Page 1 of I Just Gotta Let Off Steam !!!!!!!!!!!

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I Just Gotta Let Off Steam !!!!!!!!!!!

dkuk2000 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 22nd January 2004, 18:55

I`ve worked for a large retailer for the past fifteen years with no real problems really UNTIL ....................i booked my wedding last september and over christmas was offered the chance of staying in a hotel in scotland for the honey moon (good price).
I was unable to book any holiday time until early january ,when i did this i was toldQuote:
I`m afraid that date clashes with stocktaking

As a result of this i may have to leave my job which i think is out of order as i`ve not let them down on any previous stocktake !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(

Thats better now i got that off my chest

RE: I Just Gotta Let Off Steam !!!!!!!!!!!

GregWW (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 22nd January 2004, 18:58



....says it all really :/

RE: I Just Gotta Let Off Steam !!!!!!!!!!!

Stuart McLean (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 22nd January 2004, 18:59

Time for stock taking of your life dkuky... >:(

If this is their attitude you should cast a beady eye on what else is out there...
Some retail Managers get so wrapped up in the job that they forget some people have a life...time to get on with yours!! 8)

RE: I Just Gotta Let Off Steam !!!!!!!!!!!

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 22nd January 2004, 23:50

That sounds really bad.

If you can find another job, it will give you a massive amount of satisfaction to tell them to stick the stocktake up their arse.

Most fools think they are only ignorant

RE: I Just Gotta Let Off Steam !!!!!!!!!!!

marksparks999 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 23rd January 2004, 07:10

Mate, i have worked for two major high street chains as store manaegr for well over eleven years now, you have to ask yourself the question, `what would happen if you were run over by a bus for that period, and couldn`t make it because you were in hospital?`

They would find somebody to cover pro-tem for you, so i am bloody sure they can do it because of your weddding, after all i assume the wedding was planned before the stockdate?

Any doubts speak to your line manager, and explain that if you get no resolution of the problem then you would have to take this up with Employee Relations/ or Human Resources...

What ever stick to your principles, good managers are hard to find, and if you fall into that category they will do everything they can to hold on to you!

cheers, mark.

`I plan to live forever, or die trying` ;)

RE: I Just Gotta Let Off Steam !!!!!!!!!!!

BallisticJack (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 23rd January 2004, 09:35

Way out of line on their part. It`s your honeymoon for Christ`s sake, not just another holiday! Surely they can arrange cover?

RE: I Just Gotta Let Off Steam !!!!!!!!!!!

Butterfield8 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 23rd January 2004, 10:54

Forget the job - I mean I`d be more worried what the other half would say if you tell them you can`t do honeymoon `cause of stocktaking!!

I know what mine would have said - probably something along the lines of:

..."maybe we wont be needing that Honeymoon after all...."



RE: I Just Gotta Let Off Steam !!!!!!!!!!!

dkuk2000 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 23rd January 2004, 19:52

Had long meeting today with boss he explained his side of the situation and i explained mine and after lots pro`s and con`s the company have granted my leave :D .
Deep down i must mean something to them. ;)

RE: I Just Gotta Let Off Steam !!!!!!!!!!!

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 23rd January 2004, 19:56

either that or they`ll be auditioning a replacement whilst you`re away ;) :o

only kiddin` good on ya :D


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