Page 1 of amsterdam

General Forum


Eggster (Competent) posted this on Monday, 22nd March 2004, 18:31

Well im of to amsterdam tommorow morning does anybody have any does and donts and which are the best coffee shops to visit.

RE: amsterdam

Butterfield8 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 22nd March 2004, 19:22

I`ve only been the once and only for two nights......I liked the Grasshopper and the British Bulldog Cafe`s/Restaurants..... warned, however, I no teetotaller with the green but I lost a whole day!! :D

You`ll have a great time mate, I`m sure.


RE: amsterdam

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Monday, 22nd March 2004, 19:38

Dont buy anything from anyone on the street as they will almost certainly try to rob you. Dont flash yor cash and dont ever take out anything with you you will be upset to lose.

Go on a tour of the canals and go see the sex museum (if only for the 15 foot wang).

Its not too rare to be taken advantage of there, but the good more than outweighs the bad!


RE: amsterdam

Dance Like A Monkey (Elite) posted this on Monday, 22nd March 2004, 19:45

Don`t buy anything of the black fellas who offer you (in a whispered voice) "Coke, pu$$y, E etc". They will hassle you all the time if they know you are a tourist, but the stuff they sell is absolute sh*t. We were told by the Dutch police that a lot of them also carry knives, so don`t try to act smart with them. Tell them you`re not interested and try not to make eye contact until they leave you alone.

The Banana Club live show is "interesting", and haggle with the ticket salesman, don`t accept his first price.

If you haven`t sorted out accomodation yet, get yourself to the VVV (that`s Vee Vee Vee) and they can sort it out for you. I recommend the Ij Boulevard for cheap, basic stays (it is just around the corner form the Station)

Listen to RobBut and don`t use too much gear. It`s a lot stronger (or it certainly seems that way) than what you get here, and you`ll end up falling in the canal!

Just remembered, for about 2 Euros you can buy a map at the VVV from a dispenser. Very handy (and it shows you where the Red Light area is).

Have fun! It is a very interesting city.

RE: amsterdam

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Monday, 22nd March 2004, 20:18

Don`t get involved in any stupid bets involving whores.

A lad I know went with some of his mates and ended up losing a bet and having to get a "suck and f***" from a 20 stone black beast of a woman (nothing racist here, just building up the image)

RE: amsterdam

N16 BLK (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 22nd March 2004, 23:38

Great place but agree with that drug stuff previously mentioned. Be careful with your mobile also .I had mine contract phone pinched by a drug pusher at 12 at night , won`t go into the details but I could have got in serious bother trying to get it back. Anyhow could not get in touch with anyone usefull back home cos i`d lost my phone and could`nt remember many numbers :/ and no one over in Holand had heard of one 2 one (as it was ) I managed to report the phone stolen to one 2 one at 7.30 by which time nearly £500 worth of calls had been made to Pakistan , Hong kong , India and Italy.

It did not put me off going back though and have had some great times.You will enjoy it , just be a bit wary after dark - and drink !


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