Page 1 of Let`s write a story : two half-sentences each only 2
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Let`s write a story : two half-sentences each only 2

the eggman (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd July 2003, 15:55

Two half-sentences each per posting only, so that the next person has to finish off the preceding sentence, and then start their own. Here goes :

The Terminator was out looking for beaver when he suddenly realised he needed a shave, Suddenly a voice boomed out Gillette the best a frog can get The Terminator thought thats not right everyone knows its Gillette the best an Armourdillo can get and headed of towards the source of the voice only to find...

RE: Let`s write a story : two half-sentences each only 2

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd July 2003, 16:24


RE: Let`s write a story : two half-sentences each only 2

PDK (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd July 2003, 16:31

Hate to break it to you, but that was 1 and a half sentences. Plus these things are very annoying!

RE: Let`s write a story : two half-sentences each only 2

clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd July 2003, 18:09

Been there, done it, and ended up with about three people posting by the end of it - very tedious :(

Sorry, but thread closed

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