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Damn you Tescos!!

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Friday, 10th October 2003, 15:41

Went in on my lunch hour to buy a sarnie and came out with Matrix reloaded and a 4 pack of Becks.

Damn im weak.

Damn you Cash Converters!!!!

Spooky_UK (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 10th October 2003, 15:52

I went into town today to buy my usual Brie and Bacon baguette (£2.00) and ended up buying a 2nd hand PC from Cash Converters for £650!

It`s an AMD 3000+, 120Gb HDD, 512Mb DDR RAM, DVD Drive, DVD/RW, 15" TFT & Printer!


RE: Damn you Cash Converters!!!!

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 10th October 2003, 20:58

wen`t into sainsbury`s to buy some sausages and walked out with a new portable TV/VCR

RE: Damn you Cash Converters!!!!

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 10th October 2003, 21:38

Went into Budgens, bought a sandwich and left.

(Dunno why I closed this last nite - apologies)

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This item was edited on Sunday, 12th October 2003, 00:02

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