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Anyone heard of Anthony Robbins? (corporate/life coach/mentor type jobby)

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 17th June 2003, 14:29

I all,

Ive been invited to one of his seminars in london in a couple of weeks. Supposed to be life changing stuff. He`s apparently written loads of books and stuff about positiev thinking and will power and stuff like that.

Anyone seen him/ heard of him/ read any of his books??

Your thought please.


RE: Anyone heard of Anthony Robbins? (corporate/life coach/mentor type jobby)

Pistol (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 17th June 2003, 14:37

I believe a lot of his stuff is to do with Neuro Linguistic Programming, which I have found to be quite interesting. Basically you can influence yourself (and others) through using positive images and influencing techniques. You can read too much into it if you`re not careful, but it is interesting. If you watch someone who`s good at it it`s amazing what they can do. I think he might even be the guy who gets people to firewalk on stage. I`d go if it was offered just to see what it was like.

RE: Anyone heard of Anthony Robbins? (corporate/life coach/mentor type jobby)

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 17th June 2003, 14:42

Thats right - I`ll hopefully be firewalking at the end of the first day - its a 4 day session!


RE: Anyone heard of Anthony Robbins? (corporate/life coach/mentor type jobby)

Anil Khedun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 17th June 2003, 14:42

The guy is amazing, you will not regret this one bit. I have his audio programs and he is without doubt one of the best motivational speakers in the world. If he talks about the "mastermind" group, you`ll be astounded. :-) You`ll no doubt go over causality (cause and effect) and positive affirmations amongst other topics.

Brian Tracey, Robert Kiyosaki and Earl Nightingale are other prominent speakers and who are very impressive to listen to. There are tonnes of books out there. I can recommend:

"Conversations with Millionaires" by Mike Littman
"Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki

Any of the Nightingale Conant series.

Just one thing, don`t just listen, act on what you take in at the seminar. I`d be interested to hear your thoughts after you`ve been. :-)

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RE: Anyone heard of Anthony Robbins? (corporate/life coach/mentor type jobby)

Mix Man (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 17th June 2003, 14:46

The bloke absolutey radiates positivity. And he looks like Jaws out of the Bond films, but with great teeth.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 17th June 2003, 15:48

RE: Anyone heard of Anthony Robbins? (corporate/life coach/mentor type jobby)

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 17th June 2003, 15:04


Anil - Has he said/done anything that has directly influenced you? Yep - dont worry I`ll certainly be reporting back as to how the course goes.

Its not until the 4th july at the Excel Centre so it`ll be after that!


RE: Anyone heard of Anthony Robbins? (corporate/life coach/mentor type jobby)

Mix Man (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 17th June 2003, 15:23


From what I`ve seen of Robbins on TV, he is an excellent motivational speaker. However, he is also in the business of SELLING his services, so be prepared to listen to the sales pitch for his audio-cassettes, etc, as well as the whole Frank TJ Mackey "thing".

RE: Anyone heard of Anthony Robbins? (corporate/life coach/mentor type jobby)

porno for pirates (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 17th June 2003, 15:32

This sort of `chicken soup for the soul` glurge should always be regarded with the utmost scepticism. Listening to a few CDs by the late, great Bill Hicks may well give you a far healthier outlook on life.

RE: Anyone heard of Anthony Robbins? (corporate/life coach/mentor type jobby)

Anil Khedun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 17th June 2003, 16:04

>>>This sort of `chicken soup for the soul` glurge should always be regarded with the utmost scepticism.

A note of cynicism Dwight? I would say don`t knock it until you`ve actually applied the principles. Yes there is a common sense to it, but it also has things you might not think about.

I`m lucky that my brother has the audio tapes so no expense on my part. As for directly influencing myself....I think if anything I believe that nothing is insurmountable, within reason, and the only reason why I might not try to do something might be borne out of fear of failure.

I`m much more willing and determined to succeed in what I do. I believe in myself. Is this the part where the applause comes in and we all do high-fives? LOL!

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RE: Anyone heard of Anthony Robbins? (corporate/life coach/mentor type jobby)

Mix Man (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 17th June 2003, 16:16

Respect the c o c k, tame the C U Next Tuesday.....

Frank TJ Mackey rocks.....

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