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Name the (TV) movies

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 20th February 2004, 23:31

First one was early 80`s, i think, about a guy that basically cloned himself, many, many times. The only thing that I remember was that the guy had a tache and that one of his clones had trouble accepting that he was a clone, thinking he was the original.

The second was Early 90`s, and was a Pilot for a series that never happened. Basically an astronaut gets a face-full of solar radiation while taking photo`s of the sun`s corona (or something)

When he returns to earth he discovers that if he looks at the sun, he gains super powers, changing the colour of his eyes the more solar energy he absorbs. There were different colours, going up to red, which was dangerous, as he was shown a model of what happens when he`s over-exposed (his head melts). The final scenes with the bad guy(s) happened in an observatory. (where his eyes went red, heightening the drama)


Idle Ramblings
My Collection

RE: Name the (TV) movies

julianf (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 21st February 2004, 00:16

No idea Stantz but they both sound FANTASTIC !!!


I always said I wouldn`t use a signature

RE: Name the (TV) movies

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 21st February 2004, 01:08

Second one sounds like an episode of The Outer Limits.

RE: Name the (TV) movies

nice1 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 21st February 2004, 01:38

First movie sounds like Multiplicity
But I guess it can`t be cos it`s not tv movie

My DVD collection

RE: Name the (TV) movies

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 21st February 2004, 01:56

Give us a few more clues. Can you remember anyone in either production?

J Mark Oates

Do not be alarmed. That strange sound is simply
my mind boggling.

RE: Name the (TV) movies

LondonLee (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 21st February 2004, 03:53

Sorry to steal the limelight from your thread Stanz, but can someone help me with my one?

I think this American film is from the 80`s. It was a guy who was in a strange town (isn`t it always?) with what appeared to be zombie like people (I remember a part when he was in a diner, and the old black waitress serving him, turned into one).

This guy also had a watch that slowed down time (as well as some other cool gadgets), there was a scene when someone shot at him. He activated his watch and saw the bullet coming at him. I`ve got `Time..` in my head as part of the title, and its sooo annoying...

I want to find it as I`m doing a parody of this film and The Matrix...can anyone help?

This item was edited on Saturday, 21st February 2004, 03:54

RE: Name the (TV) movies

WRabbit (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 21st February 2004, 04:45

Was the astronaut one Heat Vision and Black?

RE: Name the (TV) movies

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 21st February 2004, 09:24

is the second one NORTHSTAR

I remember seeing that one xmas.. really liked it ..

RE: Name the (TV) movies

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 21st February 2004, 11:37

I think we have a winner with Northstar...

The other `film` was a long shot, it`s very old now, and I couldn`t tell you who was in it.


Idle Ramblings
My Collection

RE: Name the (TV) movies

bodegg (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 21st February 2004, 12:45

The film with the watch slowing down time thing is `Trancers` starring Tim Thomerson and the lovely Helen Hunt,mmmmm.
Incidentally, the IMDB site is a bloody good resource for film and TV stuff.It even lets you type in basic plot details which is handy.

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