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Worst cut - who`s lost the most blood?

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 13th January 2004, 20:31

Bit gruesome, but should make for interesting reading..

What`s the worst single blood-letting injury you`ve sustained? Personally, from the ages of 16-18 I worked in a HSE-avoiding stapler-making factory. Bit dull, but I got to work with heavy machinery and things that made sparks. (I probably should look into this ADD)

Anyhoo, One day I was working on the guilloutine (sp?) cutting sheets of zinc-coated aluminium. Long story short, while picking up the metal (no gloves supplied) one piece slid in the pile and cut my finger (left index) at the first joint above the hand. The cut itself was probably less than half a centimetre, but the blood, while not arcing, flowed profusely for about an hour. I asked if I could go to the hospital but my boss told me it was only a small cut and not to over-react. Yes, it was small, but the small-but-ever-increasing puddle of blood told me that it was quite serious. Anyway, I worked on, operating heavy machinery while blood soaked thru the paltry elastoplast I`d been supplied with. half an hour later and I was on the floor.

They decided to let me go home early, but didn`t pay be for the time I had off

RE: Worst cut - who`s lost the most blood?

enemyonpc (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 13th January 2004, 20:48

The worst one i ever had was when i was 11. I was play fighting with my mate on some weeded wastground and i fell over with milk bottle to break my fall. The bottom of the bottle went into my leg just below the knee. It didnt look or feel like it went in much and there was hardly any blood and being a kid i didnt know better and pulled the glass out and a stream of blood actually spurted out, then it just gushed for about the 15 minutes it took to get me to AE. I`ll never forget it though coz it ruined the new trainers i got for my birthday a couple of days before.

I love seeing blood, just not my own.


RE: Worst cut - who`s lost the most blood?

Shadow Sonic (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 13th January 2004, 22:01

When i was 15 I was having a water fight with my mate in his back garden, and I went into my garden to get some water guns from the shed. now to get to our shed you have to walk down a path down by the side of the garage. Obviously as a water fight was exciting then I was running down this path down to the shed, and my dog got excited and ran in front of me . I tripped up over the dog and cracked my head against the garage which happens to be lined with lots of small pointed stones. Cracked my head open, lots of blood, fainted for a very short period, and even after that it took me 5 hours in A+E to get seen to. Thats the NHS for you.

There is no such thing as stupid questions, just stupid people!

RE: Worst cut - who`s lost the most blood?

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 13th January 2004, 23:29

About aged 11, I was being annoyed by my 9 year old brother. I tried to ignore him (as parents always tell you to!). Eventually decided enough was enough and went after him.

He shot away, so I sprinted. He was nearing the living room door so I raised my hand and went to whack him one. He closed the door behind him. My hand was hurtling towards the blunt but protruding door handle faster than I could say "Oh s*** 11 year old`s don`t swear".

Anyway, to "cut" a long story short, I ended up with a 15mm cut right across the middle of the palm of my right hand, blood squirting out of my hand like a stuttering never ending ejaculation, followed by an incompetent doctor who decided stitches weren`t for me.

I now, 9 years later, have an unsightly white scar in the middle of my palm that I can move around under my skin if I push hard enough. I am proud of it!

Most fools think they are only ignorant

RE: Worst cut - who`s lost the most blood?

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 13th January 2004, 23:33

I was messing about in a friend`s back garden when I was very young, and I tried to leap over a small brick wall. .......I failed miserably, and tripped on this wall to fall face first into the top edge of another wall right on my top front teeth, which were smashed to pieces and torn right out of my mouth.

That bled quite a lot I seem to remember, as I nearly choked on it all. I was passing teeth for days afterwards. Isn`t nostalgia wonderful...although it`s not as good as it used to be :p

My collection

RE: Worst cut - who`s lost the most blood?

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 13th January 2004, 23:51

2 quick stories...

about 10 years old.. on my Raleigh Strika` ... fleeing down a bank.. hit a brick.. went over the handle bars and scraped my two front teeth along the pavement before they decided to snap and come out of my jaw.. (i swear there were sparks!!.. lol)

about 15 years old... f***ing around with a butterfly knife... my mate grabs it off me.. so i try to get it back.. i had my hands around his as he gripped the handle... he then decided to pull down.. slicing my little finger in two... ( i have a lovely scar that really goes pink in the sunlight!)

"Just say NO!"

RE: Worst cut - who`s lost the most blood?

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 13th January 2004, 23:54

ah yes!....teeth stories are great :-).....of course, nowadays we have people who would gladly sue the makers of brick walls and pavements for creating these evil hard things that are dangerous when you smash your face against them.

My collection

RE: Worst cut - who`s lost the most blood?

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 14th January 2004, 00:01

Haggis, those two stories have made my buttocks clench together so much that I`m not totally sure if I still have a crack.

Most fools think they are only ignorant

RE: Worst cut - who`s lost the most blood?

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 14th January 2004, 03:01

we should take pictures of our wounds and compare... just like hooper and quint in Jaws

RE: Worst cut - who`s lost the most blood?

Fitz (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 14th January 2004, 09:06

Sliced open my left hand with a Stanley knife whilst stripping power cable when putting electric cooker in. Wife ran me to hospital with me holding hand above heart level. Required 18 stitches.


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