a sucker for their reverse psychological programming.
Remember what I posted here? Blair `channels the light` with mystic pyramids to rage war on Iraq!
Hiliary Clinton visits psychics. So did Nancy Reagan via astrology.
Our world leaders (through their wives) believe and perform ancient Babylonian rituals, applying Egyptian numerology and astrology to everything they do. And they`re all supposed to be strict Christians! Funny how nobody see this as conflicting.

Psychotronic weapons are real. They can kill you from hundreds of yards.
The recent declassified KGB files make great mention of Psychotronic and psychic warfare. So do the US declassified projects.
Remote Viewing (not actually psychic) taps into a source called the Universal Mind. Scientists have sort to explain behaviour that exhibits `psychic` properties by linking it to the fascinating field of Quantum Mechanics.
Did you know that if you make two coins out of the same chunk of metal, take one coin to the other side of the world, say Australia and spin them at the same time, there is a likelihood that both will land on Heads/Tails more than the predicted 50% chance, if it were a random act? FACT!
Everything in the Universe is joined together by an unknown force. [OFFICIALLY UNKNOWN, that is]
We are all joined together by our genes. Research twins.
Remote Viewing is the ability to see objects/people in time and space and successfully draw them from sketches in ones mind. LSD "can" do the same.
Even Sophie Raworth (mainstream media NWO boot-licker) has interviewed a Remote Viewer on Breakfast TV, shortly after the search for Osama Bin Laden was on. One could see she was totally gob-smacked by the experience. Research Operation Stargate which police, all around the world, use ex-operatives from.

Just imagine being able to look into Kelly Brook`s shower when she`d just turned 18 and... No I must stop it. ;)

The cold war ended because both sides had perfected the spying game. They could see each others secrets before they had even thought of them! :o

The phoney hunt for Osama is just a politics game. He is already dead, on ice, waiting to be trawled out at the most opportune time. So says a high-up source in the Pentagon that has never got his predictions wrong. Source: Alex Jones Radio Show.

Dan Bates (doubting Thomas):

LOL - at last ! I knew they [Black Helicopters] were coming.

Alex Jones didn`t know and he ain`t laughing. He was chased around a South Texas field by one, whilst out filming the police state in Gulag America. He captured it on video for all to see. :p
You see Dan, you can even program the mind (via peer pressure) into laughing at the phrases `black helicopters` and `conspiracy theories`.
Dan`s `faulty programming` reminds me of an old 1960`s Anti-NWO documentary from my archives. If David Icke was not to your liking, get it. (12Mb RealMedia Copyright Exempt).
Get it anyway. It is something that should be taught in every school and is so much more relevant today. The time is running out to de-program you lot about CIA`s Al Qaeda.

I am keeping this as short as possible for Mr Oates` benefit. Learn how to speed-read man! Hint: Apply theta waves to your ears, as in Brave New World (the movie).
Download the 1960`s anti-NWO movie I uploaded. Cogitate on its message and start thinking outside the box.
After a few more movies of this ilk you will start thinking just like me. :D

This item was edited on Monday, 22nd March 2004, 07:26

RE: Jay Windley

Lol @ the mind control and DNA disruptor towers. But I digress...

I`m cutting and pasting because I have to leave in two minutes. And I so wanted to say something to Stantz before I left. ;)

Research "H.A.A.R.P", RJS. Then cry.

Project Moonstruck, 1952, CIA:
Electronic implants in brain and teeth
Targeting: Long range Implanted during surgery or surreptitiously
during abduction
Frequency range: HF - ELF transceiver implants
Purpose: Tracking, mind and behavior control, conditioning,
programming, covert operations Functional Basis: Electronic Stimulation of the Brain, E.S.B.

Project MK-ULTRA, 1953, CIA:
Drugs, electronics and electroshock
Targeting: Short range
Frequencies: VHF HF UHF modulated at ELF Transmission
Reception: Local production
Purpose: Programming behavior, creation of "cyborg" mentalities
Effects: narcoleptic trance, programming by suggestion Subprojects: Many.
Pseudonym: Project Artichoke
Functional Basis: Electronic Dissolution of Memory, E.D.O.M.

Project Orion, 1958, U.S.A.F:
Drugs, hypnosis, and ESB
Targeting: Short range, in person
Frequencies: ELF Modulation Transmission and Reception: Radar, microwaves, modulated at ELF frequencies
Purpose: Top security personnel debreifing, programming, insure security and loyalty
Pseudonym: "Dreamland"

MK-DELTA, 1960, CIA:
Fine-tuned electromagnetic subliminal programming
Targeting: Long Range
Frequencies: VHF HF UHF Modulated at ELF Transmission and Reception:
Television antennae, radio antennae, power lines,
mattress spring coils, modulation on 60 Hz wiring.
Purpose: programming behavior and attitudes in general population
Effects: fatigue, mood swings, behavior dysfunction and social
criminality, mood swings
Pseudonym: "Deep Sleep", R.H.I.C.

Location: Montauk, Long Island
(Electronic multi-directional targeting of
select population groups)
Targeting: Medium range
Frequencies: Radar, microwaves. EHF UHF modulated
Power: Gigawatt through Terawatt
Purpose: Loading of Earth Grids, planetary sonombulescence to stave off
geological activity, specific-point earthquake creation, population
programming for sensitized individuals
Pseudonym: "Rainbow", ZAP
[other locations on harmonic geographical regions using the earth as a
transmitter, i.e., Pine Gap, Australia and other locations]

Electronic directed targeting of individuals or populations
Targeting: Large population groups assembled
Display: Black helicopters flying in triad formation of three
Power: 100,000 watts
Frequency: UHF
Purpose: Large group management and behavior control, riot control
Allied Agencies: FEMA
Pseudonym: "Black Triad" A.E.M.C

RF MEDIA, 1990, CIA:
Electronic, multi-directional subliminal suggestion and programming
Location: Boulder, Colorado (Location of main cell telephone node,
national television synchronization node) [21st Frame Sync - television]
Targeting: national population of the United States
Frequencies: ULF VHF HF Phase modulation
Power: Gigawatts
Implementation: Television and radio communications, the "videodrome" signals
Purpose: Programming and triggering behavioral desire, subversion of
psychic abilities of population, preparatory processing for mass electromagnetic control
Pseudonym: "Buzz Saw" E.E.M.C. [The Buzz]

TOWER, 1990, CIA, NSA: (Telephone Cell Towers)
Electronic cross country subliminal programming and suggestion
Targeting: Mass population, short-range intervals, long-range cumulative
Frequencies: Microwave, EHF SHF
Methodology: Cellular telephone system, ELF modulation
Purpose: Programming through neural resonance and encoded information
Effect: Neural degeneration, DNA resonance modification, psychic suppression
Pseudonym: "Wedding Bells"

HAARP, 1995, CIA, NSA, ONR: (High-frequency Active Aroral Research Program)
Electromagnetic resonant induction and mass population control
Location: Gakona, Alaska
Frequencies: Atmospheric phase-locked resonant UHF VHF
Potential: DNA code alteration in population and mass behavior modification
Power: Giga-watt to Tera-watt range Step-Down reflective frequencies:
Approx 1.1 GHz, Human DNA resonant frequency, cellular system phase-lock

To get to the HAARP site go to

Electromagnetic resonant induction and mass population control
Location: Nationwide
Frequencies: Emotional wavelengths, data gathering through helocopter
probes following media events - rebroadcast in order to
restimulate population emotional levels for recreation of event scenarios. Ref: LE#108, March 1998
Potential: Mass behavior modification
Power: Unknown. Possibly rebroadcast through GWEN network or cellular
tower frequencies, coordinated from NBS in Colorado.
Imagine about the capability of the secret programmes we dont know about.

Carlyle Group.

Jay, how can we be sure that you aren`t working for a secret organisation yourself, and trying to distract us all from the real issues with all this claptrap?

Coz I dont talk about Lizards and obvious nonsense! ;)

I cant recall quickly the best places to look on mind-control programmes (time constraints). Try this.

I have an electronic background. It would be all too easy to make one of these.
If only I could get close enough to Kelly brook!!!
"You are feeling, drowsy. You are feeling thirsty" ;)

Really must go. If IronDuke is in New York, God help him. He didnt have much of a brain to start with.

This item was edited on Saturday, 20th March 2004, 13:51

RE: Jay Windley

Some interesting things there. You know I do believe I have quite an open mind, and I do feel that there is so much that goes on within the governments and behind the scenes that we really don`t know about.

Extremely intelligent lad this Ben. :)
There are thousands of anomalies concerning 9/11 that if you chose to look would absolutely guarantee you`d be converted to our cause.

This stuff Jay Windley/Carrot is posting may not be his own words, but it`s still interesting. Not that I believe it mind, but I remain sceptical over a lot of things.

The only think I recall cuting and pasting was the Prince Charles is Satan revelations, and then only a few paragraphs.
The rest (unless I am truly mistaken) is my only two fingered typing.
Stasi has made a lot of this plagiarism slur. I rise above such criticism by ignoring it.
I dont want anyone here to believe what I`m saying. I suggest you look for yourself. It wont be long before you`re ready to fight back.
Imagine if you see what I am saying to be true. You inform a friend and after a while, with a bit of luck, he will tell another...and infinitum.
The chances of bombs going off are reduced and the Globalist will retreat (temporarily).
But remember, all the illuminati have to do, to get you to fall in line, is to frighten you witless. They will if they have to use shock and awe as a control mechanism.
They are the experts at mind control/animal psychology and always have been.

One question, why exactly is everyone getting so wound up over this guy anyway?

Neo shook he head and vomitted when he realised the truth.
Films like the Matrix/1984 /Brave New World/Alice In Wonderland etc are really more than they first appear.
Peoples `subconscious` may be coming round to the awful truth.

Going out now. Back Monday.

RE: Jay Windley

Those fighting this phoney war on terror, or perhaps know somebody in it, may want to pass this on.

A quote from Henry Kissinger:

"The military are dumb animals to be used in the furtherance of our foreign policy"

"Heinz" Henry Kissinger of Operation Paperclip fame talking about American soldiers.


RE: Jay Windley

wow, for a moment there I almost cared.. no I didn`t

The Hegelian Dialectic was made for the sheep to follow. Get in line.

RE: Jay Windley

Jay - quick question for you - I`ve read this thread and.....what`s your point

My point: Wake up Cattle, we about to be slaughtered. The lucky ones (if you can call them that) will be enslaved.

The slaves will be prisoners to the New World Order`s whims
Michellin have just put RFID chips in their tyres. They will be able to track you wherever you go. Also useful for speed traps, eh?
Walmart are now insisting RFID must be used by ALL their suppliers.
Tesco tried it briefly but customers (made aware) caused a fuss and got it stopped.
At the very least there are important civil liberites issues here.
Nanotechnology RFID chips will soon be a reality. Fancy someone putting that in your food or injection (without telling you) and being able to have the added bonus of controlling your bodily functions!
U.S. senators have asked for mind control towers (they exist - declassified) to be put up around cities to control rowdy demonstrations. Read Brave New World?
Also DNA disruptor towers (they exist - declassified). What do you think they are capable of? Nanotechnology has many nightmarish consequencies.
I dont much fancy the man behind the curtain turning off my switch via remote control.
Look at the people running the world and see what their evil record is.
Would you want Bush/Blair having that power over you?

I rest my case. (for the time being)

I lie, I forgot to mention how Vietnam and Pearl Harbor were obviously started under false pretexts. The 3 chiefs-of-staff admit now that Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen.
Pop in a video of Tora! Tora! Tora! and see the look on those guys faces.
Vietnam was commenced because a US ship was attacked by the enemy.
A lie it later turned out. Millions of dead later. Henry Kissinger is the main sleaze-ball running this war. Look at how he delayed a peaceful outcome of the Vietnam war in order to help Nixon. He manipulated two countries into war by spreading lies to each one about the others intentions. An old illuminati trick.
The Hegelian Dialectic played out time and time again and nobody (here that is) is any the wiser after each event. >:(

Made me vomit to see Blair and co shaking Kissinger`s hand on the steps of 10 Downing Street. Dont they remember what his mate Pinochet did to their socialists friends?
He along with Pinochet should have been arrested and tried as the war criminals they undoubtedly are. Piano wire around their necks, nice and slow.

Why trust people like this with your liberties? Only a fool would imho.

This item was edited on Saturday, 20th March 2004, 11:05